A Tantárgybejelentőben megadott hivatalos adatok az alábbi tanévre: 2024-2025
Perjési Pál
Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
előadás: 42 óra
gyakorlat: 0 óra
szeminárium: 0 óra
összesen: 42 óra
- Kód: OPA-P2E-T
- 3 kredit
- Pharmacy
- Basic modul
- spring
OPA-L1E-T finished , OPA-L2G-T parallel , OPA-GC1-T finished
Kurzus létszámkorlát
min. 5 fő – max. 50 fő
Within the frame of the theoretical and practical trainings of this subject students will study the quantitative approach of chemical analysis. This approach is crucial for the study of almost all fields of the pharmaceutical sciences such as pharmaceutical chemistry, pharmaceutical technology etc. Students have to learn and examine the theory and practice of the quantitative analytical reactions, methods, rules and calculations.
- 1. Introduction to quantitative chemical analysis. The analytical process. The tools - Perjési Pál
- 2. Introduction to quantitative chemical analysis. The analytical process. The tools. - Perjési Pál
- 3. Introduction to quantitative chemical analysis. The analytical process. The tools. - Perjési Pál
- 4. The volumetric analysis. Processing the results of chemical analysis. The measurement error. - Rozmer Zsuzsanna
- 5. The volumetric analysis. Processing the results of chemical analysis. The measurement error. - Rozmer Zsuzsanna
- 6. The volumetric analysis. Processing the results of chemical analysis. The measurement error. - Rozmer Zsuzsanna
- 7. Acid-base titrations. Titration curve. Indication of the equivalence point. - Kulcsár Győző Kornél
- 8. Acid-base titrations. Titration curve. Indication of the equivalence point. - Kulcsár Győző Kornél
- 9. Acid-base titrations. Titration curve. Indication of the equivalence point. - Kulcsár Győző Kornél
- 10. Neutralization analysis. Titration of strong acids and bases. - Perjési Pál
- 11. Neutralization analysis. Titration of strong acids and bases. - Perjési Pál
- 12. Neutralization analysis. Titration of strong acids and bases. - Perjési Pál
- 13. Neutralization analysis. Titration of weak acids and bases. - Perjési Pál
- 14. Neutralization analysis. Titration of weak acids and bases. - Perjési Pál
- 15. Neutralization analysis. Titration of weak acids and bases. - Perjési Pál
- 16. Neutralization analysis. Titration in non-aqueous solutions. - Perjési Pál
- 17. Neutralization analysis. Titration in non-aqueous solutions. - Perjési Pál
- 18. Neutralization analysis. Titration in non-aqueous solutions. - Perjési Pál
- 19. Complexometry I. Theory. - Perjési Pál
- 20. Complexometry I. Theory. - Perjési Pál
- 21. Complexometry I. Theory. - Perjési Pál
- 22. Complexometry II. Practice. - Perjési Pál
- 23. Complexometry II. Practice. - Perjési Pál
- 24. Complexometry II. Practice. - Perjési Pál
- 25. Redox titrations.Titration curve. Indication of the equivalence point. - Perjési Pál
- 26. Redox titrations.Titration curve. Indication of the equivalence point. - Perjési Pál
- 27. Redox titrations.Titration curve. Indication of the equivalence point. - Perjési Pál
- 28. Redox titrations. Oxidimetry I. - Perjési Pál
- 29. Redox titrations. Oxidimetry I. - Perjési Pál
- 30. Redox titrations. Oxidimetry I. - Perjési Pál
- 31. Redox titrations. Oxidimetry II. - Perjési Pál
- 32. Redox titrations. Oxidimetry II. - Perjési Pál
- 33. Redox titrations. Oxidimetry II. - Perjési Pál
- 34. Redox titrations. Reductometry. - Perjési Pál
- 35. Redox titrations. Reductometry. - Perjési Pál
- 36. Redox titrations. Reductometry. - Perjési Pál
- 37. Precipitate titrations. - Perjési Pál
- 38. Precipitate titrations. - Perjési Pál
- 39. Precipitate titrations. - Perjési Pál
- 40. The practice of pharmacopoeial volumetric analysis. - Perjési Pál
- 41. The practice of pharmacopoeial volumetric analysis. - Perjési Pál
- 42. The practice of pharmacopoeial volumetric analysis. - Perjési Pál
A tananyag elsajátításához szükséges segédanyagok
Kötelező irodalom
Harris D.C.: Quantitative Chemical Analysis, 8th ed., W.H. Freeman and Co., New York, 2010
Saját oktatási anyag
Laboratory handouts - describing details of the experiments.
Ajánlott irodalom
A félév elfogadásának feltételei
Two compulsory midterm tests (on the topics of the lectures and the practices) will be written during the semester on the 7th and the 12th weeks. One of the test results should be above 60%, and the average of the test results should be above 50%. One retake test is allowed on the 13th week of the semester. The result of the retake test is added to the previous two. The condition for admission to the exam is the successful completion of a practical subject taken in parallel.
Félévközi ellenőrzések
Two compulsory midterm tests (on the topics of the lectures and the practices) will be written during the semester on the 7th and the 12th weeks. One of the test results should be above 60%, and the average of the test results should be above 50%. One retake test is allowed on the 13th week of the semester. The result of the retake test is added to the previous two. The condition for admission to the exam is the successful completion of a practical subject taken in parallel.
Távolmaradás pótlásának lehetőségei
There is no possibility of making up missed classes.
Oral exam covering the topics of Pharmacopoeial Analysis 1. and Pharmacopoeial Analysis 2. The oral part of the examination consists of two items. In case of insufficient knowledge of any of them, the exam ends with an insufficient grade. The examination mark is determined on the basis of the results of the semester papers and the answers to the oral questions. The list of questions of the final exam is available on the Neptun system.
- Perjési Pál