Official data in SubjectManager for the following academic year: 2024-2025
Course director
Tornóczki Tamás
Department of Pathology -
Number of hours/semester
lectures: 56 hours
practices: 0 hours
seminars: 28 hours
total of: 84 hours
Subject data
- Code of subject: OSP-PL1-T
- 6 kredit
- Dentistry
- Pre-clinical modul
- autumn
OSP-KO1-T parallel , OSA-NAN-T finished
Course headcount limitations
min. 5 – max. 100
Basic pathological cellular responses underlying the various disease processes are taught during this course. These are discussed in the following chapters: cell death, degeneration, intra- and extracellular accumulation, growth disturbances, acute and chronic inflammatory changes, disorders of circulation, genetic disorders, diseases of immunity and neoplasia (general oncology). The most important and frequent diseases in the various chapters are going to be discussed in detail in order to provide students with comprehensive knowledge to understand autopsy practices as soon as possible. Cardiovascular pathology and pathology of the respiratory tract are two chapters of specific pathology that are also discussed during the course.
The driving principle behind this course is to have the students understand the disease concepts as the unity of macroscopy, microscopy, clinical symptoms and laboratory changes; factors that shape the clinicopathological thinking about diseases.
The main educational task of the subject:
The general pathology course will form the very basis for the systemic / organ pathology as well as the subsequent clinical studies by teaching the etiology, pathogenesis and pathomechanism together with the gross morphological and microscopical changes of the various diseases. During this activity the principal and methodology of the diagnostic pathology will be covered.
- 1. I. INTRODUCTION, POSTMORTEM CHANGES, NECROSIS (4 LECTURES) Postmortal changes. Cell injury and cell death. Causes of cell injury. Necrosis. Ultrastructural, light microscopical and gross changes - Tornóczki Tamás
- 2. Patterns of necrosis: coagulation and liquefactive necrosis. Organ examples. - Tornóczki Tamás
- 3. Clinicopathology of AMI - Tornóczki Tamás
- 4. Caseous necrosis and adiponecrosis. Apoptosis: morphology, pathomechanism - Tornóczki Tamás
- 5. I. INTRODUCTION, POSTMORTEM CHANGES, NECROSIS (4 LECTURES) Postmortal changes. Cell injury and cell death. Causes of cell injury. Necrosis. Ultrastructural, light microscopical and gross changes - Tornóczki Tamás
- 6. Patterns of necrosis: coagulation and liquefactive necrosis. Organ examples. - Tornóczki Tamás
- 7. Clinicopathology of AMI - Tornóczki Tamás
- 8. Caseous necrosis and adiponecrosis. Apoptosis: morphology, pathomechanism - Tornóczki Tamás
- 10. Endogenous pigments - Vida Livia
- 11. Exogenous pigments. Accumulation. - Vida Livia
- 12. Calficiation, lithiasis, amyloidosis. - Vida Livia
- 14. Endogenous pigments - Vida Livia
- 15. Exogenous pigments. Accumulation. - Vida Livia
- 16. Calficiation, lithiasis, amyloidosis. - Vida Livia
- 17. III. GROWTH DISTURBANCES (3 LECTURES) Regressive changes: atrophy. Organ examples. Classification of cells according to the mitotic capacity - Kereskai László
- 18. Progressive changes: hyperplasia and hypertrophy 1. - Kereskai László
- 19. Progressive changes: hyperplasia and hypertrophy 2. - Kereskai László
- 20. III. GROWTH DISTURBANCES (3 LECTURES) Regressive changes: atrophy. Organ examples. Classification of cells according to the mitotic capacity - Kereskai László
- 21. Progressive changes: hyperplasia and hypertrophy 1. - Kereskai László
- 22. Progressive changes: hyperplasia and hypertrophy 2. - Kereskai László
- 23. IV. PATHOLOGY OF CIRCULATION (4 LECTURES) Oedema, hyperemia and congestio - Kajtár Béla
