A Tantárgybejelentőben megadott hivatalos adatok az alábbi tanévre: 2024-2025
Halmosi Róbert
1st Department of Internal Medicine
előadás: 14 óra
gyakorlat: 28 óra
szeminárium: 0 óra
összesen: 42 óra
- Kód: OAK-KAR-T
- 3 kredit
- General Medicine
- Clinical modul
- spring
OAP-BPR-T finished , OAK-PH2-T parallel , OAP-KN1-T finished
Kurzus létszámkorlát
min. 5 fő – max. 200 fő
The subject provides general theoretical and practical baselines to the state of the art of cardiological diagnostics and therapy and their application in the everyday medical practice. Interactions and differential diagnostic features with other internal diseases are emphasized.
Cardiovascular diseases represent the largest patient population requiring medical attention in general practice. This subject includes special topics of case history and physical examination of cardiac patients, the most important characteristics of cardiological diseases, non-invasive and invasive cardiological diagnostic procedures and therapeutic possibilities.
- 1.
Introduction to cardiology. Noninvasive cardiological diagnostics I: Electrocardiology (ECG, stress tests, Holter monitoring, transtelephonic ECG)
- Halmosi Róbert - 2. Noninvasive cardiological diagnostics II: Echocardiography, Nuclear cardiology, Cardiac MRI, Coronary CT - Cziráki Attila
- 3. Invasive cardiological diagnostics: Coronary angiography, IVUS, FFR - Horváth Iván Gábor
- 4.
Arrhythmias and their pharmacological treatment
- Kenyeres Péter - 5.
Invasive clinical electrophysiology, diagnostics, ablation and non-pharmacological treatment of arrhythmias (pacemakers, CRT, ICD) Dr. A. Kónyi, Dr. Cs. Herczku
- Kónyi Attila, Kupó Péter - 6. Hypertension - Czopf László József
- 7.
Heart failure
- Habon Tamás - 8. Advanced heart failure. Device therapy and heart transplant - Alexy Tamás
- 9.
Chronic coronary syndrome (CCS). Cardiovascular prevention
- Tóth Kálmán, Késmárky Gábor Róbert - 10. Acute coronary syndromes. Percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) - Horváth Iván Gábor
- 11. Inflammatory diseases of the heart. Valvular heart diseases - Cziráki Attila
- 12.
- Halmosi Róbert - 13. Cardiomyopathies - Halmosi Róbert
- 14. Cardiac rehabilitation - Szabados Eszter
- 1. Physical examination and case history in cardiology
- 2. Physical examination and case history in cardiology
- 3. ECG analysis
- 4. ECG analysis
- 5. Patient presentation. Arrhythmias
- 6. Patient presentation. Arrhythmias
- 7. Patient presentation. Ischemic heart disease
- 8. Patient presentation. Ischemic heart disease
- 9. Patient presentation. Heart failure
- 10. Patient presentation. Heart failure
- 11. Patient presentation/MediSkill practice
- 12. Patient presentation/MediSkill practice
- 13. Patient presentation/MediSkill practice
- 14. Patient presentation/MediSkill practice
- 15. Patient presentation. Instrumental examination
- 16. Patient presentation. Instrumental examination
- 17. Patient presentation.
- 18. Patient presentation.
- 19. Coronary angiography. PCI
- 20. Coronary angiography. PCI
- 21. Electrophysiology. Pacemakers
- 22. Electrophysiology. Pacemakers
- 23. Patient presentation.
- 24. Patient presentation.
- 25. Review of topics
- 26. Review of topics
- 27. Practical exam
- 28. Practical exam
A tananyag elsajátításához szükséges segédanyagok
Kötelező irodalom
Csanadi, Z., Czuriga, D.: Diseases of the Heart and the Arteries - For Medical Students (University of Debrecen, 2020)
Saját oktatási anyag
Educational resources of 1st Department of Medicine and Heart Institute (PotePedia website)
Cardiology script (TÁMOP-4.1.1.C-13/1/KONV-2014-0001)
Ajánlott irodalom
Andreoli, T. E., Carpenter, C. C. J., Griggs, R., Loscalzo, J. (eds.): Cecil Essentials of Medicine, 9th edition, W.B. Saunders Company, 2015.
Braunwald's Heart Disease: A Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine, Elsevier, 2018.
Houghton AR, Gray D: Making Sense of the ECG - A hands-on guide, CRC Press, 2014.
A félév elfogadásának feltételei
Félévközi ellenőrzések
Students take a written test during the exam period with the exam topics listed below. The result of the written test gives 80% of the final grade. 5 written exams are scheduled. The result of an oral practical exam held during the last two weeks of the instruction period accounts for 20% of the final grade.
