A Tantárgybejelentőben megadott hivatalos adatok az alábbi tanévre: 2024-2025
Lempel Edina
associate professor,
Department of Dentistry, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
előadás: 0 óra
gyakorlat: 84 óra
szeminárium: 0 óra
összesen: 84 óra
- Kód: OSA-K3K-T
- 6 kredit
- Dentistry
- Basic modul
- spring
OSA-FAY-T finished , OSA-FAT-T finished , OSR-AFG-T finished
Kurzus létszámkorlát
min. 5 fő – max. 20 fő
The students should learn the basic terms and methods of operative dentistry. Within the framework of the practice the student should get ready for operative interventions on real patients.
- 1. I. class cavity preparation (occlusal and buccal) in lower 6 tooth for amalgam filling; making of amalgam filling
- 2.
I. class cavity preparation (occlusal and buccal) in lower 6 tooth for amalgam filling; making of amalgam filling
- 3. I. class cavity preparation (occlusal and buccal) in lower 6 tooth for amalgam filling; making of amalgam filling
- 4. I. class cavity preparation (occlusal and buccal) in lower 6 tooth for amalgam filling; making of amalgam filling
- 5. I. class cavity preparation (occlusal and buccal) in lower 6 tooth for amalgam filling; making of amalgam filling
- 6. I. class cavity preparation (occlusal and buccal) in lower 6 tooth for amalgam filling; making of amalgam filling
- 7. II. class MO cavity preparation in lower 5 tooth for amalgam filling; making of amalgam filling II. class OD cavity preparation in upper 4 tooth for composite filling; making of composite filling
- 8. II. class MO cavity preparation in lower 5 tooth for amalgam filling; making of amalgam filling II. class OD cavity preparation in upper 4 tooth for composite filling; making of composite filling
- 9. II. class MO cavity preparation in lower 5 tooth for amalgam filling; making of amalgam filling II. class OD cavity preparation in upper 4 tooth for composite filling; making of composite filling
- 10. II. class MO cavity preparation in lower 5 tooth for amalgam filling; making of amalgam filling II. class OD cavity preparation in upper 4 tooth for composite filling; making of composite filling
- 11. II. class MO cavity preparation in lower 5 tooth for amalgam filling; making of amalgam filling II. class OD cavity preparation in upper 4 tooth for composite filling; making of composite filling
- 12. II. class MO cavity preparation in lower 5 tooth for amalgam filling; making of amalgam filling II. class OD cavity preparation in upper 4 tooth for composite filling; making of composite filling
- 13. II. class MOD cavity preparation in upper 4 and 6 tooth for composite filling; making of composite filling
- 14. II. class MOD cavity preparation in upper 4 and 6 tooth for composite filling; making of composite filling
- 15. II. class MOD cavity preparation in upper 4 and 6 tooth for composite filling; making of composite filling
- 16. II. class MOD cavity preparation in upper 4 and 6 tooth for composite filling; making of composite filling
- 17. II. class MOD cavity preparation in upper 4 and 6 tooth for composite filling; making of composite filling
- 18. II. class MOD cavity preparation in upper 4 and 6 tooth for composite filling; making of composite filling
- 19. III. and IV. Class cavity preparation for composite filling in upper anterior teeth; making of the filling. V. Class cavity preparation for composite filling in upper 3 and lower 6 teeth; making of the filling
- 20. III. and IV. Class cavity preparation for composite filling in upper anterior teeth; making of the filling. V. Class cavity preparation for composite filling in upper 3 and lower 6 teeth; making of the filling
- 21. III. and IV. Class cavity preparation for composite filling in upper anterior teeth; making of the filling. V. Class cavity preparation for composite filling in upper 3 and lower 6 teeth; making of the filling
- 22. III. and IV. Class cavity preparation for composite filling in upper anterior teeth; making of the filling. V. Class cavity preparation for composite filling in upper 3 and lower 6 teeth; making of the filling
