Basics of Bloodtransfusion


Offizielle Daten in der Fachveröffentlichung für das folgende akademische Jahr: 2024-2025


  • Miseta Attila János

    Institute of Laboratory Medicine


Vorlesungen: 3

Praktika: 4

Seminare: 0

Insgesamt: 7


  • Kode des Kurses: OAR-VTA-T
  • 0 kredit
  • General Medicine
  • Criterion requirement modul
  • autumn

OAP-BPR-T finished , OAP-GT2-T finished , OAP-KO2-T finished

Zahl der Kursteilnehmer für den Kurs:

min. 5 – max. 120


The aim of the subject is to provide the theoretical and practical basics necessary for transfusion therapy.

The topic of the subject: blood products, transfusion complications, ABO and RhD blood groups, blood grouping in theory and practice. The subject is based on physiological, pathophysiological, haematological, and emergency medical studies.

Number of classes: 3 hour lectures, 4 hour practices


1. Presentation of blood, blood products and their indications

1.1. Place of transfusion medicine in medical sciences

1.2. Principle of transfusion

1.3. Theory of blood conservation

1.4. Production of blood products and their types

1.5. Administration of blood products, their indication and hazards

1.6. Future of transfusion medicine

2. Complications of transfusion

2.1. Transfusion guidelines - Who can perform transfusion?

2.2. Symptoms indicating transfusion side effects

2.3. Categorisation of transfusion complications

2.4. Symptoms, treatment, and prevention of transfusion complications

2.5. Infection transmission with blood products

2.6. Haemovigilance

3. Resource management in blood supply

A prerequisite of the hospitals safe supply with blood components is the conscious and efficient management of scarce resources. A most important such resource is the healthy, group-specific full-blood, the so called national blood treasure being beared by the national donor-pool. The management of the national donor-pool - with particular focus on the donor- and recipient age-trees changing and aging in different ways - is a most important task. The institutional (both blood-bank and hospital) management of the completed blood-components is impossible without an integrated information system that takes into consideration logistics, expiration and possible disposal of the preparations.


1. Practice - ABO blood group system - ABO blood grouping

(the test must be performed on two blood samples)

1.1. General theory: Elements of transfusiolon medicine: preparative and clinical transfusiology. Blood group serology - Immunhaematology

1.2. Theoretical studies relevant to practice

1.2.1. Concepts of antibody, antigen

1.2.2. Properties of red blood cell antigens

1.2.3. Properties of antibodies against red blood cell antigens

1.2.4. Landsteiner's rule

1.2.5. Agglutination reaction

1.2.6. Blood group serological test methods

1.2.7. Concept of clinical and laboratory blood grouping and their application

1.3. ABO blood grouping on slide

1.3.1. Signing of blood sample tubes, administration of slides

1.3.2. Preparation of cell suspensions (50% and 10%)

1.3.3. Test procedure

1.3.4. Sources of errors

1.3.5. Individual evaluation of test results

2. Practice - Rh blood group system, antibody tests - RhD blood grouping

(the test must be performed on two blood samples)

2.1. Theoretical overview

2.1.1. Antigens of the Rh system - Rh phenotype

2.1.2. Specificity of RhD antigen

2.1.3. Properties of antibodies against Rh antigens

2.2. RhD grouping on slide

2.2.1. Administration of blood sample tube and slide

2.2.2. Preparation of cell suspension (50%)

2.2.3. Test procedure

2.2.4. Sources of errors

2.2.5. Individual evaluation of test results

2.3. Bed side card usage

2.3.1. Purpose of bed side card

2.3.2. Principle of function

2.3.3. Test procedure

2.3.4. Sources of error

2.3.5. Individual evaluation of test results

2.4. Antibody tests - presentation

2.4.1. Elements and concept of compatibility

2.4.2. Purpose and principle of the test

2.4.3. Antibody screening and identification

2.4.4. Presentation of gel card method, evaluation of tests in small groups - discussion of results


  • 1. Basics of transfusion medicine: Presentation of blood, blood products and their indications - Csernus Zita
  • 2. Basics of transfusion medicine: Complications of transfusion - Csernus Zita
  • 3. Resource management in blood supply - Csernus Zita


  • 1. Basics of transfusion medicine: ABO blood group system - ABO blood grouping
  • 2. Basics of transfusion medicine: ABO blood group system - ABO blood grouping
  • 3. Basics of transfusion medicine: Rh blood group system, antibody tests - RhD blood grouping
  • 4. Basics of transfusion medicine: Rh blood group system, antibody tests - RhD blood grouping


Materialien zum Aneignen des Lehrstoffes

Obligatorische Literatur


Vom Institut veröffentlichter Lehrstoff




Empfohlene Literatur

National Blood Transfusion Service Pécs Regional Blood Transfusion Center Educational materials

Voraussetzung zum Absolvieren des Semesters




Möglichkeiten zur Nachholung der Fehlzeiten

Additional practices at another group


Included in the detailed thematics


Praktika, Seminarleiter/innen

  • Csernus Zita
  • Faust Zsuzsanna