Professional practices in the Dentistry major

General information, guidelines

The electronic registration in Neptun applies for all the three summer practices of Dentistry major (Dental Assistant - Summer Practice, Dento-alveolar Surgery - Summer Practice, Integrated Dentistry). Application for the practices will be possible exclusively for those students who registered the course related to the practice on their course list in Neptun in the course registration period.

Summer practices: July 7 -August 29, 2025

The registrations for the summer practices are available between 14 May, 2025 15:30 and 22 June, 2025 24:00.


IMPORTANT! Reserving a spot in advance, either by written or verbal arrangement through the staff of the University of Pécs's Dental Clinic is not considered a valid registration. Exclusively electronically performed (in Neptun), finalized registration is considered to be valid application both for practice places out of Pécs and for the Dental Clinic of the University of Pécs (in Pécs only those headcount-limited spots are valid and available which are offered by the list in Neptun for the Dental Clinic of the University of Pécs).


Acceptance letters, certificates of completion

1. Dental Assistant Summer Practice (OSRAFG, Dentistry, 2nd semester, 60 hours) - course director: Dr. Ildikó Balásné Szántó

2. Dentoalveolar Surgery Summer Practice (OSRDAS, 6th semester, 120 hours) - course director: Dr. József Szalma

3. Integrated Dentistry Summer Practice (OSRINF, 8th semester, 140 hours) - course director: Dr. Ákos Nagy