

A Tantárgybejelentőben megadott hivatalos adatok az alábbi tanévre: 2022-2023



előadás: 0 óra

gyakorlat: 0 óra

szeminárium: 24 óra

összesen: 24 óra


  • Kód: OAF-NOA-T
  • 2 kredit
  • General Medicine
  • Optional modul
  • spring


Kurzus létszámkorlát

min. 3 fő – max. 20 fő


Culture, mind, and brain: The three main substrates of our self. The basic mechanisms of these substrates as well as the potential interactions between them have been widely investigated by several scientific fields. For example, various research areas of neuroscience and psychology are dedicated to mind and brain connections. In addition, the dynamics and rules of the complex human cultures have been rigorously studied by cultural anthropologists. The potential cultural effects on neuronal functioning, however, received less attention. Therefore, a novel scientific synthesis - Neuroanthropology - has emerged recently with an aim to provide a conceptual background of culture-brain interactions. The course is dedicated to this scientific area. More particular, the course aims to show the different aspects of the main question of 'how human culture is embedded in the human brain'.




  • 1. Methods and main theoretical approaches of neuroanthropology
  • 2. Methods and main theoretical approaches of neuroanthropology
  • 3. Culture-sensitive neural substrates, brain evolution
  • 4. Culture-sensitive neural substrates, brain evolution
  • 5. Neuroanthropology of social behaviour
  • 6. Neuroanthropology of social behaviour
  • 7. The neuroanthropology of human empathy
  • 8. The neuroanthropology of human empathy
  • 9. Socio-cultural background of pain
  • 10. Socio-cultural background of pain
  • 11. Culture bound syndromes: Relationship between culture and mental diseases
  • 12. Culture bound syndromes: Relationship between culture and mental diseases
  • 13. Neuroanthropology of addiction
  • 14. Neuroanthropology of addiction
  • 15. The bio-psycho-social context of "everyday" drugs
  • 16. The bio-psycho-social context of "everyday" drugs
  • 17. Human locomotion: Ecology, Culture, and Disorders
  • 18. Human locomotion: Ecology, Culture, and Disorders
  • 19. Fatigue and Activity: Biopsychological and social correlates
  • 20. Fatigue and Activity: Biopsychological and social correlates
  • 21. Human diet and its neuro-cultural background
  • 22. Human diet and its neuro-cultural background
  • 23. The social stress: Effects of cultural and neural processes
  • 24. The social stress: Effects of cultural and neural processes

A tananyag elsajátításához szükséges segédanyagok

Kötelező irodalom


Saját oktatási anyag

Available on Neptun.



Ajánlott irodalom

D. H. Lende and G. Downey (eds.): The encultured brain: An introduction on Neuroanthropology, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, USA 2015

A félév elfogadásának feltételei

Maximum of 15 % absence allowed

Félévközi ellenőrzések

Students are required to write an essay about a Neuroanthropology topic chosen from the topics announced during the semester.

Távolmaradás pótlásának lehetőségei

According to the Code of Studies and Examinations.




Gyakorlatok, szemináriumok oktatói

  • Dr. Csathó Árpád István