Forensic Medicine: New Challenges - Modern Frontiers


A Tantárgybejelentőben megadott hivatalos adatok az alábbi tanévre: 2023-2024



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  • Kód: OAF-IOH-T
  • 2 kredit
  • General Medicine
  • Optional modul
  • spring

OAP-PA2-T completed

Kurzus létszámkorlát

min. 5 fő – max. 20 fő


Number of medical and non-medical professional disciplines and knowledge should had been integrated into the forensic medicine in the past, because it was the method that ensure reliable expert assistance for forensic authorities. In the 20th century, numerous subfields detached from this area of science and turned into an independent speciality: e.g. anthropology, toxicology, genetics, psychiatry However, in this 21st century, new integration process of those and other different disciplines can be observed again into the forensic medicine
Many modern examples, case studies will be presented during the course.


  • 1. The role of the intra and interdisciplinarity in the modern forensic medical science: concepts, examples - Dr. Kozma Zsolt
  • 2. The role of the intra and interdisciplinarity in the modern forensic medical science: concepts, examples - Dr. Kozma Zsolt
  • 3. The new dimensions of the penal law and the compensation right I: quackery - homeopathy - natural and alternative "medical" applications: legal dilemmas (case studies) - Dr. Kozma Zsolt
  • 4. The new dimensions of the penal law and the compensation right I: quackery - homeopathy - natural and alternative "medical" applications: legal dilemmas (case studies) - Dr. Kozma Zsolt
  • 5. The new dimensions of the penal law and the compensation right II: 21st century standards of enforcement efforts in the insurance claim settlements: legal dilemmas (case studies) - Dr. Kozma Zsolt
  • 6. The new dimensions of the penal law and the compensation right II: 21st century standards of enforcement efforts in the insurance claim settlements: legal dilemmas (case studies) - Dr. Kozma Zsolt
  • 7. The combined technical and medical experts' (biomechanical) analyses of road accidents: The PC-Crash 10.0: The Windows based collision & trajectory simulation tool - Dr. Kozma Zsolt
  • 8. The combined technical and medical experts' (biomechanical) analyses of road accidents: The PC-Crash 10.0: The Windows based collision & trajectory simulation tool - Dr. Kozma Zsolt
  • 9. Forensic informatics: The relationship of mobile applications and the forensic medical science with practical examples - Dr. Kozma Zsolt
  • 10. Forensic informatics: The relationship of mobile applications and the forensic medical science with practical examples - Dr. Kozma Zsolt
  • 11. Forensic medical science and radiology: the role of modern imagery methods in the report of the permanent impairment - Dr. Kozma Zsolt
  • 12. Forensic medical science and radiology: the role of modern imagery methods in the report of the permanent impairment - Dr. Kozma Zsolt
  • 13. Forensic medicine and the infectology: nosocomial infections and legal aspects - Dr. Kozma Zsolt
  • 14. Forensic medicine and the infectology: nosocomial infections and legal aspects - Dr. Kozma Zsolt
  • 15. Introduction to Forensic Genetics and Comparative Forensic Medicine - Dr. Kozma Zsolt
  • 16. Introduction to Forensic Genetics and Comparative Forensic Medicine - Dr. Kozma Zsolt
  • 17. Forensic genetic applications in criminology: the most famous solved crimes of the past decades - Dr. Kozma Zsolt
  • 18. Forensic genetic applications in criminology: the most famous solved crimes of the past decades - Dr. Kozma Zsolt
  • 19. The role of the medical science in the modern military genetic applications (practical examples) - Dr. Kozma Zsolt
  • 20. The role of the medical science in the modern military genetic applications (practical examples) - Dr. Kozma Zsolt
  • 21. Functional genomics: investigation of coding sequences and the possible medico-legal applications - Dr. Kozma Zsolt
  • 22. Functional genomics: investigation of coding sequences and the possible medico-legal applications - Dr. Kozma Zsolt
  • 23. Forensic (genetic) anthropology - Dr. Kozma Zsolt
  • 24. Forensic (genetic) anthropology - Dr. Kozma Zsolt



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Maximum of 25 % absence allowed

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Based on personal discussion




Gyakorlatok, szemináriumok oktatói

  • Dr. Kozma Zsolt