Professional Practice 2


Official data in SubjectManager for the following academic year: 2022-2023

Course director

  • Dr. András Tamás FITTLER

    associate professor,
    Department of Pharmaceutics and University Pharmacy

Number of hours/semester

lectures: 0 hours

practices: 160 hours

seminars: 0 hours

total of: 160 hours

Subject data

  • Code of subject: OPR-SG2-T
  • 0 kredit
  • Pharmacy
  • Criterion requirement modul
  • spring

OPG-R1E-T completed , OPG-C2E-T parallel , OPR-SG1-T completed

Course headcount limitations

min. 1 – max. 70


After the 6. semester the students should complete a summer professional practice in a community pharmacy and hospital pharmacy (host institution) to acquire the basic knowledge regarding the pharmaceutical supply and care in these settings. After the completion of the professional practice the student will have an overview of the operation and pharmaceutical procedures of the community or hospital pharmacy.
Furthermore the professional practice can be completed in a pharmaceutical company, pharmaceutical wholesaler or foreign (non Hungarian) units equivalent to these. To fulfill the professional practice in abroad the student should submit a written request to the course director until the deadline of the application for professional practice. In case of spending the professional practice abroad it is advisable for the students to spend 2 weeks in a Hungarian pharmacy to earn experiences regarding the Hungarian pharmacies.
It is possible to complete the 4 weeks of the professional practice in two practice sites in consecutive 2-2 weeks. The application form, syllabus and certificate of the completion of the professional practice are available from the website of the Registrars Office.
The accreditation of the professional practice site (pharmacy) is advisable but not a mandatory requirement for professional practice 1. and 2.
The organization and coordination/reconciliation of the place and time of the professional practice is the responsibility of the student.
Before starting the professional practice the student should fill the Acceptance letter for professional practice form and collect signatures of supervisor pharmacist and the leader or head of the professional practice site (pharmacy, company) and upload it electronically to Neptun. It is advisable to collect the document until the last day of April, but latest by 14th of May. The student is responsible to fulfill the administrative criteria set by the Registrar's Office.
The duration of the professional practice is 4 weeks, 8 hours daily, of which 2 hours may be spent on individual preparation and study. During the professional practice attendance should be recorded on an attendance sheet, which is available from the website of the Registrars Office. The requirement regarding the opening hours of the pharmacy is 8 hours daily. The student should work under the supervision of the supervisor pharmacist or the deputy pharmacist during the whole practice and preparing a record daily of his or her work.
The record of the practice is accepted by the course director. The record should include (see inscructions on RO website in "Report writing guide for Professional Practice 1. and 2."):
- written notes of daily practice/activity,
- furthermore the topics listed in the syllabus and the completion of 2 related professional problems described in minimum 400 words of each.
After the completion of the professional practice the student can evaluate the professional practice site and the supervisor pharmacist.



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Reading material

Obligatory literature

Literature developed by the Department

(, accessed 2022 February)
General information and user's guide to the Professional Practice 1-2. registrations in Neptun
Report writing guide for Professional Practice 1. and 2.
Planned schedule of blocks (weeks) in Neptun for the Professional Practice 1-2.


The Theory and Practice of Pharmaceutical Technology

Recommended literature

European Pharmacopoeia
Pharmacopoeia Hungarica
Hungarian National Formulary: Formulae Normales VII (FoNo VII)

Conditions for acceptance of the semester

Before starting the professional practice student should have a semester acceptance of Pharmaceutical technology 1.. Student should transmit the attendance sheet, record of practice and the completion of the professional practice to the acceptance of the professional practice. At the end of the professional practice the supervisor pharmacist or the deputy pharmacist evaluates the performance of the student in a three-grade evaluation with written summary. The student is responsible to fulfill the administrative criteria set by the Registrars Office.
Students should wear White coat and Protective shoes during practice.
The original written documents of the practice must be presented by the student upon the request of the course director within 5 working days.

Mid-term exams

The duration of the professional practice is 4 weeks, 8 hours daily, of which 2 hours may be spent on individual preparation and study. During the professional practice attendance should be recorded on an attendance sheet, which is available from the website of the Registrars Office. The requirement regarding the opening hours of the pharmacy is 8 hours daily. The student should work under the supervision of the supervisor pharmacist or the deputy pharmacist during the whole practice and preparing a record daily of his or her work.
The organization and reconciliation of the place and time of the professional practice is the responsibility of the student. Before starting the professional practice the student should fill the acceptance letter for professional practice form and collect signatures of supervisor pharmacist and the leader or head of the professional practice site (pharmacy, company) and pass to the Registrars Office until the last day of April.

Making up for missed classes

The absence during the professional practice should be covered with a certificate (e.g.: in case of illness) to the supervisor pharmacist and course director and should make up during the period of the professional practice. In case of health problems the professional practice can be divided into 2-2 weeks.

Exam topics/questions

1. Getting to know pharmacy workflows.
2. Evaluation of extemporaneous prescriptions, preparation of liquids and semi-solid dosage forms under supervision of the pharmacist.
3. Receipt and analysis of raw materials, the rules and practice of impleation.
4. Handling weighs, pharmacy tools and machines.
5. The rules and practice of aseptic compounding and dispensing of aseptic medicines.
6. The rules, practice and documentation of large scale compounding
7. Nomenclature, synonyms, abbreviations and formulas
8. Getting to know the formulas in the Hungarian National Formulary of extemporaneous medicines (Formulae Normales – FoNo.)
9. The recognition and handling of technological incompatibilities.
10. Certified and official pharmaceutical documentation (e.g.: laboratory log, controlled drug records, log of sterilizing, etc.).
11. Pharmaceutical publications.
12. Medical aids and dressings.
13. Competencies and workflow of pharmaceutical assistants in a pharmacy.

14. The role of pharmaceutical company in the drug supply chain.
15. The organogram and key peaople of pharmaceutical company.
16. The Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP): regulations and application.
17. Participating in the manufacturing process.
18. Getting familiar with the operation and role of Quality Assurance and Quality Control.
19. Getting familiar with the operation and role of Quality Assurance and Quality Control.
20. The role of microbiology in the pharmaceutical company.
21. Special operation characteristics of a pharmaceutical company.

22. Regulations of the hospital and clinical drug supply.
23. Basic and special tasks in the hospital pharmacy.
24. Participation of the hospital pharmacy in the committees and workgroups of the hospital (e.g.: Therapeutic committee, infectology and nutrition therapy, etc.).
25. Pharmaceutical management, the relationship with wholesalers, drug utilization.
26. Drug information, Therapy management and drug information sources, databases.
27. Authorized drugs, nutraceutical, dietary supplements and other non medication products
28. Handling and documentation of controlled drugs and substances.


Instructor / tutor of practices and seminars

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