Innovations in Healthcare Technology 1


Offizielle Daten in der Fachveröffentlichung für das folgende akademische Jahr: 2023-2024


  • Dr. Attila Gábor SIK

    senior research fellow,
    Medical Skills Education and Innovation Centre


Vorlesungen: 0

Praktika: 0

Seminare: 24

Insgesamt: 24


  • Kode des Kurses: OPF-IET-T
  • 2 kredit
  • Pharmacy
  • Optional modul
  • autumn


Zahl der Kursteilnehmer für den Kurs:

min. 5 – max. 15

Erreichbar als Campus-Kurs für 5 fő számára. Campus-karok: ÁOK


Continuous innovation in healthcare ensures that patient care, diagnosis or prevention is as accurate and patient-centred as possible. But how do innovations come about, and what knowledge, expertise and tools are needed? Innovations in Healthcare Technology I. will explore all this for students.
Our goal is to provide the knowledge, skills and practice needed to develop and successfully implement an idea and project based on a real market need, a problem/challenge in the health sector, and to provide a solution to it. This will range from the identification of the need to the validation of the idea, and in addition to these exercises, we will introduce students to the latest technological trends through inspiring presentations on technologies, with guest speakers.
In the following semester, the Innovations in Healthcare Technology II. course will introduce students to the commercialisation of a specific project and the building of a business model around it, as a continuation of this course.




  • 1. Introduction to "Innovations in Healthcare Technology I." course
  • 2. Introduction to "Innovations in Healthcare Technology I." course
  • 3. Innovative Healthcare Technologies 1 - 3D and 4D Printing in Healthcare
  • 4. Innovative Healthcare Technologies 1 - 3D and 4D Printing in Healthcare
  • 5. Innovative health technologies 2 - Medical applications of virtual and augmented reality technologies (VR/AR)
  • 6. Innovative health technologies 2 - Medical applications of virtual and augmented reality technologies (VR/AR)
  • 7. Innovative health technologies 3 - Medical-robotic solutions in clinical daily life - robotic surgery, human robots, myolectomy prostheses
  • 8. Innovative health technologies 3 - Medical-robotic solutions in clinical daily life - robotic surgery, human robots, myolectomy prostheses
  • 9. Innovative health technologies 4 - eHealth and mHealth in healthcare
  • 10. Innovative health technologies 4 - eHealth and mHealth in healthcare
  • 11. Innovative health technologies 5 - innovative patient management and development of hospital infrastructure
  • 12. Innovative health technologies 5 - innovative patient management and development of hospital infrastructure
  • 13. Value and use of health data; Cybersecurity in health, protection of health data
  • 14. Value and use of health data; Cybersecurity in health, protection of health data
  • 15. Problem-solving - focus on healthcare
  • 16. Problem-solving - focus on healthcare
  • 17. Target group definition. Identifying competitors and competitive advantages
  • 18. Target group definition. Identifying competitors and competitive advantages
  • 19. MVP building techniques
  • 20. MVP building techniques
  • 21. Validation techniques
  • 22. Funding options - healthcare startup funding in practice
  • 23. Funding options - healthcare startup funding in practice
  • 24. Validation techniques

Materialien zum Aneignen des Lehrstoffes

Obligatorische Literatur

Vom Institut veröffentlichter Lehrstoff


Empfohlene Literatur

Dr. Meskó Bertalan: The Guide to the Future of the Medicine, Technology and the Human Touch
Joseph Dyro, Ernesto Ladanza: Clinical Engineering Handbook
Dr. Meskó Betalan: Social Media in Clinical Practice
Dr. Meskó Bertalan: My Health: Upgraded: Revolutionary Technologies to Bring a Healthier Future
Alec Ross: Industries of the Future
Paul Burns: Entrepreneurship and Small Business
Oliver Uecke: How to commercialise Research in Biotechnology?: Effectiveness of the Innovation Process and of Technology Transfer in the Biotechnology Sector
Adattudományi innováció az egészségügy környezeti kihívásainak kezelésében: a nagy adatállományok hasznosításának jelentősége és lehetőségei a járványkezelésben (2021) AJK Journals
Integrating risk management in the innovation project (2014) John Bowers, Alireza Khorakian In European Journal of Innovation Management

Voraussetzung zum Absolvieren des Semesters

Maximum of 25 % absence allowed


Successful completion of the course requires continuous classroom activity and a short test at the end of the semester to assess the knowledge acquired during the course. Assessment is based on class attendance and activity as well as the results of the test.

Möglichkeiten zur Nachholung der Fehlzeiten

In agreement with the subject leader


The course ends with a mid-year grade, so there are no exam questions.


Praktika, Seminarleiter/innen

  • Balogh Virgínia
  • Dr. Bedő Zsolt
  • Dr. Deák Máté Iván
  • Dr. Liber Noémi
  • Dr. Maróti Péter Dezső
  • Dr. Sik Attila Gábor
  • Halassy Zsolt