A Tantárgybejelentőben megadott hivatalos adatok az alábbi tanévre: 2024-2025
Csathó Árpád István
associate professor,
előadás: 28 óra
gyakorlat: 0 óra
szeminárium: 0 óra
összesen: 28 óra
- Kód: OSE-SZO-T
- 2 kredit
- Dentistry
- Elective modul
- spring
Kurzus létszámkorlát
min. 5 fő – max. 150 fő
Medical sociology deals with the sociological and behavioural factors influencing the health status and health care. Acquiring the theoretical and practical basis of sociology at this course, students will be able to realize and understand the basic patterns of behaviour in maintenance of health, in the development of illness, and in the process of treatment and care in the context of the society. Main research issues of sociology: epidemiology of chronic diseases; health and illness behaviour; sociological-economical aspects of health care; models of development in health care; alternative medicine.
- 1. Introduction. Sociological approaches to health and medicine - Faubl Nóra Klára
- 2. Introduction. Sociological approaches to health and medicine - Faubl Nóra Klára
- 3. Social basis of disease, social role of medicine. - Faubl Nóra Klára
- 4. Social basis of disease, social role of medicine. - Faubl Nóra Klára
- 5. Models of health and illness. - Faubl Nóra Klára
- 6. Models of health and illness. - Faubl Nóra Klára
- 7. Measuring health and illness. - Faubl Nóra Klára
- 8. Measuring health and illness. - Faubl Nóra Klára
- 9. Measuring health and illness. - Faubl Nóra Klára
- 10. Measuring health and illness. - Faubl Nóra Klára
- 11. Inequalities in health care. - Faubl Nóra Klára
- 12. Inequalities in health care. - Faubl Nóra Klára
- 13. Labelling behaviour, illness and deviance. - Faubl Nóra Klára
- 14. Labelling behaviour, illness and deviance. - Faubl Nóra Klára
- 15. Illness behaviour. - Faubl Nóra Klára
- 16. Illness behaviour. - Faubl Nóra Klára
- 17. Coping with stress. - Faubl Nóra Klára
- 18. Coping with stress. - Faubl Nóra Klára
- 19. Models of doctor-patent relationship. - Faubl Nóra Klára
- 20. Models of doctor-patent relationship. - Faubl Nóra Klára
- 21. Doctor-patient communication. - Faubl Nóra Klára
- 22. Doctor-patient communication. - Faubl Nóra Klára
- 23. Professional socialization of medical students. The hidden curriculum. - Faubl Nóra Klára
- 24. Professional socialization of medical students. The hidden curriculum. - Faubl Nóra Klára
- 25. Professional socialization of physicians. - Faubl Nóra Klára
- 26. Professional socialization fo physicians. - Faubl Nóra Klára
- 27. Summary, overview. - Faubl Nóra Klára
- 28. Summary, overview. - Faubl Nóra Klára
A tananyag elsajátításához szükséges segédanyagok
Kötelező irodalom
Bradby, H.: Medical Sociology: An Introduction, SAGE Publications Ltd, London, 2009.
Armstrong, D.: An Outline of Sociology as Applied to Medicine, 4th edition, Wright, London, 1994.
Saját oktatási anyag
Ajánlott irodalom
A félév elfogadásának feltételei
According to Code of Studies and Examinations.
Félévközi ellenőrzések
Távolmaradás pótlásának lehetőségei
Semester exam:
Written multiple choice test, 50-60 questions. Bettering the exam grade: oral exam.
Study materials for the exam:
Reference book and handouts of lectures (format: ppt, pdf).
Questions of oral exam: titles and subtitles of the lectures and the reference book.
Further details about the exam can be found on Neptun.
- Faubl Nóra Klára
- Füzesi Zsuzsanna