- 23. III. and IV. Class cavity preparation for composite filling in upper anterior teeth; making of the filling. V. Class cavity preparation for composite filling in upper 3 and lower 6 teeth; making of the filling
- 24. III. and IV. Class cavity preparation for composite filling in upper anterior teeth; making of the filling. V. Class cavity preparation for composite filling in upper 3 and lower 6 teeth; making of the filling
- 25. Test
- 26. Cavity preparation for glass-ionomer filling, making of the filling
- 27. Cavity preparation for glass-ionomer filling, making of the filling
- 28. Cavity preparation for glass-ionomer filling, making of the filling
- 29. Cavity preparation for glass-ionomer filling, making of the filling
- 30. Cavity preparation for glass-ionomer filling, making of the filling
- 31. I. class cavity preparation for metal inlay in lower 7 tooth; making of wax pattern
- 32. I. class cavity preparation for metal inlay in lower 7 tooth; making of wax pattern
- 33. I. class cavity preparation for metal inlay in lower 7 tooth; making of wax pattern
- 34. I. class cavity preparation for metal inlay in lower 7 tooth; making of wax pattern
- 35. I. class cavity preparation for metal inlay in lower 7 tooth; making of wax pattern
- 36. I. class cavity preparation for metal inlay in lower 7 tooth; making of wax pattern
- 37.
II. class MO and OD minibox preparation for composite filling in lower 4 tooth; making of a composite filling.
- 38.
II. class MO and OD minibox preparation for composite filling in lower 4 tooth; making of a composite filling.
- 39.
II. class MOD cavity preparation for composite inlay in upper 7 tooth; making of direct composite inlay
- 40.
II. class MOD cavity preparation for composite inlay in upper 7 tooth; making of direct composite inlay
- 41.
II. class MOD cavity preparation for composite inlay in upper 7 tooth; making of direct composite inlay
- 40.
- 42.
II. class MOD cavity preparation for composite inlay in upper 7 tooth; making of direct composite inlay
- 43. II. class MO cavity preparation in lower 7 tooth for ceramic onlay; making of direct composite onlay
- 44. II. class MO cavity preparation in lower 7 tooth for ceramic onlay; making of direct composite onlay
- 45. II. class MO cavity preparation in lower 7 tooth for ceramic onlay; making of direct composite onlay
- 46. II. class MO cavity preparation in lower 7 tooth for ceramic onlay; making of direct composite onlay
- 47. II. class MO cavity preparation in lower 7 tooth for ceramic onlay; making of direct composite onlay
- 48. II. class MO cavity preparation in lower 7 tooth for ceramic onlay; making of direct composite onlay
- 49.
- 50. Rubber dam placement on phantom head
- 51. Rubber dam placement on phantom head
- 52. Rubber dam placement on phantom head
- 53. Rubber dam placement on phantom head
- 54. Rubber dam placement on phantom head
- 55. Placement of glass-fiber reinforced intrapulpal post, core-build-up, preparation (ferrule-effect)
- 56. Placement of glass-fiber reinforced intrapulpal post, core-build-up, preparation (ferrule-effect)
- 57. Placement of glass-fiber reinforced intrapulpal post, core-build-up, preparation (ferrule-effect)
- 58. Placement of glass-fiber reinforced intrapulpal post, core-build-up, preparation (ferrule-effect)
- 59. Placement of glass-fiber reinforced intrapulpal post, core-build-up, preparation (ferrule-effect)
- 60. Placement of glass-fiber reinforced intrapulpal post, core-build-up, preparation (ferrule-effect)
- 61. Minimal invasive cavity preparation, making of the fillings
- 62. Minimal invasive cavity preparation, making of the fillings
- 63. Minimal invasive cavity preparation, making of the fillings
- 64. Minimal invasive cavity preparation, making of the fillings
- 65. Minimal invasive cavity preparation, making of the fillings
- 66. Minimal invasive cavity preparation, making of the fillings
- 67. Preparation for direct veneer; making of direct veneer with layering technique
- 68. Preparation for direct veneer; making of direct veneer with layering technique
- 69. Preparation for direct veneer; making of direct veneer with layering technique
