A Tantárgybejelentőben megadott hivatalos adatok az alábbi tanévre: 2024-2025
Kovács Kálmán András
associate professor,
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
előadás: 28 óra
gyakorlat: 28 óra
szeminárium: 0 óra
összesen: 56 óra
- Kód: OAK-ST1-T
- 4 kredit
- General Medicine
- Clinical modul
- autumn
OAK-SE1-T finished
Kurzus létszámkorlát
min. 5 fő – max. 100 fő
The subject of "Obstetrics" conveys knowledge toward the students about anatomical and physiological background of conception, as well as physiological changes during pregnancy. It provides fundamental information about different examinations during prenatal care and modern prenatal diagnostic measures. Students will gather information about physiological and pathological labour along with operative vaginal delivery. Moreover, physiological changes and complications during the short and long term postpartum period will be detailed. Neonatal care will also be discussed. The main goal is to provide future doctors with essential knowledge about obstetrics.
- 1. Clinical anatomy of the pelvis and reproductive tract - Farkas Bálint (Szülészeti Klinika)
- 2.
The menstrual cycle
- Hantosi Eszter - 3. Conception. The placenta and fetal membranes. Signs of pregnancy. - Várnagy Ákos György
- 4. Miscarriages - Kovács Kálmán András
- 5. Ectopic pregnancy - Rácz Sándor Attila
- 6. Maternal physiology. Emesis, hyperemesis - Hantosi Eszter
- 7. Diabetes, endocrine disorders during pregnancy - Hantosi Eszter
- 8. Prenatal care - Vastag Fanni
- 9. Prenatal diagnostic and genetics - Molnár Gábor
- 10.
Ultrasound in obstetrics
- Molnár Gábor - 11. Multiple pregnancy, twin-twin transfusion - Molnár Gábor
- 12. Oligohydramnios, polyhydramnios - Labossa Gusztáv
- 13.
Hypertensive disorders, preeclampsia, eclampsia, HELLP
- Hantosi Eszter - 14. Disorders of fetal growth and assessment of fetal well-being - Farkas Bálint (Szülészeti Klinika)
- 15. Bleeding during pregnancy - Rácz Sándor Attila
- 16. Normal labour. Induction of labour - Rácz Sándor Attila
- 17. Fetal monitoring during labour - Rácz Sándor Attila
- 18. Pathological labour I: abnormal fetal lie, malpresentation and malposition - Rácz Sándor Attila
- 19. Pathological labour II: prolonged labour, malrotation, shoulder dystocia - Rácz Sándor Attila
- 20. Bleeding during labour - Rácz Sándor Attila
- 21. Breech delivery. Twin labour - Rácz Sándor Attila
- 22. Operative vaginal delivery - Rácz Sándor Attila
- 23. Preterm labour - Hantosi Eszter
- 24. Neonatal care, APGAR score - Ertl Tibor
- 25. Analgesia and anaesthesia in obstetrics - Márton Sándor
- 26. Puerperium and lactation - Nagy Bernadett (Élettan)
- 27. Consultation I. - Hantosi Eszter
- 28. Consultation II. - Hantosi Eszter
- 1. Anamnesis. Diagnosing pregnancy. Signs of pregnancy. Physical and ultrasound examination of the pregnant patient. Estimating the date of confinement. Examinations and screenings during early pregnancy. Blood tests.
- 2. Anamnesis. Diagnosing pregnancy. Signs of pregnancy. Physical and ultrasound examination of the pregnant patient. Estimating the date of confinement. Examinations and screenings during early pregnancy. Blood tests.
- 3. Leopold's Maneuvers. Pelvimetry. Prenatal care.
- 4. Leopold's Maneuvers. Pelvimetry. Prenatal care.
- 5. Normal labour I. Induction of labour. Observation of labour. Amniotomy. Tocometry. Abnormal contractions during labour.
- 6. Normal labour I. Induction of labour. Observation of labour. Amniotomy. Tocometry. Abnormal contractions during labour.
- 7. Normal labour II. Support of the perineum. Episiotomy. Third (placental) stage of labour. Postplacental management.
- 8. Normal labour II. Support of the perineum. Episiotomy. Third (placental) stage of labour. Postplacental management.
- 9. Management of bleeding during the 3rd stage of labour and afterwards. Management of labour injuries. Obstetrical injuries and their management. Uterine inversion. Manual detachment of the placenta and intrauterine palpation.
- 10. Management of bleeding during the 3rd stage of labour and afterwards. Management of labour injuries. Obstetrical injuries and their management. Uterine inversion. Manual detachment of the placenta and intrauterine palpation.
- 11. Ultrasound in prenatal care. Fetal biometry. Amniotic fluid assessment, amniocentesis.
- 12. Ultrasound in prenatal care. Fetal biometry. Amniotic fluid assessment, amniocentesis.
- 13. Malpresentation, malposition and malrotation (in the MediSkillslab.)
