A Tantárgybejelentőben megadott hivatalos adatok az alábbi tanévre: 2024-2025
Csutak Adrienne
associate professor,
Department of Ophthalmology
előadás: 14 óra
gyakorlat: 28 óra
szeminárium: 0 óra
összesen: 42 óra
- Kód: OAK-SZE-T
- 3 kredit
- General Medicine
- Clinical modul
- autumn
OAP-PA2-T finished , OAK-SE1-T finished
Kurzus létszámkorlát
min. 5 fő – max. 200 fő
The diagnostic tools and therapies of ophthalmic diseases will be discussed highlighting the diseases occurring frequently in the general practices and emergency ambulancies. The basic diagnostic methods needed also in non-ophthalmical offices are treaned.
- 1. Introduction. Funcional anatomy of the eye. - Csutak Adrienne
- 2. Conjunctiva, cornea, sclera, the uveal tract. Intraocular inflammations. - Szalai Eszter
- 3. Diseases of the lacrimal apparatus. - Csutak Adrienne
- 4. The lens. Cataract. - Werling Dóra
- 5. The glaucoma. - Kereskainé Hámor Andrea
- 6.
The vitreous and the vitreoretinal diseases. Retinal detachment.
- Werling Dóra - 7. Retinal dystrophies. Electrophysiology. - Szapáryné Gaál Valéria
- 8.
Age related macular degeneration (AMD). Senile changes and degenerations of the eye.
- Kölkedi Zsófia (1987) - 9. Ocular oncology. - Szalai Eszter
- 10. Systemic diseases in Ophthalmology. Diabetic eye diseases. - Molnárné Lantos Krisztina
- 11. Neuroophthalmology. - Kölkedi Zsófia (1987)
- 12. Pediatric ophthalmology. ROP. Strabismus. Ambylopia - Szapáryné Gaál Valéria
- 13.
Ocular injuries.
- Csutak Adrienne - 14. Differential diagnostics. Consultation. - Kereskainé Hámor Andrea
- 1. Ophthalmological examinations: anamnesis, functional examinations: visual acuity, keratometry, corneal topography; morphological examinations: inspection, slit-lamp examination, fluorescein staining, upper eyelid eversion.
- 2. Ophthalmological examinations: anamnesis, functional examinations: visual acuity, keratometry, corneal topography; morphological examinations: inspection, slit-lamp examination, fluorescein staining, upper eyelid eversion.
- 3. Differential diagnosis of “Red eye”. Keratoplasty.
- 4. Differential diagnosis of “Red eye”. Keratoplasty.
- 5. Diseases of the eyelids. Dry eye disease. Diagnostic examination of dry eye disease. Corneal refractive surgeries.
- 6. Diseases of the eyelids. Dry eye disease. Diagnostic examination of dry eye disease. Corneal refractive surgeries.
- 7. Cataract surgery, complications. Biometry and ultrasound examinations.
- 8. Cataract surgery, complications. Biometry and ultrasound examinations.
- 9. Primary and secondary glaucoma.Therapy of glaucoma. Tonometry, Perimetry, OCT, RNFL.
- 10. Primary and secondary glaucoma.Therapy of glaucoma. Tonometry, Perimetry, OCT, RNFL.
- 11. Ultrasound examination, vitrectomy, scleral buckling.
- 12. Ultrasound examination, vitrectomy, scleral buckling.
- 13. Diagnosty in retinal dystrophies. Laser therapy in ophthalmology.
- 14. Diagnosty in retinal dystrophies. Laser therapy in ophthalmology.
- 15. Senile changes and degenerations of the fundus, fljuorescein angiography (FLAG) and optical coherence tomography (OCT) in AMD. Treatment possibilities.
- 16. Senile changes and degenerations of the fundus, fljuorescein angiography (FLAG) and optical coherence tomography (OCT) in AMD. Treatment possibilities.
- 17. The orbit: inflammation, tumors. Ultrasounds, Orbital CT, MRI.
- 18. The orbit: inflammation, tumors. Ultrasounds, Orbital CT, MRI.
