A Tantárgybejelentőben megadott hivatalos adatok az alábbi tanévre: 2024-2025
Bóna Ágnes
assistant professor,
Department of Biochemistry and Medical Chemistry
előadás: 24 óra
gyakorlat: 0 óra
szeminárium: 0 óra
összesen: 24 óra
- Kód: OXFPPH-z-T
- 2 kredit
- Dentistry
- Optional modul
- both
Kurzus létszámkorlát
min. 5 fő – max. 10 fő
Oxygen centered free radicals and reactive oxygen species (ROS) are highly toxic resulting in cell death and tissue damage leading to chronic diseases such as atherosclerosis, diabetes, cancer, cirrhosis and neurodegenerative disorders. Antioxidants are compounds which can inhibit or delay the oxidative damage preventing many diseases. Plant polyphenols are naturally occurring secondary plant metabolites, synthesized in response to environmental stress factors. As being antioxidants and free-radical scavengers they serve as essential components of the human diet. The aim of the course is to summarise the most recent researches in the topic according to the prestigious scientific journals available in English language.
- 1. Introduction - Bóna Ágnes
- 2. Introduction - Bóna Ágnes
- 3. Definition, chemical structure and classification of polyphenols - Bóna Ágnes
- 4. Definition, chemical structure and classification of polyphenols - Bóna Ágnes
- 5. Natural occurance and biological role of polyphenols - Bóna Ágnes
- 6. Natural occurance and biological role of polyphenols - Bóna Ágnes
- 7. Antioxidant activity of polyphenols - Bóna Ágnes
- 8. Antioxidant activity of polyphenols - Bóna Ágnes
- 9. Separation, identification and analysis of polyphenols - Bóna Ágnes
- 10. Separation, identification and analysis of polyphenols - Bóna Ágnes
- 11. Polyphenols in food industry - Bóna Ágnes
- 12. Polyphenols in food industry - Bóna Ágnes
- 13. Polyphenols and human diseases I. - Bóna Ágnes
- 14. Polyphenols and human diseases I. - Bóna Ágnes
- 15. Polyphenols and human diseases II. - Bóna Ágnes
- 16. Polyphenols and human diseases II. - Bóna Ágnes
- 17. HPLC separation of polyphenols - Bóna Ágnes
- 18. HPLC separation of polyphenols - Bóna Ágnes
- 19. Mass spectrometric (MS) analysis of polyphenols - Bóna Ágnes
- 20. Mass spectrometric (MS) analysis of polyphenols - Bóna Ágnes
- 21. Written exam - Bóna Ágnes
- 22. Written exam - Bóna Ágnes
- 23. Consultation - Bóna Ágnes
- 24. Consultation - Bóna Ágnes
A tananyag elsajátításához szükséges segédanyagok
Kötelező irodalom
Saját oktatási anyag
Lectures will be available on Teams.
Ajánlott irodalom
A félév elfogadásának feltételei
Written exam on the 11th week.
Félévközi ellenőrzések
Written exam on the 11th week, the make up of the exam is not possible.
Távolmaradás pótlásának lehetőségei
The make up of the course is not possible.
No exam in the exam period.