CSE for beginners

Credit system, student status, exams. It can often happen that we are looking for the answer to a simple and ordinary question on the almost 200 pages of the Code of Studies and Examinations (or CSE for short), but it is not so easy to find the exact paragraph we are looking for.

The Student Council has created the publication "CSE for beginners" for this reason, which you can read below. It elaborates and presents the most important topics needed for your studies in a simple and clear form. This does not include every single piece of legislation and paragraph of course, nor can it formally form the basis of a reference. We merely intended to help answer the most common questions.

The publication available on the site does not yet include the most recently adopted educational development milestones! We are working on updating the document.
You can read the latest changes on our Instagram page:
Informative post 1
Informative post 2
Informative post 3

Read it



CSE for beginners

If you have any specific questions that are not answered in the publication, feel free to contact the educational rapporteur of our Council at any of the following contacts:

Contact person

Rahaf Hufnawi

Educational Rapporteur