- 24. Haemorrhages - Kajtár Béla
- 25. Thrombosis and embolisation - Kajtár Béla
- 26. Hypertension, Shock - Kajtár Béla
- 27. IV. PATHOLOGY OF CIRCULATION (4 LECTURES) Oedema, hyperemia and congestio - Kajtár Béla
- 28. Haemorrhages - Kajtár Béla
- 29. Thrombosis and embolisation - Kajtár Béla
- 30. Hypertension, Shock - Kajtár Béla
- 31. V. INFLAMMATIONS (4 LECTURES) Definition of acute inflammation, cellular and vascular reactions - Kajtár Béla
- 32. Clinicopathological forms of acute inflammation - Kajtár Béla
- 33. Chronic inflammation - Kajtár Béla
- 34. Granuloma, granulomatous inflammation - Kajtár Béla
- 35. V. INFLAMMATIONS (4 LECTURES) Definition of acute inflammation, cellular and vascular reactions - Kajtár Béla
- 36. Clinicopathological forms of acute inflammation - Kajtár Béla
- 37. Chronic inflammation - Kajtár Béla
- 38. Granuloma, granulomatous inflammation - Kajtár Béla
- 39. VI. IMMUNOPATHOLOGY (3 LECTURES) Hypersensitivity reactions - Kereskai László
- 40. Autoimmune diseases - Kereskai László
- 41. Immundeficiencies, transplantation immunology - Kereskai László
- 42. VI. IMMUNOPATHOLOGY (3 LECTURES) Hypersensitivity reactions - Kereskai László
- 43. Autoimmune diseases - Kereskai László
- 44. Immundeficiencies, transplantation immunology - Kereskai László
- 45. VII. ONCOPATHOLOGY (6 LECTURES) Neoplasia, nomenclature, definitions. Benign and malignant behaviour of tumours. Terminology (nomenclature) of neoplasms. Definition of metaplasia, dysplasia and their relation to neoplasia. Organ examples. Anaplasia - Tornóczki Tamás
- 46. Tumor growth, local spread and metastasis, types of metastases, grading and staging. Paraneoplastic syndromes. Tumor incidence and mortality. - Tornóczki Tamás
- 47. Oncogenes, protooncogenes, oncoproteines, growth factor and growth factor receptor oncogenes (RET, KIT, PDGFR),growth factor receptor overexpression (ERBB1, ERBB2), organ examples. - Tornóczki Tamás
- 48. Oncoproteins and ncogenes in signaltransduction: RAS and RAS signal proteins. Examples for oncogene with non-receptor tyrosine kinase function. The myc oncogene. Types and their changes and role in tumours (c-myc, n-myc). - Tornóczki Tamás
- 49. Tumor supressor genes: RB and p53. Their role in tumorigenesis. - Tornóczki Tamás
- 50. Chemical and radiation cancerogenesis. Microbial carcinogenesis: RNA and DNA viruses. Helicobacter pylori. - Tornóczki Tamás
- 51. VII. ONCOPATHOLOGY (6 LECTURES) Neoplasia, nomenclature, definitions. Benign and malignant behaviour of tumours. Terminology (nomenclature) of neoplasms. Definition of metaplasia, dysplasia and their relation to neoplasia. Organ examples. Anaplasia - Tornóczki Tamás
- 52. Tumor growth, local spread and metastasis, types of metastases, grading and staging. Paraneoplastic syndromes. Tumor incidence and mortality. - Tornóczki Tamás
- 53. Oncogenes, protooncogenes, oncoproteines, growth factor and growth factor receptor oncogenes (RET, KIT, PDGFR),growth factor receptor overexpression (ERBB1, ERBB2), organ examples. - Tornóczki Tamás
- 54. Oncoproteins and ncogenes in signaltransduction: RAS and RAS signal proteins. Examples for oncogene with non-receptor tyrosine kinase function. The myc oncogene. Types and their changes and role in tumours (c-myc, n-myc). - Tornóczki Tamás
- 55. Tumor supressor genes: RB and p53. Their role in tumorigenesis. - Tornóczki Tamás
- 56. Chemical and radiation cancerogenesis. Microbial carcinogenesis: RNA and DNA viruses. Helicobacter pylori. - Tornóczki Tamás
- 1. Autopsy practice
- 2. Autopsy practice
- 3. Autopsy practice
- 4. Autopsy practice
- 5. Autopsy practice
- 6. Autopsy practice
- 7. Autopsy practice
- 8. Autopsy practice
- 9. Necrosis 1.
