A Tantárgybejelentőben megadott hivatalos adatok az alábbi tanévre: 2024-2025
Balás István
associate professor,
Department of Neurosurgery
előadás: 12 óra
gyakorlat: 0 óra
szeminárium: 0 óra
összesen: 12 óra
- Kód: OXE-MKF-h-T
- 1 kredit
- General Medicine
- Elective modul
- spring
ODA-NEA-T finished , ODK-NE2-T parallel
Kurzus létszámkorlát
min. 5 fő – max. 20 fő
Department of Functional Neurosurgery University of Pécs, Hungary is dedicated to the surgical alleviation of movement disorders such as Parkinson?s disease, dystonia, tremor and neuropathic pain syndromes (phantom limb pain, trauma related, failed back surgery syndrome, metabolic, post stroke pain etc.). The service offers deep brain stimulation, spinal cord stimulation, motor cortex-, and peripheral nerve stimulations, or lesional procedures as appropriate.
The aim of course to foreshow participants about anatomical, pathological, eletrophysiological basis of extrapyramidal movement disorders (Parkinson?s disease, tremors etc.) and also chronic neurogenic pain.
Patient selection, criteria of surgery (indications-contraindications), perioperative investigations, different targeting methods, and surgical procedure, programing of neuropacemakers will be discussed. VIDEO demonstration and analysis of different movement disorders available. According to demand students can participate in surgery.
- 1. Most common movement disorders, and surgical treatment options. - Balás István
- 2. Types of chronic neurogenic pain and surgical options. - Balás István
- 3. Intraoperative electrophysiology in movement disorders. - Balás István
- 4. Surgical indications and contraindications of Parkinsons disease. - Kovács Norbert
- 5. Surgical targets, and intraoperative electrophysiology. - Balás István
- 6. Multimodal targeting in movement disorders. - Balás István
- 7. Definition, types, indications and contraindications of neuromodulation. - Balás István
- 8. Definition, types, surgical indications and contraindications of neuropathic pain - Balás István
- 9. Surgical treatment of tremors: indications, contraindications, targets, and intraoperative electrophysiology. - Balás István
- 10. Surgical treatment of dystonias: indications, contraindications, targets, and intraoperative electrophysiology. - Balás István
- 11. Deep brain stimulations: on-, and off-label indications - Balás István
- 12. Spinal cord and peripheral nerve stimulation for chronic pain - Balás István
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No possibility to make up for the missed classes.
Most common movement disorders, and surgical treatment options.
Types of chronic neurogenic pain and surgical options.
Intraoperative electrophysiology in movement disorders.
Surgical indications and contraindications of Parkinsons disease. Surgical targets, and intraoperative electrophysiology.
Multimodal targeting in movement disorders.
Definition, types, indications and contraindications of neuromodulation.
Definition, types, surgical indications and contraindications of neuropathic pain
Surgical treatment of tremors: indications, contraindications, targets, and intraoperative electrophysiology.
Surgical treatment of dystonias: indications, contraindications, targets, and intraoperative electrophysiology.
Deep brain stimulations: "on-, and off-label" indications
Gyakorlatok, szemináriumok oktatói
- Balás István
- Kovács Norbert