Stanford Lectures I: Behavioural Genetics


A Tantárgybejelentőben megadott hivatalos adatok az alábbi tanévre: 2020-2021


  • Dr. Róbert MÁTICS

    associate professor,
    Department of Behavioural Sciences


előadás: 24 óra

gyakorlat: 0 óra

szeminárium: 0 óra

összesen: 24 óra


  • Kód: OXFSB1-z-T
  • 2 kredit
  • Dentistry
  • Optional modul
  • both semesters


Kurzus létszámkorlát

min. 1 fő – max. 15 fő

Campus kurzusként elérhető 15 fő számára. Campus-karok: ÁOK BTK ETK GYTK MIK TTK


Prof Robert Sapolsky at Stanford University uploaded a free course on biology of the human behaviour, which has many aspects connected to molecular genetics and behavioral genetics - new fields of research affecting our understanding of sex, aggression, language, diseases like schizophrenia and so on. In this course we will hear and see each one of his 2010 lectures in ca. 45-60 min. pieces and discuss the information delivered. The lectures can be stopped at any point so that emerging questions are negotiated in detail.
1. General introduction, Behavioral evolution I. Key facts
2. Behavioral evolution II. Game theory
3. Behavioral evolution III. Misconceptions
4. Behavioral evolution IV. Intersexual conflicts and diseases
5. Molecular genetics I. Chimps to humans 97%, sibling to sibling 50%?
6. Molecular genetics II. Morphology vs function
7. Molecular genetics III. Diseases
8. Molecular genetics IV. Beyond disease
9. Behavioral genetics I. I've found the gene for that!
10. Behavioral genetics II. Prenatal effects
11. Behavioral genetics III. Metro dogs
12. Behavioral genetics IV. Gene-environment interactions; summary, questions, feedback


  • 1. General introduction - Dr. Mátics Róbert
  • 2. Behavioral evolution I. Key facts - Dr. Mátics Róbert
  • 3. Behavioral evolution II. Game theory - Dr. Mátics Róbert
  • 4. Behavioral evolution II. Game theory - Dr. Mátics Róbert
  • 5. Behavioral evolution III. Misconceptions - Dr. Mátics Róbert
  • 6. Behavioral evolution III. Misconceptions - Dr. Mátics Róbert
  • 7. Behavioral evolution IV. Intersexual conflicts and diseases - Dr. Mátics Róbert
  • 8. Behavioral evolution IV. Intersexual conflicts and diseases - Dr. Mátics Róbert
  • 9. Molecular genetics I. Chimps to humans 97%, sibling to sibling 50%? - Dr. Mátics Róbert
  • 10. Molecular genetics I. Chimps to humans 97%, sibling to sibling 50%? - Dr. Mátics Róbert
  • 11. Molecular genetics II. Morphology vs function - Dr. Mátics Róbert
  • 12. Molecular genetics II. Morphology vs function - Dr. Mátics Róbert
  • 13. Molecular genetics III. Diseases - Dr. Mátics Róbert
  • 14. Molecular genetics III. Diseases - Dr. Mátics Róbert
  • 15. Molecular genetics IV. Beyond disease - Dr. Mátics Róbert
  • 16. Molecular genetics IV. Beyond disease - Dr. Mátics Róbert
  • 17. Behavioral genetics I. I've found the gene for that! - Dr. Mátics Róbert
  • 18. Behavioral genetics I. I've found the gene for that! - Dr. Mátics Róbert
  • 19. Behavioral genetics II. Prenatal effects - Dr. Mátics Róbert
  • 20. Behavioral genetics II. Prenatal effects - Dr. Mátics Róbert
  • 21. Behavioral genetics III. Metro dogs - Dr. Mátics Róbert
  • 22. Behavioral genetics III. Metro dogs - Dr. Mátics Róbert
  • 23. Behavioral genetics IV. Gene-environment interactions - Dr. Mátics Róbert
  • 24. Summary, questions, feedback - Dr. Mátics Róbert



A tananyag elsajátításához szükséges segédanyagok

Kötelező irodalom


Saját oktatási anyag



Extended notes by Prof Sapolsky, if you need them
The lectures can be found at:

Ajánlott irodalom

Axelrod R, Hamilton WD: The Evolution of Cooperation, Science 211, 1390-1396. Classic paper on the subject, 1981
Cornwallis C et al.: Promiscuity and the Evolutionary Transition to Complex Societies, Nature 466, 969. 2010 Hard, give intro to how to read.

A félév elfogadásának feltételei

Maximum of 25 % absence allowed

Félévközi ellenőrzések

Make up by appointment

Távolmaradás pótlásának lehetőségei

Make-up classes possible, we'll have to make appointments.


No detailed questions are asked about which gene does what, rather a synthesis and deep understanding of the connections between genetics, behaviour, disease etc. should be reached and given back.


Gyakorlatok, szemináriumok oktatói