A Tantárgybejelentőben megadott hivatalos adatok az alábbi tanévre: 2024-2025
Berente Zoltán
associate professor,
Department of Biochemistry and Medical Chemistry
előadás: 24 óra
gyakorlat: 0 óra
szeminárium: 0 óra
összesen: 24 óra
- Kód: OSE-BKF-T
- 2 kredit
- Dentistry
- Elective modul
- autumn
OSA-BEF-T finished
Kurzus létszámkorlát
min. 5 fő – max. 250 fő
The course is aimed to support the successful accomplishment of the final exam of the compulsory course "Biochemistry".
In the classroom the brief summary of the theory related to the actual topic will be followed by discussing explicit questions (multiple choice and open questions as well) in order to deepen the understanding of the material along with the preparation for the written exam.
In order to help preparation the topics of this course will discuss the lectures and practices of the main course, but shifted in time. On each occasion thestudents will face clinical problems typically taken from USMLE (Step 1) question bank.
- 1. Introduction - Berente Zoltán
- 2. Biomolecules: Building Blocks of Life - Berente Zoltán
- 3.
Molecular Biology Basics 1. DNA Replication and Repair, the Genome. Transcription, the Transcriptome, the Exome.
- Berente Zoltán - 4.
Molecular Biology Basics 2. Translation, Protein Folding and Targeting, the Proteome. Regulation of the Gene Expression.
- Berente Zoltán - 5.
Proteins 1. The four levels of protein structure. Identification, diagnostic opportunities.
- Agócs Attila - 6.
Proteins 2. Structure Activity Relationships
- Agócs Attila - 7.
Enzymes 1. Structure and Activity. Isozymes. Zymogens.
- Agócs Attila - 8.
Enzymes 2. Kinetic Description of Enzymatic Catalysis
- Agócs Attila - 9.
Enzyme Inhibitions 1. Cases Occurring under Physiological Conditions.
- Berente Zoltán - 10.
Enzyme Inhibitions 2. Clinical Cases
- Berente Zoltán - 11.
Degradation of Carbohydrates 1. Metabolic Reactions, Organ Specific Considerations.
- Takátsy Anikó - 12.
Degradation of Carbohydrates 2. Regulation.
- Takátsy Anikó - 13.
Lipids in Living Organisms. Structure Activity Relationships.
- Balogi Zsolt - 14.
Degradation of Lipids. Regulation.
- Balogi Zsolt - 15.
Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle. Reactions and Regulation.
- Takátsy Anikó - 16.
Energy Metabolism
- Takátsy Anikó - 17.
Glycogen Metabolism and its Regulation.
- Takátsy Anikó - 18.
Biosynthesis of Carbohydrates
- Takátsy Anikó - 19.
Biosynthesis of Lipids 1. Fatty Acids and Triglycerides.
- Balogi Zsolt - 20.
Biosynthesis of Lipids 2. Cholesterol, Eicosanoids, Complex Lipids.
- Balogi Zsolt - 21.
Amino Acid Metabolism
- Berente Zoltán - 22.
Nucleotide Metabolism
- Berente Zoltán - 23. Test - Berente Zoltán
- 24. Test - Berente Zoltán
A tananyag elsajátításához szükséges segédanyagok
Kötelező irodalom
Saját oktatási anyag
Lecture slideshows will be available in Teams after the lectures.
Ajánlott irodalom
T.A. Swanson, S.I. Kim, M.J. Glucksman: Biochemistry, Molecular Biology & Genetics, 5th edition, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 2010
Michael A. Lieberman, Rick Ricer: Lippincott's Illustrated Q&A Review of Biochemistry, 1st edition, Wolter Kluwers, ISBN:978-1605473024
A félév elfogadásának feltételei
Submission of a successful test (13/25) at the end of the course.
Félévközi ellenőrzések
Multiple choice test in the last week.
Távolmaradás pótlásának lehetőségei
The semester test questions will be selected from the problems discussed in the classroom.
- Berente Zoltán