Operational provisions


12 November, 2020

Rector's and Chancellor's Joint Instruction No. 20/2020. on the rules of visiting the institutions of the University of Pécs during the state of emergency (pdf)

The order of visiting the institutions during the state of emergency; general rules; rules for events; administration of studies, university board meetings, meetings; the course of trainings; rules for participation in practices at the Clinical Center; specific provisions for doctoral training; special provisions for public lectures of the habilitation procedure; use of sports facilities, swimming pools, other leisure facilities.

6 OctoBER, 2020

Information for students regarding coronavirus related epidemiological measures and obligations

15 SEPTEMBER, 2020

Information abstract for students about the Joint Order of the Rector and the Chancellor No. 14/2020 on the order of entering university premises

11 SEPTEMBER, 2020

Joint Order No. 14/2020 of the Rector and the Chancellor

on the order of entering the premises of the university and the hygienic rules applicable during the epidemiological preparedness


Information on PCR-tests for 1st and 2nd year General Medicine students


Dean’s Message - 6 September

4 September, 2020

Dean’s Message - the order of entering the premises of the university and the hygienic rules

31 August, 2020

Joint Order No. 14/2020 of the Rector and the Chancellor

on the order of entering the premises of the university and the hygienic rules applicable during the epidemiological preparedness

27 MARCH, 2020

Recommendations under the emergency

17 MARCH, 2020

Coronavirus info

11 March, 2020

Educational break - March 12, 13 and 14

Information for students on the epidemiological situation related to the spread of the coronavirus