A Tantárgybejelentőben megadott hivatalos adatok az alábbi tanévre: 2024-2025
Csutak Adrienne
associate professor,
Department of Ophthalmology
előadás: 7 óra
gyakorlat: 7 óra
szeminárium: 0 óra
összesen: 14 óra
- Kód: OSK-SZT-T
- 1 kredit
- Dentistry
- Clinical modul
- autumn
OSK-BE2-T finished , OSK-FF2-T finished
Kurzus létszámkorlát
min. 5 fő – max. 30 fő
The diagnostic tools and therapies of ophthalmic diseases will be discussed highlighting the diseases occurring frequently in the general-and dental practices and emergency ambulances. The basic diagnostic methods needed also in non-ophthalmical offices are treaned.
- 1. Introduction. Funcional anatomy of the eye. - Csutak Adrienne
- 2. Diseases of the lacrimal apparatus. - Csutak Adrienne
- 3. Glaucoma - Kereskainé Hámor Andrea
- 4. Retinal dystrophies. Electrophysiology. - Szapáryné Gaál Valéria
- 5. Ocular oncology. - Szalai Eszter
- 6. Neuroophthalmology. - Kölkedi Zsófia (1987)
- 7.
Ocular injuries.
- Csutak Adrienne
- 1. Conjunctiva, cornea, sclera, the uveal tract. Intraocular inflammations. - Szalai Eszter
- 2.
The lens. Cataract.
- Werling Dóra - 3.
The vitreous and the vitreoretinal diseases. Retinal detachment.
- Werling Dóra - 4.
Age related macular degeneration (AMD). Senile changes and degenerations of the eye.
- Kölkedi Zsófia (1987) - 5. Systemic diseases in Ophthalmology. Diabetic eye diseases. - Molnárné Lantos Krisztina
- 6. Pediatric ophthalmology. ROP. Strabismus. Ambylopia - Szapáryné Gaál Valéria
- 7. Consultation - Kereskainé Hámor Andrea
A tananyag elsajátításához szükséges segédanyagok
Kötelező irodalom
Saját oktatási anyag
Slides of the lectures are uploaded to the website of the Department.
Ajánlott irodalom
G. Lang: Ophthalmology, Thieme
A félév elfogadásának feltételei
The student is obliged to participate in lectures and exercises.
Félévközi ellenőrzések
professional test
Távolmaradás pótlásának lehetőségei
Catching up on confirmed internships: by appointment.
1. A) Visual acuity - terminology, examinations
B) Cataract - treatment options
2. A) Colour vision - investigation methods
B) Uveitis. Sympathetic ophthalmia
3. A) Visual field - determination, how to test?
B) Diabetic retinophathy
4. A) Dacryocystitis neonatorum
B) Orbital diseases
5. A) Refractive errors of the eye
B) Thyroid eye disease
6. A) Anatomy of iris, papillary reactions, drug acting on pupil
B) Chemical injuries of the eye
7. A) Aqueous flow and its disorders
B) Mechanical injuries of the eye surface, radiation injuries
8. A) Leading causes of blindness
B) Perforating injuries of the eye
9. A) Mechanism of tear production, drainage and its examination methods
B) Strabismus concomitans and amblyopia
10. A) Diagnosis of primary glaucoma
B) Diseases of lacrimal system
11. A) Contusion injuries of eye
B) Retinal vascular disorders
12. A) Causes of sudden visual loss
B) Intraocular tumors
13. A) Malpositions of eyelids
B) Types of glaucoma and their significance
14. A) Inflammation and tumours of eyelids
B) Differential diagnosis of the red eye
15. A) Epithelial and stromal keratitis
B) Hypertensive retinopathy
16. A) Acute conjunctivitis
B) Retinal detachment
17. A) Chronic conjunctivitis, malformations of conjuctiva
B) Iritis and iridocyclytis, dental origin as a trigger, its role
18. A) Injuries of the eye globe and adnexa - their primary care
B) Eye diseases with viral origin
19. A) Eye manifestations of systemic disorders
B) Diseases of vitreous
20. A) Disorders of the nervus and tractus opticus
B) Indications for removal of the bulbus oculi
21. A) Symptoms affecting eye of paresis nervus facialis
B) Symptoms of corneal foreign body, techniques of foreign body removal
22. A) Innervation disorders of trigeminal nerve, its importance on the whole eye
B) What sort of eye diseases has to be diagnosed by a dentist?
- Csutak Adrienne
- Kereskainé Hámor Andrea
- Kölkedi Zsófia (1987)
- Molnárné Lantos Krisztina
- Szalai Eszter
- Werling Dóra
Gyakorlatok, szemináriumok oktatói
- Baranyay András Jakab
- Csutak Adrienne
- Dr. Kovács Judit
- Kereskainé Hámor Andrea
- Kölkedi Zsófia (1987)
- Kozma Kincső Boglárka
- Lombosné Sükösd Andrea Krisztina
- Molnárné Lantos Krisztina
- Szalai Eszter
- Szapáryné Gaál Valéria
- Werling Dóra