A Tantárgybejelentőben megadott hivatalos adatok az alábbi tanévre: 2024-2025
Takátsy Anikó
associate professor,
Department of Biochemistry and Medical Chemistry
előadás: 42 óra
gyakorlat: 28 óra
szeminárium: 14 óra
összesen: 84 óra
- Kód: OAA-ORK-T
- 6 kredit
- General Medicine
- Basic modul
- autumn
Kurzus létszámkorlát
min. 5 fő – max. 300 fő
Medical chemistry includes the topics of general chemistry which are necessary for medical students. It deals also with the chemistry of organic functional groups in a concise way. Majority of the curriculum deals with the bioorganic chemistry, which means the chemistry and descriptive biochemistry of biomolecules. The purpose of practices is to study some analytical chemistry and the knowledge of materials. Curriculum of medical chemistry contains the basic knowledge that is necessary to understand biochemistry, pharmacology and clinical chemistry. Medical Chemistry is a single semester subject concluding in an oral colloquium that is preceded by a written MRT of 10 explanatory questions, of which at least 70% should be scored.
- 1. Introduction to Medical Chemistry - Takátsy Anikó
- 2. Structure of matter (atoms, ions, molecules, radicals) - Nagy Veronika
- 3. Intrduction to inorganic chemistry. Oxides, oxoacids, hydroxides, salts - Nagy Veronika
- 4. Molecular geometry, polarity, molecular interactions - Nagy Veronika
- 5. Introduction to organic chemistry. Nomenclatute, functional groups, Reaction types - Nagy Veronika
- 6. States of matter, gas laws. - Takátsy Anikó
- 7. Water and aqueous solutions. Concentration units. Colligative properties of dilute solutions. - Takátsy Anikó
- 8. Osmosis, composition of biofluids - Berente Zoltán
- 9. Equilibrium, the law of mass action, Le Chatelier principle - Takátsy Anikó
- 10. Role of electrolytes in living organisms, solubilty - Takátsy Anikó
- 11. Acids and bases, acid-base theories, acid-base reactions - Takátsy Anikó
- 12. Ion product constant of water, pH, pOH, hydrolysis of salts, pH-dependence of protonation - Takátsy Anikó
- 13. Buffer solutions - Takátsy Anikó
- 14. Buffer systems in living organisms - Berente Zoltán
- 15. Structure and formation of metal complexes. - Takátsy Anikó
- 16. Metal complexes in living organisms and in medical diagnosis - Berente Zoltán
- 17. Thermochemistry - Takátsy Anikó
- 18. Thermodynamics and the direction of chemical reactions - Nagy Veronika
- 19. Thermodynamics applied to living systems - Nagy Veronika
- 20. Reactionkinetics - Nagy Veronika
- 21. Steady-stateness, a characteristic of living systems - Nagy Veronika
- 22. Kinetic characteristics of cascade- and cyclic reactions - Nagy Veronika
- 23. Electrochemistry - Berente Zoltán
- 24. Electron transfer processes in living organisms - Berente Zoltán
- 25. Electrochemistry in the medical practice - Berente Zoltán
- 26. Basics of analytical chemistry for medical students - Takátsy Anikó
- 27. Basics of separation thechniques for medical students - Takátsy Anikó
- 28. Analitical instruments in medical diagnostics - Berente Zoltán
- 29. Introduction to organic chemistry - Nagy Veronika
- 30. Reaction types in organic chemistry - Nagy Veronika
- 31. Saturated hydrocarbons: Alkanes. Paraffins in medicine - Nagy Veronika
- 32. Unsaturated hydrocarbons: Alkenes and alkynes - Nagy Veronika
- 33. Isomerism among alkanes, cycloalkanes and alkenes - Nagy Veronika
- 34. Aromatic hydrocarbons. Organic halides - Nagy Veronika
- 35. Optical isomerism. Relative and absolute configuration. - Nagy Veronika
- 36. Aldehydes and their derivatives - Böddi Katalin
- 37. Ketones, quinones - Böddi Katalin
- 38. Amines and their biologically relevant derivatives - Böddi Katalin
- 39. Organic sulphur compounds, thioesthers - Nagy Veronika
- 40. Amines and their biologically relevant derivatives - Nagy Veronika
- 41. Colloid systems - Berente Zoltán
- 42. Colloid systems in living organisms - Berente Zoltán
- 1. Laboratory regulations. Accident and fire protection
- 2. Laboratory regulations. Accident and fire protection
- 3. Physical changes, phase transformations
- 4. Physical changes, phase transformations
- 5. Distillation, lyophilisation, rotational evaporation
- 6. Distillation, lyophilisation, rotational evaporation
- 7. Preparation of solutions
- 8. Preparation of solutions
- 9. Experiments with compounds of halogens and oxygen-group
- 10. Experiments with compounds of halogens and oxygen-group
- 11. Experiments with compounds nitrogen- and carbon group elements
- 12. Experiments with compounds nitrogen- and carbon group elements
- 13. Reactions of metalls and coordinative (complex) compounds.
