A Tantárgybejelentőben megadott hivatalos adatok az alábbi tanévre: 2024-2025
Nagy Ákos Károly
associate professor,
Department of Dentistry, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
előadás: 26 óra
gyakorlat: 2 óra
szeminárium: 0 óra
összesen: 28 óra
- Kód: OAK-FOG-T
- 2 kredit
- General Medicine
- Clinical modul
- spring
OAP-KN2-T finished , OAP-MO2-T finished , OAP-PA2-T finished
Kurzus létszámkorlát
min. 5 fő – max. 100 fő
The main message of this course is to get informed general medicine students about frequent oral diseases, hard and soft tissue lesions in the oral cavity. In addition to this malformations, inflammations, tumors on maxillofacial region are also the topics in this course. Students should collect information in maxillofacial traumatology and pain disorders. The organic part of that programme is to deal with manifestations of general diseases in the oral cavity.
- 1. Diagnostic procedures in oral diseases - Nagy Ákos Károly
- 2. Diagnostic procedures in oral diseases - Nagy Ákos Károly
- 3. The basics of dental prevention - Nagy Ákos Károly
- 4. The basics of dental prevention - Nagy Ákos Károly
- 5. Malformations and disorders in maxillofacial region. Orthodontic treatments - Gurdán Zsuzsanna
- 6. Malformations and disorders in maxillofacial region. Orthodontic treatments - Gurdán Zsuzsanna
- 7. The ethiology, pathology and therapy of dental caries. Disease of the pulp. - Németh Kinga Dorottya (Fogklinika)
- 8. The ethiology, pathology and therapy of dental caries. Disease of the pulp - Németh Kinga Dorottya (Fogklinika)
- 9. Inflammation diseases. Focal infections. Periostitis. Phlegmone - Orsi Enikő
- 10. Inflammation diseases. Focal infections. Periostitis. Phlegmone - Orsi Enikő
- 11. Periodontal diseases. - Bán Ágnes
- 12. Periodontal diseases. - Bán Ágnes
- 13. Precancerous state of maxillofacial region. Benign tumours of the oral cavity - Szabó Árpád
- 14. Precancerous state of maxillofacial region. Benign tumours of the oral cavity - Szabó Árpád
- 15. Malignant tumours of the oral cavity - Orsi Enikő
- 16. Malignant tumours of the oral cavity - Orsi Enikő
- 17. Implantology. Dentures. Geriatric Considerations in Oral Medicine - Benke Beáta
- 18. Implantology. Dentures. Geriatric Considerations in Oral Medicine - Benke Beáta
- 19. Maxillofacial traumatology and treatments of injured patients - Szabó Árpád
- 20. Maxillofacial traumatology and treatments of injured patients - Szabó Árpád
- 21. Treatments and acute cases in pediatric dentistry - Balásné Szántó Ildikó
- 22. Treatments and acute cases in pediatric dentistry - Balásné Szántó Ildikó
- 23. Facial pain and TMJ disorders - Somoskövi István
- 24. Facial pain and TMJ disorders - Somoskövi István
- 25.
Oral manifestation of systemic diseases
- Nagy Ákos (KTK) - 26.
Oral manifestation of systemic diseases
- Nagy Ákos (KTK)
- 1. Oral examinations of patients (interview, _rst examination, dental equipments) - Kövér Zsanett
- 2. Dentoalveolar surgical treatment presentations - Kövér Zsanett
A tananyag elsajátításához szükséges segédanyagok
Kötelező irodalom
Compulsory books of the dentistry students
Saját oktatási anyag
Lecture notes
Ajánlott irodalom
Harrit S. Goldman; Michael Z. Marder: Physicians' Guide to Diseases of the Oral Cavity
A félév elfogadásának feltételei
Félévközi ellenőrzések
Written test on the 14th week
Távolmaradás pótlásának lehetőségei
1. Medical history, dental history, oral examination
2. Clinical examination of the lips, labial mucosa, buccal mucosa, gingivae, palate, tongue, floor of the mouth and salivary glands
3. Caries prevention
4. The correct oral hygiene for adults
5. Intra- and extraoral radiographics, types of intraoral views to take for endodontic therapy
6. The aethiology of carious laesion
7. The clinical features of carious laesion
8. The diseases based on carious laesion: Pulp diseases
9. The diseases based on carious laesion: periapical inflammation
10. Examination of children in dentistry
11. Acute cases in pediatric dentistry: inflammatory cases
12. Acute cases in pediatric dentistry: injury cases
13. Advantages of oral hygiene in childhood
14. Eruption of teeth, sequence and age-range of eruption
15. Disturbed eruption of teeth
16. Local factors affecting delayed eruption
17. Alterations in number of teeth: amelogenesis imperfecta, dentinogenesis imperfecta
18. Cleft palate
19. Lip diseases
20. Adult and juvenile periodontitis
21. Focal infection
22. Alterations in shape of teeth
23. The diseases o tongue
24. Oral lichen planus
25. Salivary gland diseases. Sjögren's syndrome
26. Acute ulcerative gingivitis
27. Oral manifestations of viral infections
28. Minor-, major aphthous ulcers
29. The oral signs and symptoms in anaemia, leukaemia
30. Candidiasis
31. The oral manifestations of AIDS
32. Inflammatory tumours
33. The leukoplakia
34. The clinical locations of oral cancer
35. The clinical aspects of oral cancer
36. The treatment of oral cancer
37. The TNM system for staging oral cancer
38. Malignant potential of oral pre-cancerous lesions
39. The treatment of leukoplakia
40. Fibromas, papillomas, hemangiomas
41. The investigation of facial pain
42. Trigeminal neuralgia, post-herpetic neuralgia, migraine
43. Temporal headache, Beell's palsy, anaesthesia and paraesthesia of the trigeminal nerve
44. The examination of the TM joint
45. TMJ dysfunction syndrome
46. Occlusion, articulation in partial and total toothless stage.
47. Partial and total toothless stage
48. Advantages and disadvantages of fixed dentures
49. Advantages and disadvantages of removable dentures
50. Ageing of the oral tissues. Dental treatment of elderly people.
51. Etiology and diagnosis of mandibular fractures
52. Treatment of mandibular fractures
53. Classification and diagnosis of maxillary fractures
54. Treatment of maxillofacial fractures
55. Etiology and progression of odontogenic infections
56. Osteomyelitis of upper and lower jaws
57. Dental abscess
58. Phlegmone
- Balásné Szántó Ildikó
- Lempel Edina
- Mandel Iván
- Nagy Ákos Károly
- Olasz Lajos
- Orsi Enikő
Gyakorlatok, szemináriumok oktatói
- Balásné Szántó Ildikó
- Benke Beáta
- Lempel Edina
- Mandel Iván
- Nagy Ákos Károly
- Olasz Lajos