- 10. Necrosis 1.
- 11. Necrosis 2. Degenerations.
- 12. Necrosis 2. Degenerations.
- 13. Accumulations
- 14. Accumulations
- 15. Growth disturbances
- 16. Growth disturbances
- 17. Pathology of circulation 1
- 18. Pathology of circulation 1
- 19. Pathology of circulation 2
- 20. Pathology of circulation 2
- 21. Acute inflammation
- 22. Acute inflammation
- 23. Chronic inflammation
- 24. Chronic inflammation
- 25. Oncopathology 1
- 26. Oncopathology 1
- 27. Oncopathology 2
- 28. Oncopathology 2
Reading material
Obligatory literature
Literature developed by the Department
Lecture slides are found on the homepage of Department of Pathology.
Recommended literature
Reading material
V. Kumar: Robbins Basic Pathology, 9th edition, Saunders Company, 2012
Conditions for acceptance of the semester
Absences exceeding 15% of the histopathology classes (two absences are allowed) will result in not signing the gradebook.
One macropreparation, one histological preparation and a theoretical question will be given to the students at the examination by the end of the first semester.
Mid-term exams
Each missed seminar has to be made up for with another group in the same week.
Making up for missed classes
Making up for missed classes
Each missed seminar has to be made up for with another group in the same week.
Exam topics/questions
1. Anaemic infarct of the heart
2. Haemorrhagic infarct of the small intestine
3. Gangraena sicca of the toes
4. Cerebral abscess
5. Acute pancreatitis with fat necrosis
6. Steatosis hepatis
7. Aortic atherosclerosis with aneurysm
8. Haemochromatosis
9. Cholelithiasis, chronic cholecystitis and empyema
10. Nodular calcified aortic stenosis
11. Atrophia cerebri
12. Hypertrophia dilatativa ventriculi sinistri cordis
13. Cor pulmonale chronicum
14. Hyperplasia prostatae
15. Haemorrhagia epidurale
16. Haemorrhagia subdurale
17. Haemorrhagia subarachnoideale
18. Cerebral apoplexy
19. Abdominal aortic aneurysm – parietal thrombosis
20. Left atrial “ball” thrombus
21. Fibrinous pericarditis - cor villosum
22. Pseudomembranous colitis
23. Lobar pneumonia
24. Bronchopneumonia
25. Pulmonary abscess
26. Miliary tuberculosis
27. Phthisis cavernosa
28. Fibroadenoma of the breast
29. Carcinoma of the breast
30. Leiomyoma of the uterus
31. Dermoid cyst
32. Rectal polyp
33. Rectal adenocarcinoma
34. Pulmonary metastases
1. Recent infarct of the heart
2. Haemorrhagic infarct of the lung
3. Steatosis hepatis
4. Haemosiderosis of the liver
5. Amyloidosis of the liver
6. Silicosis
7. Prostatic hyperplasia
8. Endometrial hyperplasia
9. Pulmonary oedema
10. DIC – Fibrin thrombi in the kidney
11. Central hemorrhagic necrosis
12. Fibrinous pericarditis
13. Pseudomembranous colitis
14. Purulent meningitis
15. Acute appendicitis
16. Sarcoidosis
17. Miliary tuberculosis
18. Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia, H-SIL/CIN III
19. Squamous cell carcinoma of the lower lip
20. Adenocarcinoma metastasis in a lymph node
1. Cell injury and cell death. Causes of cell injury. Necrosis. Ultrastructural, light microscopical and gross changes. Apoptosis: morphology, pathomechanism.
