Medical Biochemistry - Questions and Answers


A Tantárgybejelentőben megadott hivatalos adatok az alábbi tanévre: 2020-2021



előadás: 24 óra

gyakorlat: 0 óra

szeminárium: 0 óra

összesen: 24 óra


  • Kód: OAF-OBQ-T
  • 2 kredit
  • General Medicine
  • Optional modul
  • spring

OAA-BKA-T completed

Kurzus létszámkorlát

min. 2 fő – max. 200 fő


The course is aimed to support the successful accomplishment of the final exam "Medical Biochemistry".
In the classroom the brief summary of the theory related to the actual topic will be followed by discussing explicit questions (multiple choice and open questions as well) in order to deepen the understanding of the material along with the preparation for the written exam.
In order to help preparation the topics of this course will discuss the lectures and practices of the main course, but shifted in time.


  • 1. Introduction - Nagyné Dr. Kiss Gyöngyi
  • 2. Cellular signaling, Biochemistry of sensing - Nagyné Dr. Kiss Gyöngyi
  • 3. Lipoproteins, Biochemistry of the plasma membrane - Dr. Takátsy Anikó
  • 4. ER, golgi - Dr. Takátsy Anikó
  • 5. Macronutrients, Biochemistry of digestion - Kőszegi Balázs
  • 6. Vitamines, trace elements - Kőszegi Balázs
  • 7. Iron metabolism, Liver functions - Dr. Kovács Krisztina
  • 8. Alcohol metabolism - Dr. Kovács Krisztina
  • 9. Oxidative stress induced signaling, Mitochondria - Dr. Agócs Attila
  • 10. Biochemistry of inflammation, Biochemistry of the joints - Dr. Agócs Attila
  • 11. Student presentations 1 - Nagyné Dr. Kiss Gyöngyi
  • 12. Student presentations 2 - Nagyné Dr. Kiss Gyöngyi
  • 13. Regulation of blood pH, Molecular mechanisms of glucose uptake - Dr. Jakus Péter Balázs
  • 14. Biochemistry of diabetes - Dr. Jakus Péter Balázs
  • 15. Functions of the blood vessels, Regulation of blood pressure - Dr. Berente Zoltán
  • 16. Biochemistry of cardiovascular damages - Dr. Berente Zoltán
  • 17. Plasma proteins, Genetic disorders of hemoglobin - Nagyné Dr. Kiss Gyöngyi
  • 18. Student presentations 3 - Nagyné Dr. Kiss Gyöngyi
  • 19. Cell cycle, Biochemistry of cell death - Dr. Bognár Zita
  • 20. Oncogenes, tumorsupressor genes - Dr. Bognár Zita
  • 21. Extracellular matrix, Matrix metalloproteinases - Dr. Tapodi Antal
  • 22. Cytoskeleton - Dr. Tapodi Antal
  • 23. Biochemistry of the central nervous system 1 - Nagyné Dr. Kiss Gyöngyi
  • 24. Biochemistry of the central nervous system 2 - Nagyné Dr. Kiss Gyöngyi



A tananyag elsajátításához szükséges segédanyagok

Kötelező irodalom


Saját oktatási anyag



Ajánlott irodalom

T.A. Swanson, S.I. Kim, M.J. Glucksman: Biochemistry, Molecular Biology & Genetics, 5th edition, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2010.
Michael A. Lieberman, Rick Ricer: Lippincott's Illustrated Q&A Review of Biochemistry 1st edition, Wolter Kluwers, ISBN:978-1605473024

A félév elfogadásának feltételei

Maximum of 25 % absence allowed

Félévközi ellenőrzések

Oral presentations must be held during the semester.
Make-up opportunities are in accordance with the Code of Studies and Examinations.

Távolmaradás pótlásának lehetőségei

No opportunity to make-up missed classes.



Gyakorlatok, szemináriumok oktatói