Offizielle Daten in der Fachveröffentlichung für das folgende akademische Jahr: 2024-2025
Balaskó Márta
associate professor,
Vorlesungen: 28
Praktika: 0
Seminare: 0
Insgesamt: 28
- Kode des Kurses: OSP-KT1-T
- 2 kredit
- Dentistry
- Pre-clinical modul
- autumn
OSA-BKZ-T finished , OSA-EF1-T finished
Vizsgakurzus:Zahl der Kursteilnehmer für den Kurs:
min. 5 – max. 100
Pathophysiology for dental studens-1 connects basic functional and clinical subjects. Together with other preclinical subjects, it deals mainly with etiology, time-course, clinical symptoms and possible pharmacological or other interventions related to abnormalities of the cardiovascular, respiratory, hematological and renal systems, as well as with disorders of salt/water and pH balance.
- 1. Pathophysiology of circulation for dentists. - Balaskó Márta
- 2. Heart failure. - Balaskó Márta
- 3. Forward- and backward failure symptoms of heart failure. - Balaskó Márta
- 4. High-output cardiac failure. - Balaskó Márta
- 5. Failure of the coronary circulation: reversible and irreversible complications. - Balaskó Márta
- 6. Important arrhythmias in the dental practice 1. - Balaskó Márta
- 7. Important arrhythmias in the dental practice 2. - Balaskó Márta
- 8. Peripheral circulatory failures - collapse (vasovagal syncope). - Balaskó Márta
- 9. Causes of circulatory shock. - Balaskó Márta
- 10. Consequences of circulatory shock. - Balaskó Márta
- 11. Pathophysiology of the cerebral circulation. - Balaskó Márta
- 12. Hypertension. - Balaskó Márta
- 13. Dental aspects of ventilation. - Balaskó Márta
- 14. Sleep apnea syndrome. - Balaskó Márta
- 15. Alveolar hypoventilation. - Balaskó Márta
- 16. Mechanisms and consequences of respiratory failure. - Balaskó Márta
- 17. Obstructive and restrictive respiratory disorders. - Balaskó Márta
- 18. Alveolar hyperventilation. - Balaskó Márta
- 19. Pathophysiology of red blood cells. Anemias. - Balaskó Márta
- 20. Polycythemias. Pathophysiology of leukocytes for dentists. - Balaskó Márta
- 21. Pathophysiology of blood clotting for dentists. - Balaskó Márta
- 22. Pathophysiology of glomerular and tubular functions. - Balaskó Márta
- 23. Chronic renal failure, uremia. - Balaskó Márta
- 24. Pathophysiology of uremia for dentists. - Balaskó Márta
- 25.
Abnormalities of pH regulation: metabolic disorders.
- Pólai Fanni - 26.
Abnormalities of pH regulation: respiratory disorders.
- Pólai Fanni - 27. Pathophysiology of salt and water balance. - Balaskó Márta
- 28. Pathophysiology of osmoregulation. - Balaskó Márta
Materialien zum Aneignen des Lehrstoffes
Obligatorische Literatur
Székely Miklós (editor) Basic concepts in pathopysiology. Medicina Publishing House Budapest, 2019.
Vom Institut veröffentlichter Lehrstoff
Lecture and seminar slides will be uploaded to TEAMS.
M. Székely (ed.): Basic Concepts in Pathophysiology, ÁOK PTE, 2007
Empfohlene Literatur
Medical Problems in Dentistry, ed: Crispian Scully, Churchill Livingstone; 7th edition, 2014
S. Silbernagl, F. Lang: Color Atlas of Pathophysiology, Thieme Stuttgart _ New York, 2000
Voraussetzung zum Absolvieren des Semesters
Möglichkeiten zur Nachholung der Fehlzeiten
A maximum of 15 % absence is allowed. It corresponds to 4 times 45 minutes.
Pathophysiology of the cardiovascular system for dentists.
Causes and forms of chronic heart failure.
High output cardiac failure.
Forward failure symptoms (left- and right-sided) in heart failure.
Backward failure symptoms (left- and right-sided) in heart failure.
Collaps, vasovagal syncope, and other circulatory abnormalities leading to loss of consciousness.
Definition, causes and symptoms of circulatory shock. Pathophysiology of the development of shock.
Consequences of circulatory shocks.
Coronary insufficiency, symptoms of pectoral angina and acute myocardial infarction (ECG signs) and their consequences.
Cerebral ischemia, stroke.
General pathophysiology and classification of systemic hypertension. Age and blood pressure.
Primary hypertension: characteristics and etiological factors.
Consequences of hypertension and its importance in dentistry.
Important arrhythmias in the dental practice.
Pathophysiology of the respiratory system for dentists.
Sleep-apnea syndrome.
Alveolar hypoventilation.
Obstructive ventilatory disorders
Bronchial asthma
Restrictive ventilatory disorders.
Alveolar hyperventilation.
Forms and mechanisms of hypoxia. Ways of compensation.
Cyanosis, CO-poisoning, methemoglobinemia.
Forms, general pathophysiology and consequences of anemia.
Deficiency anemias
The most important causes and consequences of hemolytic anemias
Pathophysiology of leukocytes and inflammation for dentists.
Bleeding abnormalities due to platelet or vascular factors.
Congenital coagulopathies.
Acquired coagulopathies and related drug effects.
Thrombosis: causes and consequences.
Glomerular hypofiltration, hyperfiltration and their consequences.
Disorders of tubular functions, hyposthenuria, osmotic diuresis..
Proteinurias: forms, causes and consequences.
Chronic renal failure, causes, pathophysiological characteristics, progression.
Metabolic disorders and organ dysfunctions in uremia
Pathophysiology of uremia for dentists.
Acute renal failures.
Compensation of pH-abnormalities (plasma and intracellular puffers, respiration, kidney) and their disturbances.
Metabolic acidosis: causes, compensation, consequences.
Metabolic alkalosis: causes, compensation, consequences.
Respiratory acidosis: causes, compensation, consequences.
Respiratory alkalosis: causes, compensation, consequences.
States of decreased extracellular volume, and their consequences.
States of elevated extracellular volume: causes, mechanisms and consequences.
Hyperosmolarity, hypertonicity. Forms, causes, consequences.
Hypotonicity: pathogenesis and consequences.
Hypo- and hyperkalemia.
Note: Oral exam on the basis of 3 questions from the list above.
- Balaskó Márta
- Burzánné Pétervári Erika