Távolmaradás pótlásának lehetőségei
Maximal 15% absence from the practices is tolerated (in case of 15-25% absence, students may apply for personal excuse to the course leader). You can join a practice of another group to make up for absences (maximum 2 practices).
Maximal 15% absence from all contact hours (lactures+practices) is tolerated (in case of 15-25% absence, students may apply for personal excuse to the course leader).
More absences result in automatic exclusion from the exam.
Students take a written test during the exam period with the exam topics listed below. The result of the written test gives 80% of the final grade. 5 written exams are scheduled. The result of an oral practical exam held during the last two weeks of the instruction period accounts for 20% of the final grade.
Exam Topics:
1. Basic principles of ECG analysis
2. Special cardiological investigations I: Stress tests, Holter monitoring and Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring (ABPM)
3. Special cardiological investigations II: Echocardiography, nuclear methods, computed tomography, cardiac MRI
4. Special cardiological investigations III: Invasive studies (electrophysiology, heart catheterization, coronary angiography and coronary interventions)
5. Mechanisms of arrhythmias
6. Sinus and atrial arrhythmias
7. Arrhythmias involving the AV node and accessory pathways
8. Ventricular arrhythmias
9. AV blocks and ventricular conduction defects
10. Syncope and sudden cardiac death
11. Antiarrhythmic drugs
12. Pacemakers and implantable cardioverter defibrillators
13. Epidemiology and risk factors of ischemic heart disease (IHD), primary prevention
14. Types of ischemic heart disease (IHD) (types of angina pectoris)
15. The diagnostics of ischemic heart disease (IHD)
16. The drug treatment of ischemic heart disease (IHD)
17. The revascularisation treatment (PCI, CABG) of ischemic heart disease (IHD)
18. Types and diagnostics of acute coronary syndromes (ACS)
19. The treatment of acute coronary syndromes with ST segment elevation (STEMI)
20. The treatment of acute coronary syndromes without persistent ST segment elevation (NSTEMI)
21. The most important complications of acute myocardial infarction (AMI) and their treatment
22. Risk stratification after acute myocardial infarction (AMI), secondary prevention
23. Risk factors, pathogenesis, epidemiology and types of hypertension.
24. The treatment of hypertension
25. Epidemiology, risk factors and pathomechanism of heart failure
26. The clinical syndromes of heart failure
27. The drug treatment of chronic heart failure
28. The non-pharmacological treatment of heart failure
29. The treatment of acute heart failure
30. Classification of cardiomyopathies
31. Dilated cardiomyopathy
32. Hypertrophic and restrictive cardiomyopathy, arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy
33. Myocarditis and rheumatic fever
34. The diseases of the pericardium, cardiac tamponade
35. Infective endocarditis
36. Diseases of the mitral valve
37. Diseases of the aortic valve
38. Combined and multiple valve diseases
39. Pulmonary embolism and primary pulmonary hypertension
40. Anticoagulant and fibrinolytic therapy in cardiovascular diseases
41. Antiplatelet therapy in cardiovascular diseases
42. Laboratory diagnostics in cardiology, biomarkers
43. Pregnancy and heart disease
44. Cardiac rehabilitation
45. The role of multicenter, international clinical studies in the therapy of heart diseases (arrhythmias, ACS, secondary prevention, etc.)
- Cziráki Attila
- Czopf László József
- Faludi Réka
- Gál Roland
- Gaszner Balázs (Kardio)
- Habon Tamás
- Halmosi Róbert
- Horváth Iván Gábor
- Kenyeres Péter
- Késmárky Gábor Róbert
- Koltai Katalin
- Komócsi András
- Kónyi Attila
- Lenkey Zsófia
- Magyar Klára
- Magyari Balázs
- Márton Zsolt I
- Németh Ádám
- Nógrádi Ágnes Beatrix
- Rábai Miklós
- Sándor Barbara
- Sárszegi Zsolt
- Szabados Eszter
- Tóth Kálmán
Gyakorlatok, szemináriumok oktatói
- Czopf László József
- Faludi Réka
- Gál Roland
- Gaszner Balázs (Kardio)
- Habon Tamás
- Hajdu Máté
- Halmosi Róbert
- Kenyeres Péter
- Késmárky Gábor Róbert
- Kittka Bálint Pál
- Koltai Katalin
- Kónyi Attila
- Kupó Péter
- Lenkey Zsófia
- Magyar Klára
- Magyari Balázs
- Márton Zsolt I
- Meiszterics Zsófia
- Németh Ádám
- Nógrádi Ágnes Beatrix
- Porpáczy Adél
- Rábai Miklós
- Sándor Barbara
- Simon Mihály
- Szabados Eszter
- Tótsimon Kinga