A Tantárgybejelentőben megadott hivatalos adatok az alábbi tanévre: 2024-2025
Kulcsár Győző Kornél
assistant professor,
Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
előadás: 14 óra
gyakorlat: 0 óra
szeminárium: 0 óra
összesen: 14 óra
- Kód: OPF-SEK-T
- 1 kredit
- Pharmacy
- Optional modul
- spring
OPG-C1E-T finished
Kurzus létszámkorlát
min. 3 fő – max. 48 fő
The physicochemical properties of the excipients used in pharmaceutical technology fundamentally determine the process of drug preparation. In compulsory subjects such as Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Technology, there is no opportunity to discuss these relationships in depth. Our goal in this course is to provide our students with additional information about the physicochemical properties and incompatibilities of excipients that may be helpful in either magistral preparation or industrial drug manufacturing processes.
- 1. Introduction: excipients, their classification, general information - Mészáros Petra
- 2. Chemistry of excipients of liquid pharmaceutical forms - Mészáros Petra
- 3. Chemistry of excipients of emulsions and suspensions - Tyukodi Levente
- 4. Chemical aspects of semi-solid pharmaceutical forms - Mészáros Petra
- 5. Pharmacopoeial methods of testing of excipients, requirements, demands, instrumental and classical chemistry tests - Kulcsár Győző Kornél
- 6. Pharmacopoeial methods of testing of excipients, requirements, demands, instrumental and classical chemistry tests - Kulcsár Győző Kornél
- 7. Chemistry of excipients of solid pharmaceutical forms 1. - Bálint Gábor
- 8. Chemistry of excipients of solid pharmaceutical forms 2. - Bálint Gábor
- 9. Excipients of biological products 1. - Fülöpné Kiss Edit
- 10. Excipients of biological products 2. - Fülöpné Kiss Edit
- 11. Chemical aspects of incompatibilities - Tyukodi Levente
- 12. How to choose packaging, chemical aspects of incompatibilities of packaging - Varga Réka
- 13. Mid-term test - Tyukodi Levente
- 14.
Mid-term test
- Kulcsár Győző Kornél
A tananyag elsajátításához szükséges segédanyagok
Kötelező irodalom
Lecture notes
Saját oktatási anyag
Ajánlott irodalom
1. Handbook of Pharmaceutical Excipients. (Pharmaceutical Press, 2009).
2. Pharmaceutical excipients. Pharmazeutische Industrie (John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 2017). doi:10.5005/jp/books/12863_3
3. Council of Europe - EDQM. European Pharmacopoeia 10th Edition. Oak Bark vol. I (2020).
A félév elfogadásának feltételei
Students are required to write a mid-term test during the semester, with a final grade of more than 60%.
Félévközi ellenőrzések
Students must fulfil requirements determined by the Code of Studies and Examinations. A maximum of three absences per semester may be accepted. The subject ends with a mid-term grade.
Students are required to write a mid-term test during the semester, with a final grade of more than 60%.
Távolmaradás pótlásának lehetőségei
There is no way to make up for the absence. Students must fulfil requirements determined by the Code of Studies and Examinations
Students will receive the topic lists in the Institute and/or on the website.