Physiology of Plants and Herbs


A Tantárgybejelentőben megadott hivatalos adatok az alábbi tanévre: 2023-2024



előadás: 14 óra

gyakorlat: 28 óra

szeminárium: 14 óra

összesen: 56 óra


  • Kód: OTV-PPLH-T
  • 4 kredit
  • Biotechnology BSc
  • Specialised Core Module modul
  • autumn

OTV-SEBI-T completed , OTV-BIC1-T completed

Kurzus létszámkorlát

min. 3 fő – max. 20 fő


The main aim of the subject is to introduce the essential processes of plant physiology, including water balance, photosynthesis, enzyme activities, developmental physiology, and special metabolites. On the theoretical and practical classes, these processes are studied at cellular and organism level, and are discussed from biochemical aspects as well to provide a more complete understanding. The semi-nars and practices of the subject are aimed to help the better understanding of the complex functio-ning of plants, to familiarize students with the techniques of plant biotechnology (e.g. generation of hairy root cultures) and basic methods of data analysis. Students are provided with guidance and op-portunity to design and execute simple experiments in plant biotechnology, and to present their results. Special emphasis is given to those plant physiological processes, which have high relevance in the pharmaceutical industry, and thus provide wide-range carrier and training opportunities for the students in the future.


  • 1. The plant cell - Dr. Kocsis Marianna
  • 2. The plant tissue structure - Dr. Kocsis Marianna
  • 3. Water, minerals and transport - Dr. Kocsis Marianna
  • 4. Photosynthesis - Dr. Kocsis Marianna
  • 5. Plant hormones - Dr. Kocsis Marianna
  • 6. Plant growth and development - Dr. Kocsis Marianna
  • 7. Test I. - Dr. Kocsis Marianna
  • 8. Sample preparation, analytical methods and chemical standardization of medicinal plants - Dr. Horváth Györgyi
  • 9. Plant secondary metabolites – alkaloids - Dr. Horváth Györgyi
  • 10. Plant secondary metabolites - phenoloids - Dr. Horváth Györgyi
  • 11. Plant secondary metabolites - flavonoids - Dr. Horváth Györgyi
  • 12. Plant secondary metabolites – terpenoids I: mono-, sesqui and diterpenoids - Dr. Horváth Györgyi
  • 13. Plant secondary metabolites – terpenoids II: tri- and tetraterpenoids - Dr. Horváth Györgyi
  • 14. Test II. - Dr. Horváth Györgyi


  • 1. Microscopic studies: characterization of plant cells
  • 2. Microscopic studies: characterization of plant cells
  • 3. Microscopic studies: characterization of plant tissues
  • 4. Microscopic studies: characterization of plant tissues
  • 5. Water relation in plants: Leaf relative water content, Water retention ability – air dried plant tissues
  • 6. Water relation in plants: Leaf relative water content, Water retention ability – air dried plant tissues
  • 7. Water relation in plants: Leaf relative water content, Water retention ability – air dried plant tissues
  • 8. Water relation in plants: Leaf relative water content, Water retention ability – air dried plant tissues
  • 9. Photosynthesis: Characterization of chloroplast pigments, determination of total chlorophyll content, Hill-reaction
  • 10. Photosynthesis: Characterization of chloroplast pigments, determination of total chlorophyll content, Hill-reaction
  • 11. Photosynthesis: Characterization of chloroplast pigments, determination of total chlorophyll content, Hill-reaction
  • 12. Photosynthesis: Characterization of chloroplast pigments, determination of total chlorophyll content, Hill-reaction
  • 13. Field measurements: Measurement of leaf water potential (LWP) by pressure chamber, Measurement of chlorophyll-a fluorescence as a stress indicator by fluorometer
  • 14. Field measurements: Measurement of leaf water potential (LWP) by pressure chamber, Measurement of chlorophyll-a fluorescence as a stress indicator by fluorometer
  • 15. Field measurements: Measurement of leaf water potential (LWP) by pressure chamber, Measurement of chlorophyll-a fluorescence as a stress indicator by fluorometer
  • 16. Field measurements: Measurement of leaf water potential (LWP) by pressure chamber, Measurement of chlorophyll-a fluorescence as a stress indicator by fluorometer
  • 17. Enzymatic and nonenzymatic antioxidants: Enzyme activity of peroxidase, Measuring ascorbic acid (vitamin C) content in fruit
  • 18. Enzymatic and nonenzymatic antioxidants: Enzyme activity of peroxidase, Measuring ascorbic acid (vitamin C) content in fruit
  • 19. Enzymatic and nonenzymatic antioxidants: Enzyme activity of peroxidase, Measuring ascorbic acid (vitamin C) content in fruit
  • 20. Enzymatic and nonenzymatic antioxidants: Enzyme activity of peroxidase, Measuring ascorbic acid (vitamin C) content in fruit
  • 21. Secondary metabolites: Alkaloids, Flavonoids
  • 22. Secondary metabolites: Alkaloids, Flavonoids
  • 23. Secondary metabolites: Alkaloids, Flavonoids
  • 24. Secondary metabolites: Alkaloids, Flavonoids
  • 25. Evaluation of the semester, Test, LabNotes
  • 26. Evaluation of the semester, Test, LabNotes
  • 27. Evaluation of the semester, Test, LabNotes
  • 28. Evaluation of the semester, Test, LabNotes


  • 1. The plant cell
  • 2. The plant tissue structure
  • 3. Water, minerals and transport
  • 4. Photosynthesis
  • 5. Plant hormones
  • 6. Plant growth and development
  • 7. Test I.
  • 8. Sample preparation, analytical methods and chemical standardization of medicinal plants
  • 9. Plant secondary metabolites – alkaloids
  • 10. Plant secondary metabolites - phenoloids
  • 11. Plant secondary metabolites - flavonoids
  • 12. Plant secondary metabolites – terpenoids I: mono-, sesqui and diterpenoids
  • 13. Plant secondary metabolites – terpenoids II: tri- and tetraterpenoids
  • 14. Test II.

A tananyag elsajátításához szükséges segédanyagok

Kötelező irodalom

1. Plant Physiology lectures and practices (electronic lectures and practice notes)
2. Taiz, L., E. Zeiger, I.M. Moller, and A. Murphy (2015): Plant Physiology and Development, 6th Edition. Sinauer Associates, Sunderland, MA

Saját oktatási anyag


Ajánlott irodalom

3. Hopkins W.G., Hüner N.P.A.: Introduction to Plant Physiology, Wiley-Sons Inc., USA, 2008
4. Bishun Deo Prasad, Sangita Sahni, Prasant Kumar, Mohammed Wasim Siddiqui (eds): Plant Biotechnology Principles, Techniques, and Applications, CRC Press, 2018 ISBN 9781771885805

A félév elfogadásának feltételei

Maximum of 25 % absence allowed

Félévközi ellenőrzések

2 lecture midterm exam, 1 practice exam. Min. 60% for acceptance, there is possibility for B and C chances.

Távolmaradás pótlásának lehetőségei

Student's homework, consultation possibility.


The topics of oral exam are similar to lectures' topics.


  • Dr. Horváth Györgyi
  • Dr. Kocsis Marianna

Gyakorlatok, szemináriumok oktatói

  • Dr. Horváth Györgyi
  • Dr. Kocsis Marianna