- 14. Malpresentation, malposition and malrotation (in the MediSkillslab.)
- 15. Intrauterine assessment of fetal well-being. Cardiotocography (CTG), stress- and non-stress tests. Fetal blood gas analysis.
- 16. Intrauterine assessment of fetal well-being. Cardiotocography (CTG), stress- and non-stress tests. Fetal blood gas analysis.
- 17. Abnormal fetal lie. Bracht method of delivery (breech). Bracht maneuver (breech extraction). Internal podalic version. External cephalic version.
- 18. Abnormal fetal lie. Bracht method of delivery (breech). Bracht maneuver (breech extraction). Internal podalic version. External cephalic version.
- 19. Cesarean section and operative vaginal delivery
- 20. Cesarean section and operative vaginal delivery
- 21. Perinatal asphyxia. Neonatal Resuscitation (practice in NIC)
- 22. Perinatal asphyxia. Neonatal Resuscitation (practice in NIC)
- 23. Puerperium. Puerperal fever.
- 24. Puerperium. Puerperal fever.
- 25. Miscarriages. Artificial abortion.
- 26. Miscarriages. Artificial abortion.
- 27. Consultation
- 28. Consultation
A tananyag elsajátításához szükséges segédanyagok
Kötelező irodalom
Saját oktatási anyag
Material prepared by faculty of department - materials of lectures and practices in PDF
Ajánlott irodalom
1. Cunningham, F. Gary, et al. Williams Obstetrics. 25th edition, New York: McGraw-Hill Education, 2018.
2. D. Keith Edmonds (ed.). Dewhurst's Textbook of Obstetrics & Gynaecology. 9th edition, Blackwell Publishing, 2018.
A félév elfogadásának feltételei
Semester exam (oral)
Less than two unauthorised absences. The number of authorised absences must not exceed 25% of the total number of classes. Attendance will be checked regularly.
Félévközi ellenőrzések
Távolmaradás pótlásának lehetőségei
Absences due to medical problem: student(s) should attend the department during the hours of duty services (organized for individuals).
Group A
1. Stages of labour
2. Lactation, mastitis
3. Classification of abortions, etiology, therapy options
4. Forms of cesarean delivery, indications
5. Operative vaginal delivery: forceps and vacuum-extraction
6. Premature rupture of membranes
7. Prolapse of umbilical cord and fetal limb
8. Signs and differential diagnosis of pending uterine rupture and placental abruption
9. Placental abruption: pathomechanism, diagnosis, differential-diagnosis
10. Placenta praevia
11. Maternal obstetrical injuries
12. Uterine atony
13. Uterine rupture
14. DIC, HELLP, amniotic fluid embolism
15. Puerperal fever and sepsis
Group B
1. Diagnosing pregnancy
2. Conception, implantation
3. Placenta accreta, increta and percreta
4. Fetal lie. Assessing fetal lie
5. Non-stress test and stress test
6. Infectious diseases during pregnancy (hepatitis, HIV, toxoplasmosis, syphilis, Group B Streptococcus)
7. Prenatal diagnostics I. (invasive methods)
8. Prenatal diagnostics II. (non-invasive methods)
9. Fetal monitoring during labor (CTG, fetal blood gas analysis)
10. Disturbances of the feto-maternal gas transport during labor
11. Obstetrical analgesia and anaesthesia
12. Resuscitation of the neonate, the Apgar-score
13. Legal regulation of pregnancy interruption, methods and complications
14. Diagnosis and pathomechanism of hydramnios and oligohydramnios
15. Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR)
16. The mechanism and the prevention of Rh-isoimmunisation, erythroblastosis fetalis
17. Pregnancy induced hypertension and preeclampsia
18. Diabetes and pregnancy (screening and management)
19. Multifetal gestation, twin delivery
20. Cervical incompetence; etiology, diagnosis and therapy
21. Threatened preterm delivery; pathomechanism, management
22. Intrapartum management of preterm delivery
23. Daytime delivery and induced labor
24. Overdue and postterm pregnancy
25. Abnormalities of the fetal position
26. Abnormalities of the fetal engagement
27. Fetal rotational anomalies
28. Breech presentation, transverse lie
29. Vaginal delivery after prior uterine surgery
30. Pyelitis in pregnancy
- Farkas Bálint (Szülészeti Klinika)
- Gőcze Péter
- Hantosi Eszter
- Kovács Kálmán András
- Nagy Bernadett (Élettan)
- Rácz Sándor Attila
- Várnagy Ákos György
Gyakorlatok, szemináriumok oktatói
- Császár András
- Farkas Bálint (Szülészeti Klinika)
- Fónai Fruzsina
- Gyarmati Judit
- Hantosi Eszter
- Kiss (Funke) Simone
- Kovács Kálmán András
- Labossa Gusztáv
- Nagy Bernadett (Élettan)
- Papp Kata Szilvia
- Péntek Sándor Mátyás
- Rácz Sándor Attila
- Várnagy Ákos György
- Vastag Fanni