- 14. Reactions of metalls and coordinative (complex) compounds.
- 15. Chemical equilibria, and salt hydrolysis
- 16. Chemical equilibria, and salt hydrolysis
- 17. Acid-base titration, buffer solutions
- 18. Acid-base titration, buffer solutions
- 19. Experiments in Electrochemistry
- 20. Experiments in Electrochemistry
- 21. Reaction kinetics
- 22. Reaction kinetics
- 23. Polarity, Chromatography
- 24. Polarity, Chromatography
- 25. Organic chemistry I. Reactions of functional groups I
- 26. Organic chemistry I. Reactions of functional groups I
- 27. Organic chemistry II. Reactions of functional groups II
- 28. Organic chemistry II. Reactions of functional groups II
- 1. Basic concepts, stoichiometric calculations
- 2. Stoichiometric calculations
- 3. Geometry and polarity of molecules. Intermolecular interactions
- 4. Concentration of solutions
- 5. Inorganic Chemistry I
- 6. Inorganic Chemistry II
- 7. Metalls and coordinative chemistry
- 8. Chemical equilibria, salt hydrolysis
- 9. Acids, bases and pH
- 10. Electrochemistry
- 11. Reaction kinetics
- 12. Reactions in organic chemistry I
- 13. Reactions in organic chemistry II
- 14. Reactions in organic chemistry III
A tananyag elsajátításához szükséges segédanyagok
Kötelező irodalom
McMurray, Fay: Chemistry, latest edition
P. Gergely (ed.): Organic and Bioorganic Chemistry for Medical Students, latest edition, Univ. Med. School of Debrecen
Saját oktatási anyag
Teams and Moodle:OAA-ORK-T-2023241-MEA-AORK-E
Ajánlott irodalom
Veronika Nagy (ed.): Laboratory Experiments in Medical Chemistry, Internet edition, Univ. Med. School of Pécs, 2011
K. C. Timberlake: Chemistry - An Introduction to General, Organic and Biological Chemistry, latest edition
A félév elfogadásának feltételei
-Maximum 3 absences from 14 laboratory practices
-Submission of at least 10 from 12 laboratory tests (written on weeks 3-14)
-Achieving at least 7 exam points on 12 laboratory tests (written on weeks 3-14).
-Maximum 3 absences from 14 seminars
-Accomplishment of the criterion course (“General Chemistry”)
Félévközi ellenőrzések
Seven laboratory practices on weeks 3-14 must be successfully accomplished (i.e. a successful lab test must be submitted at the beginning of the practice and a workbook, which is filled to a satisfactory extent and quality, must be submitted after the practice) in order to achieve the right to register for the exam. Students can achieve 1 or 0 exam points in the lab tests.
Seminars on weeks 3-14 start with a skills assessment test. Three assessment tests must be successful from each expected calculation and formula writing skills, otherwise the student will not be allowed to take the semester exam.
Make-up opportunities for lab tests and skills assessments will be provided in accordance with the Code of Studies and Examinations, during the exam period.
Távolmaradás pótlásának lehetőségei
Teams: OAA-ORK-T-2023241-MEA-AORK-E
- Agócs Attila
- Berente Zoltán
- Böddi Katalin
- Bóna Ágnes
- Gulyás Gergely
- Nagy Veronika
- Nagyné Kiss Gyöngyi
- Takátsy Anikó
Gyakorlatok, szemináriumok oktatói
- Balogi Zsolt
- Berente Zoltán
- Böddi Katalin
- Bóna Ágnes
- Gulyás Gergely
- Nagy Veronika
- Nagyné Kiss Gyöngyi
- Szilágyi Tamás Gábor
- Takátsy Anikó