Sell Yourself! - Body Language: Interpretation and Application


A Tantárgybejelentőben megadott hivatalos adatok az alábbi tanévre: 2023-2024



előadás: 16 óra

gyakorlat: 8 óra

szeminárium: 0 óra

összesen: 24 óra


  • Kód: OXE-SY6-h-T
  • 2 kredit
  • General Medicine
  • Elective modul
  • both semesters

OXE-SY1-h-T completed

Kurzus létszámkorlát

min. 5 fő – max. 8 fő

Campus kurzusként elérhető 8 fő számára. Campus-karok: BTK ETK KPVK GYTK KTK MK MIK TTK


Metacommunication, body language bears with great importance in everyday life. People's relationship with each other is fundamentally influenced by their movements and facial expressions, even before they even start speak up. Body language is a key element in building trust, effective communication, and ultimately affects the success of therapy. The aim of the course is to give students as deep knowledge as possible about the importance of body language, the meaning of each movement and gesture, and its effect on another person. During the lessons we place great emphasis on practical training and the development of self-awareness.


  • 1. Significance of body language, research methodology - Dr. Szentpéteri József László
  • 2. The importance of body language in different cultures and historical ages - Dr. Hargitai Evelin Gabriella
  • 3. Posture. Forms, variants, impact on the audience - Dr. Hargitai Evelin Gabriella
  • 4. Types, meaning and significance of open and closed postures - Dr. Hargitai Evelin Gabriella
  • 5. Gestures of the arms. Types, meaning, significance, application possibilities - Dr. Hargitai Evelin Gabriella
  • 6. Hand gestures I: Types, meaning, significance, application possibilities - Hatházi Milán Attila
  • 7. Hand gestures II: Types, meaning, significance, application possibilities - Hatházi Milán Attila
  • 8. Hand and finger signs. Cultural differences, applications and threats - Hatházi Milán Attila
  • 9. Face-hand gestures I: types, meaning, significance, application possibilities - Hatházi Milán Attila
  • 10. Face-hand gestures II: types, meaning, significance, application possibilities - Hatházi Milán Attila
  • 11. Head posture: types, meaning, significance, application possibilities - Dr. Várnai Réka
  • 12. Facial gestures, facial expressions I: types, meaning, significance, application possibilities - Dr. Várnai Réka
  • 13. Face gestures, facial expressions II: types, meaning, significance, application possibilities - Dr. Várnai Réka
  • 14. Facial gestures, facial expressions III: types, meaning, significance, application possibilities - Dr. Várnai Réka
  • 15. Possibilities of conveying positive and negative content by means of metacommunication - Dr. Szentpéteri József László
  • 16. Online communication: limitations and possibilities of metacommunication in online space - Dr. Szentpéteri József László


  • 1. Entering into the performer space and practicing nonverbal communication with the audience
  • 2. Practicing open and closed postures, polishing postures appropriate to the person
  • 3. Arm gestures: Revealing and practicing gestures that are appropriate for a given person
  • 4. Hand Gestures: Revealing and practicing gestures that are appropriate for a given person
  • 5. Face-to-hand gestures: Revealing and practicing gestures that are appropriate for a person
  • 6. Facial gestures, facial expressions: revealing and practicing gestures appropriate to the given person
  • 7. Means of expressing positive and negative emotions
  • 8. Online communication: exercises for effective communication in online space


A tananyag elsajátításához szükséges segédanyagok

Kötelező irodalom


Saját oktatási anyag

Will be provided during the course


Will be provided during the course

Ajánlott irodalom

Joe Navarro (2018): The Dictionary of Body Language: A Field Guide to Human Behavior
Barbara & Allan Pease (2006): The Definitive Book of Body Language: The Hidden Meaning Behind People's Gestures and Expressions

A félév elfogadásának feltételei

Maximum of 15 % absence allowed

Félévközi ellenőrzések

Successful completion of the course requires continuous work. All along during the course, each participant will have to work on their own topic in addition to the centrally released assignments. The evaluation takes into account the degree of individual development, ability of critical thinking during the semester and the overall attitude.

Távolmaradás pótlásának lehetőségei



Course ends up with a mid-term grade, so there is no exam during the exam period.


Gyakorlatok, szemináriumok oktatói

  • Dr. Szentpéteri József László