Official data in SubjectManager for the following academic year: 2024-2025
Course director
Boldizsár Ferenc
associate professor,
Department of Immunology and Biotechnology -
Number of hours/semester
lectures: 0 hours
practices: 26 hours
seminars: 2 hours
total of: 28 hours
Subject data
- Code of subject: OBA-111_24-GS
- 2 kredit
- Biotechnology MSc
- Basic modul
- spring
OBA-111_24-E parallel
Course headcount limitations
min. 5 – max. 200
Practices and seminars connetcted to Applied Immunology lectures.
- 1.
Brief review and recapitulation of the preparatory course material
- Böröcz Katalin - 2.
Brief review and recapitulation of the preparatory course material
- Böröcz Katalin - 3.
Reiteration the cell types present in the peripheral human blood through conducting Ficoll gradient centrifugation, buffy coat aspiration, cell counting, staining, and viability assessments
- Böröcz Katalin - 4.
Reiteration the cell types present in the peripheral human blood through conducting Ficoll gradient centrifugation, buffy coat aspiration, cell counting, staining, and viability assessments
- Böröcz Katalin - 5.
Utilizing an EDTA anti-coagulated blood sample for cell labeling in flow cytometry, revisit the subject of immune phenotyping and its significance
- Böröcz Katalin - 6.
Utilizing an EDTA anti-coagulated blood sample for cell labeling in flow cytometry, revisit the subject of immune phenotyping and its significance
- Böröcz Katalin - 7.
Microscope based examination of blood smears: recognition of various cell types, distinguishing between cell life and activation stages
- Böröcz Katalin - 8.
Microscope based examination of blood smears: recognition of various cell types, distinguishing between cell life and activation stages
- Böröcz Katalin - 9.
Monoclonal antibody (mAb) production, hybridoma technology. Immunization, preparation of antigen, ways of antigen delivery, serum antibody titer measurement.
- Böröcz Katalin - 10.
Monoclonal antibody (mAb) production, hybridoma technology, Immunization, preparation of antigen, ways of antigen delivery, serum antibody titer measurement.
- Böröcz Katalin - 11.
Monoclonal antibody (mAb) production, hybridoma technology, cell fusion
- Böröcz Katalin - 12.
Monoclonal antibody (mAb) production, hybridoma technology, cell fusion
- Böröcz Katalin - 13.
Monoclonal antibody (mAb) production, hybridoma technology, selection and cloning
- Böröcz Katalin - 14.
Monoclonal antibody (mAb) production, hybridoma technology, selection and cloning
- Böröcz Katalin - 15.
Hybridoma cell supernatant harvesting and purification (affinity chromatography)
- Böröcz Katalin - 16.
Hybridoma cell supernatant testing - Preparing frozen tissue sections from mouse tissues for immunohistochemistry.
- Böröcz Katalin - 17.
Hybridoma cell supernatant testing - Preparing frozen tissue sections from mouse tissues for immunohistochemistry.
- Böröcz Katalin - 18.
Hybridoma cell supernatant testing – immunohistochemistry (IHC)
- Böröcz Katalin - 19.
Hybridoma cell supernatant testing – immunohistochemistry (IHC)
- Böröcz Katalin - 20.
Hybridoma cell supernatant testing –enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)
- Böröcz Katalin - 21.
Hybridoma cell supernatant testing –enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)
- Böröcz Katalin - 22.
Introduction to the autoimmue routine diagnostics laboratory - ELISA autoantibody diagnostics
- Böröcz Katalin - 23.
Introduction to the autoimmue routine diagnostics laboratory ELISA autoantibody diagnostics
- Böröcz Katalin - 24.
Introduction to the autoimmue routine diagnostics laboratory Automation
- Böröcz Katalin - 25.
Introduction to the autoimmue routine diagnostics laboratory - Immunfluorescence
- Böröcz Katalin - 26.
Introduction to the autoimmue routine diagnostics laboratory - Immunoblot
- Böröcz Katalin
- 27.
Preparation for the exam – comprehensive seminar
- Böröcz Katalin - 28.
Preparation for the exam – comprehensive seminar
- Böröcz Katalin
Reading material
Obligatory literature
Literature developed by the Department
Recommended literature
Conditions for acceptance of the semester
Preparation of summary from the techniques and steps which were introduced during the practices.
Mid-term exams
Practical summaries must be submitted to the teacher.
Making up for missed classes
Exam topics/questions
Instructor / tutor of practices and seminars
- Böröcz Katalin