2. Patterns of necrosis: coagulation type. Organ examples.
3. Patterns of necrosis: liquefactive type. Organ examples.
4. Caseous necrosis and adiponecrosis
5. Definition and types of degenerations. Parenchymal and fatty degeneration. Organ examples
6. Pathomorphology, pathogenesis and complications of atherosclerosis Aneurysm types
7. Exogenous and endogenous pigments. Anthracosis. Silicosis.
8. Hemoglobinogenic pigments I. Different forms of jaundice and cholestasis, morphology, differential diagnostics.
9. Hemoglobinogenic pigments II. Pathological forms of iron storage Endogenous nonhemoglobinogenous pigments: lipofuscin, melanin, homogentisinic acid.
10. Dystrophic and metastatic calcification. Organ manifestations. Pathomechanism and clinicopathological forms of stone formation
11. Amyloidosis.
12. Causes of atrophy; general gross morphology and microscopical characteristics. Pathomechanism of atrophy. Definition of atrophy, hypoplasia, aplasia, agenesia. Osteoporosis.
13. Definition, types and organ examples of hyperplasia. Definition of hypertrophy (causes, morphology, changes at cell cycle)
14. Left ventricular hypertrophy. Causes, sequential compensatory changes and functional consequences. Cor pulmonale chronicum.
15. Definition of edema, pathomechanism (Starling law), clinical forms
16. Classification of haemorrhages based on pathomechanism, clinical forms. Congestion and hyperemia.
17. Thrombosis and embolus: definitions, casues, types and clinical consequences
18. Causes, types and pathomechanisms of shock. Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC).
19. Clinicopathological classification of hypertension and complications
20. Vascular and cellular mechanisms of acute inflammations
21. Clinicopathological classification of acute inflammation based upon exudate types. Organ examples.
22. Definition, causes, cellular and humoral mechanisms of chronic inflammation.
23. Pathogenesis and clinicopathology of tuberculosis
24. Granuloma, granulomatous inflammation
25. Mechanisms of hypersensitivity reactions, examples of related disorders
26. Pathogenesis of autoimmune disorders. Systemic lupus erythematodes (SLE)
27. Transplantation immunity. Aquired immundeficiency syndrome (AIDS)
28. Neoplasia, nomenclature, definitions. Definition of metaplasia and dysplasia, organ examples and their connections with neoplasia
29. General characteristics of benigh and malignant tumors, anaplasia, tumor growth, local spread and metastasis, types of metastases
30. Incidence and mortality of cancers. Grading és staging. Paraneoplastic syndromes.
31. Oncogenes, protooncgenes, oncoproteins, growth factor and growth factor receptor oncogenes (RET, KIT, PDGFR), overexpression of normal growth factor receptors (ERBB1, ERBB2). Organ examples.
32. Oncogenes and oncoproteins in signal transduction: RAS and RAS signal proteins. Examples of oncogenes wih non receptor tirosine kinase activity, examples. The myc oncogene: types, their changes and roles in tumors (c-myc, n-myc)
33. Tumor supressor genes: RB and p53 genes and their roles in tumorignesis. Neurofibromatosis, NF1.
34. Chemical and radiation cancerogenesis. Microbial carcinogenesis: RNA és DNA viruses, Helicobacter pylori
The Department of Pathology reserves the right to propose minor modifications in the curriculum
- Bogner Barna István
- Kajtár Béla
- Kálmán Endre
- Kereskai László
- Pajor László
- Semjén Dávid
- Tornóczki Tamás
Instructor / tutor of practices and seminars
- Gyömörei Csaba
- Hegedűs Ivett
- Kaszás Bálint
- Pap Anita
- Semjén Dávid
- Tornóczki Tamás
- Vida Livia