Stanford Lectures II: Sex, Aggression, Schizophrenia


A Tantárgybejelentőben megadott hivatalos adatok az alábbi tanévre: 2019-2020


  • Dr. Róbert MÁTICS

    associate professor,
    Department of Behavioural Sciences


előadás: 24 óra

gyakorlat: 0 óra

szeminárium: 0 óra

összesen: 24 óra


  • Kód: OXFSB2-z-T
  • 2 kredit
  • Dentistry
  • Optional modul
  • both semesters


Kurzus létszámkorlát

min. 1 fő – max. 15 fő

Campus kurzusként elérhető 10 fő számára. Campus-karok: ÁOK BTK ETK GYTK KTK MK MIK TTK


Prof Robert Sapolsky has a course on behavioural genetics on Stanford University. The 2010 lectures are freely available on the internet. Our course is based on the idea that by hearing a ca. 45-60 min long speech given there, we discuss the facts and hypotheses heard. The expansion and/or integration of this new knowledge is a key goal of the course.


  • 1. General Introduction - Dr. Mátics Róbert
  • 2. Twin studies - Dr. Mátics Róbert
  • 3. IQ and birth order - Dr. Mátics Róbert
  • 4. IQ and birth order - Dr. Mátics Róbert
  • 5. Recognizing relatives: cellular level - Dr. Mátics Róbert
  • 6. Recognizing relatives: cellular level - Dr. Mátics Róbert
  • 7. Recognizing relatives: social anosmia - Dr. Mátics Róbert
  • 8. Recognizing relatives: social anosmia - Dr. Mátics Róbert
  • 9. Recognizing Relatives: intrasexual conflicts - Dr. Mátics Róbert
  • 10. Recognizing Relatives: intrasexual conflicts - Dr. Mátics Róbert
  • 11. Human Sexual Behaviour: proximal and distal causes - Dr. Mátics Róbert
  • 12. Human Sexual Behaviour: proximal and distal causes - Dr. Mátics Róbert
  • 13. Human Sexual Behaviour: female orgasm - Dr. Mátics Róbert
  • 14. Human Sexual Behaviour: female orgasm - Dr. Mátics Róbert
  • 15. Human Sexual Behaviour: non-reproductive sex - Dr. Mátics Róbert
  • 16. Human Sexual Behaviour: non-reproductive sex - Dr. Mátics Róbert
  • 17. Human Sexual Behaviour: human-specific patterns - Dr. Mátics Róbert
  • 18. Human Sexual Behaviour: human-specific patterns - Dr. Mátics Róbert
  • 19. Human sexual behaviour: reproductive arrest - Dr. Mátics Róbert
  • 20. Human sexual behaviour: reproductive arrest - Dr. Mátics Róbert
  • 21. Aggression: the right kind of violence - Dr. Mátics Róbert
  • 22. Aggression: reconciliation - Dr. Mátics Róbert
  • 23. Aggression: evolutionary implications - Dr. Mátics Róbert
  • 24. Summary, questions, discussion - Dr. Mátics Róbert



A tananyag elsajátításához szükséges segédanyagok

Kötelező irodalom

No compulsory books or readings.

Saját oktatási anyag

Hand-outs will be given.


The extended notes by Prof Sapolsky are available from me.

Ajánlott irodalom

Evolution of Behavior
Axelrod R, Hamilton WD: The Evolution of Cooperation, Science 211, 1981 1390-1396. Classic paper on the subject.
Pool, R: Putting Game Theory to the Test, Science 267, 1995 1591-1593. Going from sociobiological theory to actual field data.
Morrell V: Genes versus Teams: Weighing Group Tactics in Evolution, Science 273, 739. 1996 A consideration of the contemporary version of group selection.
Kerr B et al.: Local Dispersal Promotes Biodiversity in a Real-life Game of Rock-paper-scissors, Nature 418 171, 2002 This shows game theory being played out in an unlikely species. Just read the abstract.
Semmann D et al.: Volunteering Leads to Rock-paper-scissors Dynamics in a Public Goods Game, Nature 425 390, 2003 If you're really into game theory stuff, this paper shows the rock-paper-scissors in humans. It's pretty thick going thought, so not for the rookie (i.e., not required).

A félév elfogadásának feltételei

Maximum of 25 % absence allowed

Félévközi ellenőrzések

Make up by appointment

Távolmaradás pótlásának lehetőségei

Make-up classes are possible if needed, we'll have to make appointments.


no exam


Gyakorlatok, szemináriumok oktatói