- Teaching hospitals of the UPMS (Besides the UPMS' own teaching hospitals the university clinics and teaching hospitals of the other Hungarian medical schools can also be accepted (Semmelweiss University, University of Debrecen, University of Szeged).
- The accredited teaching hospitals and teaching wards in the EU, Norway, Switzerland, the USA and Canada - last updated: December 2023
- General practitioners and paediatricians accredited by the Department of Primary Health Care of the UPMS - last updated: August 2024 (IMPORTANT: the paediatiricians in this list can only accept students for the rotational year Family Medicine practice, the 1st year Medical Communication Skills practice can be completed only with a general practitioner.)
- A permanently updated list of foreign clinical sites (teaching hospitals and teaching wards) in Hungarian medical education accredited by HAC is available in the Clinical Practice Sites Abroad menu on the HAC's website ("Magyar Felsőoktatási Akkreditációs Bizottság".