Pharmaceutical Chemistry 2 - Theory


Offizielle Daten in der Fachveröffentlichung für das folgende akademische Jahr: 2024-2025



Vorlesungen: 28

Praktika: 0

Seminare: 0

Insgesamt: 28


  • Kode des Kurses: OPG-R2E-T
  • 2 kredit
  • Pharmacy
  • Pharmaceutical Science and Pharmacy modul
  • spring

OPG-R1E-T finished , OPG-R2G-T parallel , OPA-S2E-T finished

Zahl der Kursteilnehmer für den Kurs:

min. 5 – max. 40


Introduction to the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of drug action. Molecular aspects and structure activity relationship of selected groups of active pharmaceutical ingredients with central nervous system activity.


  • 1. Sedatohypnotics and anxiolytics. - Rozmer Zsuzsanna
  • 2. Sedatohypnotics and anxiolytics. - Rozmer Zsuzsanna
  • 3. Antipsychotics. - Rozmer Zsuzsanna
  • 4. Antipsychotics. - Rozmer Zsuzsanna
  • 5. Antidepressants. - Rozmer Zsuzsanna
  • 6. Antidepressants. - Rozmer Zsuzsanna
  • 7.

    Antiepileptics and central muscle relactants.

    - Kovács-Rozmer Katalin
  • 8.

    Antiepileptics and central muscle relactants.

    - Kovács-Rozmer Katalin
  • 9. Antiparkinson agents. - Rozmer Zsuzsanna
  • 10. Antiparkinson agents. - Rozmer Zsuzsanna
  • 11.


    - Kovács-Rozmer Katalin
  • 12.


    - Kovács-Rozmer Katalin
  • 13.


    - Kovács-Rozmer Katalin
  • 14.


    - Kovács-Rozmer Katalin
  • 15.


    - Kovács-Rozmer Katalin
  • 16.


    - Kovács-Rozmer Katalin
  • 17.


    - Kovács-Rozmer Katalin
  • 18.


    - Kovács-Rozmer Katalin
  • 19. Antipyretics, Non-steroid analgetics, Anti-inflammatory agents I. - Almási Attila
  • 20. Antipyretics, Non-steroid analgetics, Anti-inflammatory agents I. - Almási Attila
  • 21. Antipyretics, Non-steroid analgetics, Anti-inflammatory agents II. - Almási Attila
  • 22. Antipyretics, Non-steroid analgetics, Anti-inflammatory agents II. - Almási Attila
  • 23. Local anesthetics. - Almási Attila
  • 24. Local anesthetics. - Almási Attila
  • 25. Peripheral muscle relactants. - Almási Attila
  • 26. Peripheral muscle relactants. - Almási Attila
  • 27. Drugs of gastrointestinal disorders. - Almási Attila
  • 28. Drugs of gastrointestinal disorders. - Almási Attila



Materialien zum Aneignen des Lehrstoffes

Obligatorische Literatur

D. A. Williams, T. L. Lemke (eds.): Foye's Principles of Medicinal Chemistry, 7th edition, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia, 2013

Lecture notes

Vom Institut veröffentlichter Lehrstoff

Attila Almási, Zsuzsanna Rozmer, Pál Perjési: Pharmaceutical Chemistry I. Laboratory Experiments and Commentary, electronic educational material, PTE 2014


Pharmaceutical Chemistry Practice I, Laboratory manual, University of Pécs, 2015

Empfohlene Literatur

European Pharmacopoeia, EDQM Publication

Lecture notes.

Voraussetzung zum Absolvieren des Semesters

Acknowledgement of the course is in accord with the Code of Studies and Examinations. Participation is both the lectures and the practices is obligatory. Maximum three absences can be accepted both from lectures and practices. Two compulsory midterm tests (on the topics of the lectures and practices) will be written during the semester on the 7th and the 12th weeks. One of the test result should be above 60% (but the average of the two tests should be over 50 %). Students can have one retake test in case of not reaching the requirements. Students have to write at least four mini-tests on the practices. The average of the results must be at least 50%. The practical work (results of the written tests and the experimental work) is evaluated by a practical grade. Satisfactory (2) evaluation is the minimum requirement of acknowledgement of the semester.


If the student did not take part writing the midterm test, she or he can participate the retake, only. There is no chance for extra possibilities.

Möglichkeiten zur Nachholung der Fehlzeiten

There is no opportunity to make up missed classes.


Oral exam covering the topics of the subjects Pharmaceutical Chemistry 2 and selected topics of Pharmaceutical Chemistry 1. Before the exam students should have a Minimum Requirement Test of which result should be at least 80%. Information on the topics of the Minimum Requirement Tests and the list of questions of the find exam is available on the home page of the Institute.


  • Almási Attila
  • Kovács-Rozmer Katalin
  • Rozmer Zsuzsanna

Praktika, Seminarleiter/innen