- 19. Funduscopy, normal Fundus, diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, hypertension, EOP.
- 20. Funduscopy, normal Fundus, diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, hypertension, EOP.
- 21. Neuroophthalmology in practice: color vision, ocular motility, pupillary reflexes, Hess Test, Perimetry etc.
- 22. Neuroophthalmology in practice: color vision, ocular motility, pupillary reflexes, Hess Test, Perimetry etc.
- 23. Drugs in ophthalmology and in pediatric ophthalmology. Pediatric ophthalmology. Ophthalmology in pregnancy.
- 24. Drugs in ophthalmology and in pediatric ophthalmology. Pediatric ophthalmology. Ophthalmology in pregnancy.
- 25. Practical notes on ocular injuries. Causes of blindness. Rehabilitation.
- 26. Practical notes on ocular injuries. Causes of blindness. Rehabilitation.
- 27. Consultation
- 28.
A tananyag elsajátításához szükséges segédanyagok
Kötelező irodalom
Saját oktatási anyag
lecture slides
practice slides
Ajánlott irodalom
G. Lang: Ophthalmology, Thieme
A félév elfogadásának feltételei
It is obligatory to attend all the lectures and practices.
Félévközi ellenőrzések
professional test
Távolmaradás pótlásának lehetőségei
Catching up on confirmed internships: by appointment.
1. A) Gross anatomy of globe
B) Ophthalmological complications of hypertension and diabetes mellitus
2. A) Anatomy of the ocular adnexa
B) Vascular diseases of the retina
3. A) The methods of examination, special ophthalmologic examinations
B) Treatment of strabismus
4. A) Ophthalmoscopy and its significance, the blurred disc margin
B) Diseases of the eyelids and their treatment
5. A) Physiology and pathophysiology of the tears
B) Retinal detachment and its treatment
6. A) Applying bandage, ointment and drop to the eye, irrigation of the nasolacrimal duct
B) Ophthalmological traumatology
7. A) The significance of the vitreous body
B) Diseases of the conjunctiva and their treatment
8. A) Anatomy and physiology of the retina
B) Diseases of the lacrimal apparatus and their treatment
9. A) The classification of the glaucoma
B) Tumors of the lids, of the globe and of the orbita
10. A) Anatomy and physiology of the extraocular muscles
B) Chief complaints in ophthalmology; taking the patients history
11. A) The significance and diagnosis of strabismus
B) Treatment of cataracta
12. A) The sensory visual pathway
B) Diseases of the cornea and their treatment
13. A) Emergency situations in ophthalmology
B) Diseases of the sclera and their treatment
14. A) Lethal diseases in ophthalmology
B) Glaucomas - other than chronic open angle glaucoma
15. A) Causes of sudden monocular loss of vision
B) Inflammation of the uveal tract
16. A) Differential diagnosis of red eye
B) The blindness: main causes, prevention
17. A) Pharmacology of the eye, commonly used eye medications
B) The orbit and its diseases
18. A) Nervous innervations of the globe and its adnexa
B) Diseases of the macula and their treatment
19. A) Significance of ophthalmology in the choice of profession
B) Diagnosis and therapy of chronic open angle glaucoma
20. A) Pediatric ophthalmology. Special subjects of pediatric interests
B) Significant degenerations of the retina
21. A) Genetic aspects of the eye diseases
B) Diseases of the optic nerve
- Csutak Adrienne
- Kereskainé Hámor Andrea
- Kölkedi Zsófia (1987)
- Molnárné Lantos Krisztina
- Szalai Eszter
- Szapáryné Gaál Valéria
- Tóthné Vékási Mária Judit
- Werling Dóra
Gyakorlatok, szemináriumok oktatói
- Baranyay András Jakab
- Csutak Adrienne
- Dr. Kovács Judit
- Kereskainé Hámor Andrea
- Kölkedi Zsófia (1987)
- Kozma Kincső Boglárka
- Lombosné Sükösd Andrea Krisztina
- Molnárné Lantos Krisztina
- Szalai Eszter
- Szapáryné Gaál Valéria
- Tóthné Vékási Mária Judit
- Werling Dóra