A Tantárgybejelentőben megadott hivatalos adatok az alábbi tanévre: 2024-2025
Ohmachtné Hollódy Katalin
Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy
előadás: 28 óra
gyakorlat: 28 óra
szeminárium: 0 óra
összesen: 56 óra
- Kód: OAK-GY1-T
- 4 kredit
- General Medicine
- Clinical modul
- autumn
OAP-BPR-T finished , OAK-GT3-T finished , OAP-KO2-T finished
Kurzus létszámkorlát
min. 5 fő – max. 200 fő
The basic goal is to get a good general knowledge from paediatrics. To acquire a good skill in examining patients and to be able to make plans for diagnostic procedures and to bring up therapeutic proposals.
- 1. Paediatrics and child health. Introduction - Decsi Tamás
- 2. The characteristics of the premature and mature baby. Infant mortality, statistical data. Neonatal screening - Decsi Tamás
- 3. Neonatal pulmonary pathology - Gyarmati Judit
- 4. Congenital heart malformations - Masszi György
- 5. Neonatal haematology - Ertl Tibor
- 6. Perinatal infections - Ertl Tibor
- 7. Inborn error of metabolism - Decsi Tamás
- 8. Neonatal neurology - Ohmachtné Hollódy Katalin
- 9. Surgical diseases in the neonatal period - Vajda Péter László (Gyerekklinika)
- 10. Infant feeding - Decsi Tamás
- 11. Nutritional disorders (malnutrition, vitamins, minerals) - Decsi Tamás
- 12.
The most common ear-nose-throat diseases
- Gaál Veronika - 13. Normal psychomotor development - Ohmachtné Hollódy Katalin
- 14. Delayed psychomotor development - Ohmachtné Hollódy Katalin
- 15. The types of dehydration and their treatment. - Rózsai Barnabás
- 16. Acid-base balance - Rózsai Barnabás
- 17.
Differential diagnosis of haemorrhagic diseases
- Szabó Tamásné Vojcek Ágnes - 18.
- Csernus Katalin - 19. Leukaemias in the childhood - Ottóffy Gábor
- 20. Solid tumors - Ottóffy Gábor
- 21. Congenital and acquired immunodeficiencies - Mosdósi Bernadett
- 22. The most common immunological disorders - Mosdósi Bernadett
- 23. Hyperglycaemia, hypoglycaemia - Erhardt Éva
- 24. Heart failure, cardiac rhythm disturbances - Masszi György
- 25. The most common surgical diseases in the childhood I. - Vajda Péter László (Gyerekklinika)
- 26. The most common surgical diseases in the childhood II. - Vajda Péter László (Gyerekklinika)
- 27. Disturbances of the body composition. Obesity. Metabolic syndrome. - Molnár Dénes Attila
- 28. Prevention of the adult diseases in childhood - Molnár Dénes Attila
- 1. Taking the patient history
- 2. Communication with children and parents
- 3. Examination of the healthy neonate
- 4. Examination of the healthy infant
- 5. Examination of the healthy child
- 6. The physical examination in detail, according to organ systems
- 7. Development, growth, body ratios, percentile tables (eutrophia, dystrophia definitions)
- 8. Development, growth, body ratios, percentile tables (eutrophia, dystrophia definitions)
- 9. Independent recording of physical status
- 10. The guidelines and methods of blood sampling, i.v. line placement, and infusions
- 11. Guidelines for fluid therapy (the use of different types of infusions)
- 12. Indication for use of blood products, total blood transfusion in practice
- 13. Examination of the blood smear
- 14. Ordering and interpreting blood test results
- 15. The technique of lumbar puncture. Examination of CSF.
- 16. Techniques of blood pressure measurement in infants and children
- 17. Obtaining urine samples and interpreting urine test results
- 18. Treatment of convulsions in infants and children (rectal, i.v. Diazepam dose)
- 19. Mechanical ventilation in the neonatal period, practical use of surfactant
- 20. Mechanical ventilation guidelines
- 21. Injection techniques (i.c., s.c., i.m., i.v.)
- 22. The technique of examining reflexes. Reflexes in the infant and neonate.
- 23. Independent recording of physical status
- 24. Practical aspects of infant nutrition (nursing, weaning, feeding in general)
- 25. Fever treatment
- 26. Ordering and interpreting blood test results
- 27. Use of antibiotics in everyday practice
- 28. Assessment of the unconscious patient (Glasgow Coma Scale)
A tananyag elsajátításához szükséges segédanyagok
Kötelező irodalom
Saját oktatási anyag
lectures, bedside teaching
The summaries of the lectures can be found on POTE PEDIA.
Ajánlott irodalom
Marcdante K, Kliegman R, Schuh AM : Nelson Essentials of Pediatrics, 9th edition, Elsevier 2022
A félév elfogadásának feltételei
Oral exam.
The attendance of the practices is compulsory, the teachers will check it regularly. The maximum permitted number of absences is 4, independently of the reason. In case of more than 4 absences, the signing of the index will be refused with the consequent invalidation of the semester.
Félévközi ellenőrzések
during the bedside teaching
Távolmaradás pótlásának lehetőségei
It can be appreciated only in very special cases.
The list of the questions can be found on PotePedia platform.
- Erhardt Éva
- Mosdósi Bernadett
- Ohmachtné Hollódy Katalin
- Rózsai Barnabás
- Tárnok András
- Tényiné Csábi Györgyi
Gyakorlatok, szemináriumok oktatói
- Benedek Noémi Erika
- Csernus Katalin
- Erhardt Éva
- Józsa Gergő
- Kardos Dániel József
- Mosdósi Bernadett
- Oberritter Zsolt
- Ohmachtné Hollódy Katalin
- Péterfia Csaba
- Rózsai Barnabás
- Szabó Tamásné Vojcek Ágnes
- Tárnok András
- Tényiné Csábi Györgyi
- Vajda Péter László (Gyerekklinika)
- Vástyán Attila