Orthodontics 2


A Tantárgybejelentőben megadott hivatalos adatok az alábbi tanévre: 2024-2025


  • Gurdán Zsuzsanna

    assistant professor,
    Department of Dentistry, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery


előadás: 14 óra

gyakorlat: 28 óra

szeminárium: 0 óra

összesen: 42 óra


  • Kód: OSK-FT2-T
  • 3 kredit
  • Dentistry
  • Clinical modul
  • spring

OSK-FT1-T finished

Kurzus létszámkorlát

min. 5 fő – max. 100 fő


The aim of this subject is that graduate students can acquire the knowledge regarding the aetiological factors and characteristics of orthodontic anomalies as well as possible treatment strategies. This is necessary for general dental practitioners to be able to recognise orthodontic problems and to take part in interdisciplinary collaboration.


  • 1. Removable orthodontic appliances: materials, construction, effects. - Gurdán Zsuzsanna
  • 2. Aligners in orthodontics - Gurdán Zsuzsanna
  • 3. Fixed orthodontic appliances: materials, construction, effects - Frank Dorottya
  • 4. Multibond techniques - Somoskövi István
  • 5. Appliances used in Class I malocclusion. - Gurdán Zsuzsanna
  • 6. Appliances used in Class II malocclusion. - Gurdán Zsuzsanna
  • 7. Appliances used in Class III malocclusion. - Frank Dorottya
  • 8. Extractions with orthodontic indication. - Gurdán Zsuzsanna
  • 9. Treatment options for transverse anomalies of the maxilla - Frank Dorottya
  • 10. Skeletal anchorage - Gurdán Zsuzsanna
  • 11. Simple interventions in orthodontics. Role of the general dentist in prevention and treatment of anomalies - Somoskövi István
  • 12. Extraoral orthodontic appliances, jaw orthopedics - Somoskövi István
  • 13. Dentoalveolar surgical procedures with orthodontic indications - Gurdán Zsuzsanna
  • 14. Interdisciplinary relationships in dentistry - Somoskövi István


  • 1. Definition and steps of orthodontic diagnosis.
  • ...
  • 2. Definition and steps of orthodontic diagnosis.
  • 3. Definition and steps of orthodontic diagnosis.
  • 4. Definition and steps of orthodontic diagnosis.
  • 5. Definition and steps of orthodontic diagnosis.
  • 6. Definition and steps of orthodontic diagnosis.
  • 7. Definition and steps of orthodontic diagnosis.
  • 8. Definition and steps of orthodontic diagnosis.
  • 9. Definition and steps of orthodontic diagnosis.
  • 10. Definition and steps of orthodontic diagnosis.
  • 11. Definition and steps of orthodontic diagnosis.
  • 12. Definition and steps of orthodontic diagnosis.
  • 13. Definition and steps of orthodontic diagnosis.
  • 14. Definition and steps of orthodontic diagnosis.
  • 15. Definition and steps of orthodontic diagnosis.
  • 16. Definition and steps of orthodontic diagnosis.
  • 17. Definition and steps of orthodontic diagnosis.
  • 18. Definition and steps of orthodontic diagnosis.
  • 19. Definition and steps of orthodontic diagnosis.
  • 20. Definition and steps of orthodontic diagnosis.
  • 21. Definition and steps of orthodontic diagnosis.
  • 22. Definition and steps of orthodontic diagnosis.
  • 23. Definition and steps of orthodontic diagnosis.
  • 24. Definition and steps of orthodontic diagnosis.
  • 25. Definition and steps of orthodontic diagnosis.
  • 26. Definition and steps of orthodontic diagnosis.
  • 27. Definition and steps of orthodontic diagnosis.
  • 28. Definition and steps of orthodontic diagnosis.


A tananyag elsajátításához szükséges segédanyagok

Kötelező irodalom

Lecture notes

Saját oktatási anyag




Ajánlott irodalom


A félév elfogadásának feltételei

Orthodontics 1

Félévközi ellenőrzések

Written exam

Távolmaradás pótlásának lehetőségei

One practice can be made up by joining the other group.


1 Removable orthodontic appliances: materials, construction, effects.

2 Aligners in orthodontics

3 Fixed orthodontic appliances: materials, construction, effects

4 Multibond techniques

5 Appliances used in Class I malocclusion.

6 Appliances used in Class II malocclusion.

7 Appliances used in Class III malocclusion.

8 Extractions with orthodontic indication.

9 Treatment options for transverse anomalies of the maxilla

10 Skeletal anchorage

11 Simple interventions in orthodontics. Role of the general dentist in prevention and treatment of anomalies

12 Extraoral orthodontic appliances, jaw orthopedics

13 Dentoalveolar surgical procedures with orthodontic indications

14 Interdisciplinary relationships in dentistry


  • Frank Dorottya
  • Gurdán Zsuzsanna
  • Somoskövi István

Gyakorlatok, szemináriumok oktatói

  • Frank Dorottya
  • Gurdán Zsuzsanna
  • Somoskövi István