Below you may find all the information about the student bus service between the UPMS Main Building and the Honvéd Hospital. The buses depart from the Egyetemváros stop and return from the Árnyas út stop. It is required to fill out the attendance form to use the service. It can be done using the button below or by scanning the QR code on the bus. The service cannot be started before 8 o'clock due to a conflict with the Tüke Busz schedule.
Egyetemváros → Árnyas út
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
11:40 12:40 |
9:40 11:40 |
9:40 11:40 12:40 13:40 |
9:40 11:40 12:40 |
9:40 |
Árnyas út → Egyetemváros
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
9:40 13:40 14:40 |
11:40 13:40 |
9:40 11:40 13:40 14:10 15:40 |
9:40 11:40 13:40 14:40 |
9:40 11:40 |
Szigeti út → Akác utca
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
11:40 | 9:40 11:40 13:40 |
9:40 11:40 13:40 |
9:40 11:40 |
Akác utca → Szigeti út
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
9:40 13:40 |
9:40 11:40 13:40 15:40 |
11:40 13:40 15:40 |
11:40 13:40 |

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or problems at one of our general contacts or at the e-mail address!