Student Researchers' Society Topics

Student Researchers' Society Topics

Co-supervisor: Dr. NAGY, Tamás

It is well known that intracellular signaling mechanisms aprticipating in the malignant transformation of the cell. For example the mutant protein coded by the fusion gen bcr-abl is an activated tyrosin-kinase which results in increased phosphorylation on many signaling protein. Despite the recognition of protein O-Glycosylation as a signaling mechanism is a more recent event, it seems to be more and more obvious that it plays a significant role in the development of malignant diseases. During O-Glycosylation, a single N-acetyl-glucosamine molecule is linked to the Ser/Thr residues of proteins. This process can be reversible, can be competing with phosphorylation for the same Ser/Thr sites and occurs on a large scale of various types of proteins. E.g. the proto-oncogen c-myc or the tumor-supressor p53 can both be O-Glycosylated. Interestingly, the cells’ carbohydrate metabolism is associated (in both direction) with O-Glycosylation. Influencing O-Glycosylation (by specific drugs) can impact the glucose uptake of the cells and could be exploited as therapeutic target in malignant diseases.
In this research, our aim is to study the level of protein O-Glycosylation in various malignant hematologic diseases. Characterizing O-GlcNAc levels could be a useful diagnostic marker, but also the basis for developing new therapies.

Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), is a novel human pathogene that causes coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). To support infection control measures, there is an urgent need for accurate molecular diagnostics to identify COVID-19 positive individuals and uncover pathogenic risk factors related to the development of the symptomatic disease. The recent topic is focusing on highly sensitive and specific molecular  diagnostic techniques targeting the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp)/helicase (Hel), spike (S), envelope (E) and nucleocapsid (N) genes of SARS-CoV-2 and predisposing genetic and epigenetic factors that prone individuals to severe disease progression.

Co-supervisor: Dr. OSVÁTH, Péter

One of the oldest drug, lithium is still in use in the therapy of bipolar disorder. Since its molecular effects are not completely clarified, it is not known why some of the patients are “lithium responders” while some of them are “non-responders”. According to the literature and our previous results, lithium inhibits (among other enzymes) phosphoglucomutase (PGM). PGM catalyses the reversible conversion of glucose-1-P (Glc-1-P) to glucose-6-P (Glc-6-P). PGM is a key element in the main metabolic pathway of galactose, the lack of (the activity of) PGM results in low efficiency galactose metabolism.
The source of galactose in our food is almost exclusively milk and dairy-products. In our research we aim to explore whether there is a correlation between lithium’s therapy-efficiency and the amount of galactose consumption. Moreover we employ animal models to analyse lithium’s intracellular effect after various amount of galactose/glucose containing food intake.  

Clinical laboratories produce a large amount of data every day. Analysing these raw data could lead to the recognition of new information and correlations which may improve early detection, assessment of the severity and the prognosis. 

Conventional clinical studies usually struggle (i.e. it take a lot of time and effort) to acquire statistically significant case numbers. However, an average laboratory processes 1000s of samples and records 10000s of data each day. In this present TDK study, the student will be provided with these data and her/his job is to analyse them to uncover new correlations. 

Few examples: 1) HgbA1c is a marker for the assessment of diabetes complications. Anemia is known to influence its value considerably, however it is still unclear how to quantitatively modify HbgA1c results in various types and severities of anemia. 2) There are very few biomarkers that could be used for the early detection and screening of malignant disorders. Analysing the massive amount of data accumulated over the years could help identify certain laboratory parameters and group of parameters that could predict cancers early.         

Co-supervisor: Prof. Dr. MISETA, Attila

Neuropsychiatric disorders are common and often chronic illnesses imposing severe social and economic burden on our civilized societies. A further complicating issue is that often there are no valid biomarkers that could help us to make the proper diagnosis and to monitor the progression of the disease and the therapeutic response. However, it is important to search for novel, potential biomarkers and this is a field of intense clinical research. The applicant would join to a team of researches doing such clinical research and by that would also get familiar with the current diagnostic tools.

Serum vitamin D binding protein (VDBP) is an α2-globulin (molecular weight: 52-59 kDa) produced by the liver. It has 3 main isoforms (Gc1, Gc1-2, Gc2), in addition, about 120 different variants have been described so far. The frequency of certain isoforms is higher in some diseases (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, diabetes), however, the occurence of the isoforms in intensive care-related disorders has not been studied yet. VDBP is the major carrier of vitamin D in the blood: 99% of vitamin D metabolites (mostly 25(OH) vitamin D) are bound by this protein and transported to the tissues. According to the free hormone hypothesis, mostly free 25(OH) vitamin D can enter the cells and – after 1-α-hydroxilation – exert its physiologic effects. Currently, serum total 25(OH) vitamin D levels are considered the gold standard marker to evaluate overall vitamin D status, however, free 25(OH) vitamin D levels may offer additional information on the vitamin D status and on possible unfavourable disease outcomes. We aim to investigate serum VDBP isoforms by native polyacrilamide gel electrophoresis coupled with immunoblot technique, to measure total 25(OH) vitamin D levels, in addition, to calculate free 25(OH) vitamin D concentration in intensive care patients.