- 70. Preparation for direct veneer; making of direct veneer with layering technique
- 71. Preparation for direct veneer; making of direct veneer with layering technique
- 72. Preparation for direct veneer; making of direct veneer with layering technique
- 73. Preparation for direct veneer; making of direct veneer with layering technique
- 74. Preparation for direct veneer; making of direct veneer with layering technique
- 75. Preparation for direct veneer; making of direct veneer with layering technique
- 76. Preparation for direct veneer; making of direct veneer with layering technique
- 77. Preparation for direct veneer; making of direct veneer with layering technique
- 78. Preparation for direct veneer; making of direct veneer with layering technique
- 79. Exercise and evaluation
- 80. Exercise and evaluation
- 81. Exercise and evaluation
- 82. Exercise and evaluation
- 83. Exercise and evaluation
- 84. Exercise and evaluation
A tananyag elsajátításához szükséges segédanyagok
Kötelező irodalom
Saját oktatási anyag
Contents of the lectures (Operative Dentistry 2 - Operative Dentistry Propedeutics) and supporting course materials presented on the practices.
Ajánlott irodalom
Sturdevant: Art and Science of Operative Dentistry
A félév elfogadásának feltételei
The students should arrive at least 5 minutes before the start of the practice. Lateness is not accepted, it is considered as an absence. Max 2 certified absences are accepted. Protective clothing (white coat and changed shoes) is mandatory.
Félévközi ellenőrzések
4 mid-term tests are planned during the semester. The topic of the tests is the course material of the lectures and practices tought up to the time of the test. A failed test must be corrected. If the corrective test is failed, the semester is denied. The passed test's result will influence the final grade of the subject. The preparations and restorations will be qualified on each practice. Three unaccepted preparations will lead to the refusal of the semester. The results of the qualification will influence the acceptance of the semester and the final grade. At the end of the semester a practical/operative exam should be performed. The final grade is consisted of the average of the tests, the qualifications of the preparations and the practical exam's result.
Távolmaradás pótlásának lehetőségei
Practical exam topics:
1. I. class cavity preparation (occlusal and buccal) in molar tooth for amalgam filling; making of amalgam filling
2. I. class cavity preparation (occlusal and buccal) in molar tooth for composite filling; making of composite filling
3. II. class MO cavity preparation in molar or in premolar for amalgam filling; making of the filling
4. II. Class OD cavity preparation in molar or in premolar for amalgam filling; making of the filling
5. II. class MOD cavity preparation in molar or in premolar for amalgam filling; making of the filling
6. II. class MO cavity preparation in molar or in premolar for composite filling; making of the filling
7. II. class OD cavity preparation in molar or in premolar for composite filling; making of the filling
8. II. class MOD cavity preparation in molar or in premolar for composite filling; making of the filling
9. III. Class cavity preparation for composite filling in upper anterior teeth; making of the filling
10. IV. Class cavity preparation for composite filling in upper anterior teeth; making of the filling
11. II. class MO cavity preparation for metal inlay; making of wax pattern
12. II. class OD cavity preparation for metal inlay; making of wax pattern
13. II. class MOD cavity preparation for metal inlay; making of wax pattern
14. II. class MO cavity preparation for direct composite inlay; making of the inlay
15. II. class OD cavity preparation for direct composite inlay; making of the inlay
16. II. class MOD cavity preparation for direct composite inlay; making of the inlay
Gyakorlatok, szemináriumok oktatói
- Dunavári Erika Katalin
- Kovács Virág
- Lempel Edina
- Németh Kinga Dorottya (Fogklinika)
- Németh Kristóf György
- Riegler Fanni