Co-supervisor: Prof. Dr. MISETA, Attila

Adult hippocampal neurogenesis, a once unorthodox concept, has changed into one of the most rapidly growing fields in neuroscience. Numerous factors regulate adult neurogenesis including various neurotransmitters, hormones, stress, physical exercise learning and inflammation. Neurogenesis has been implicated in cognitive function and is stimulated by antidepressant drugs. A lasting reduction in neurogenesis following severe or chronic stress exposure, both in adult or early life, may represent impaired hippocampal plasticity and thus, can contribute to the cognitive symptoms of depression. Our aim is to understand the factors regulating this cellular process and to find novel approaches to stimulate this form of neural plasticity.

Co-supervisor: Prof. Dr. MISETA, Attila

The 2 main molecular hallmarks of Alzheimer’s disease are the senile plaques (β-amyloid peptides) and neuro-fibrillary tangles (hyperphosphorylated tau proteins). Several studies demonstrated that chronic hypoglycemia that occurs more frequently in elderly people might be an significant cause of the disease. Due to lower glucose levels in the neurons, several post-translational modification requiring carbohydrates might change. E.g. O-Glycosylation, which competes for the same sites on protein with phosphorylation will be down-regulated, thus enabling tau proteins to be hyperphosphorylated. The ER stress and the so called “unfolded protein response” (UPR) is also associated with Alzheimer’s, which might be the consequence of aberrant N-glycans on both β-amyloid and tau.
The aim of the study is to better identify the various protein post-translational modifications that are altered due to hypoglycemia. Moreover, it is necessary to explore the impact of these changes on cellular functions such as viability, morphology, proliferation, etc. Lastly, the long term aim of the study is to find diagnostic markers that predict the development of Alzheimer’s at an early stage.  

The purpose of the study is the quantitative and structural analysis of circulating exosomal miRNA fraction from body fluids using quantitative real-time PCR platform. Many genes are subject of miRNA regulation, thus the recognition of extracellular miRNA (circulating miRNA) in biological fluids has generated an interest for their potential use of markers for progressive human diseases. These molecules have emerging role as liquid biopsy-based markers. Principally our research focuses on serum and saliva miRNA expression analysis compared to tissue expressions in head and neck cancer.     

The project involves 2-hour sessions of slow, leisurely walking and contemplation while listening to our senses (sight, smell, hearing, touch) in the forest (Mecsek hills) and urban (Pécs, downtown area) environment with type 2 diabetes mellitus patients. Continuous blood pressure and glucose monitoring, blood and urine sample collection are due in order to investigate changes in biomarkers to observe the effects of the walking sessions. The participants also fill in various questionnaires.

A cooperation study with the 2nd Department of Internal Medicine and Nephrological Center.

The project has a valid ethical approval, the forest and urban walking sessions are planned to be performed in May-June 2025, followed by laboratory assessments in the summer, autumn. A student researcher is welcome to take part in the whole project or only in the lab measurements as well.

Co-supervisor: Prof. Dr. MISETA, Attila

Stress appears to be increasingly present in our modern, and demanding, industrialized society. Virtually every aspect of our body and brain can be influenced by stress and although its effects are partly mediated by powerful corticosteroid hormones that target the nervous system, relatively little is known about when, and how, the effects of stress shift from being beneficial and protective to becoming deleterious. Decades of stress research have provided valuable insights into whether stress can directly induce dysfunction and/or pathological alterations, which elements of stress exposure are responsible, and which structural substrates are involved. Our aim is to understand the neuropathological and molacular changes in response to stress in different CNS structures.

The occurrence of bipolar disorder is about 1.2% for both sexes worldwide. Lithium is a frequently employed mood-stabilizer eventhough the exact molecular mechanism of its action is not known. One of its effects is replacing magnesium on proteins, including the enzyme called phosphoglucomutase (PGM). PGM, which is a key enzyme in galactose and glycogen metabolism, catalyses the reversible conversion of glucose-1-P (Glc-1-P) to glucose-6-P (Glc-6-P).
Interestingly, alterations in PGM activity also impact intracellular calcium regulation. We have shown earlier in a S. cerevisiae model that inhibiting PGM by lithium increased intracellular calcium storage, but decreased the calcium signals in excited cells. In the present study we will investigate the link between metabolic changes (PGM inhibition) and calcium regulation. According to our hypothesis and our preliminary results, the role of endoplasmic reticulum and protein post-translational modifications are key elements in this process.