General information, guidelines
We would like to inform you that the applications for the Summer Practice in Hospital Care, Summer Practice in Internal Medicine, Summer Practice in Surgery as well as the Summer Practice in Medical Communication Skills are all to be done through the Neptun system, and the option is only available for those students who have registered the subjects of the summer practices during the course registration period.
Summer practices: July 7 -August 29, 2025
The registrations for the summer practices would be available between 13 May, 2025 16:00 and 22 June, 2024 24:00.
IMPORTANT! Reserving a spot in advance, either by written or verbal arrangement through the staff of the University of Pécs's clinics is not considered a valid registration. Exclusively electronically performed (in Neptun), finalized registration is considered to be valid application both for practice places out of Pécs and for the clinics of the University of Pécs (in Pécs only those headcount-limited spots are valid and available which are offered by the list in Neptun for the clinics of the University of Pécs).
- Schedule of practice blocks (weeks) in Neptun for the Hospital Care / Internal Medicine / Surgery / Medical Communication Skills practices - 2024 Summer
- Schedule and headcount limits of the General Medicine summer practices in the clinics of the University Clinical Centre (Pécs) - 2024 Summer
- Information on uploading certificates of completion - 2024 summer
- Information and deadlines of the registration for summer practices - 2024 summer
- Preliminary information letter on the registration for the summer practices - 2024 summer
- User's guide to Neptun's summer practice registration
Acceptance letters, certificates of completion
1. Summer Practice in Hospital Care (OAR-APG, 2nd semester, 90 hours) - course director: Dr. Annamária PAKAI KARAMÁNNÉ (Faculty of Health Sciences)
The nursing practice has to be completed in adult care. Further exceptions: psychiatry, ophtalmology and infectious department, nursing homes. On the Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic only pathology and subintensive gynecology department is accepted.
2. Summer Practice in Medical Communication (OAR-OKG, 2nd semester, 30 hours, to be spent at a General Practitioner's practice) - course director: Dr. Ágnes Csikós (Dept. of Primary Health Care)
- evaluation form for students
- evaluation form for the GP
- interview form - 2 interviews are required
- acceptance letter
The 1st year Medical Communication Skills practice can be completed only with a general practitioner, not with a paediatrician!
3. Summer Practice in Internal Medicine (OAR-BEL, 6th semester, 140 hours) - course director: Dr. Imre Szabó (1st Dept. of Int.Med.) / Dr. István Wittmann (2nd Dept. of Int.Med.) - in Summer 2024: Dr. Imre Szabó
4. Summer Practice in Surgery (OAR-SEB 120 hours /OAR-SEN 140 hours, 8th semester, ) - course director: Dr. András Vereczkei (Surgery Clinic)
- acceptance letter - for students who registered with OAR-SEB subject code
- certificate - for students who registered with OAR-SEB subject code
- acceptance letter - for students who registered with OAR-SEN subject code
- certificate - for students who registered with OAR-SEN subject code
(Apart from the surgery clinic, summer surgery practice can also be conducted in the following departments: vascular surgery, neurosurgery, pediatric surgery, cardiac surgery, orthopedics, or traumatology.)
Clinical Block Practice (elective course) - course director: Dr. Orsolya Nemes (1st Dept. of Int.Med.)
The permission of block practice can be asked by filling out and submitting an “Acceptance Letter” to the course leader by the end the 4th week of instruction period the latest (in case of rotation year too) and a week before the planned start of your practice the latest (way of submitting: sending it electronically to
Upon successful completion of practice, certificate signed and stamped by the practice leader must be obtained from the head of the department/ward/unit with his legible name on the last day of practice the latest with the signature of the institution. The certificate should be uploaded to the NEPTUN MeetStreet site of the subject in a pdf format together with the case studies directly after the practice, but until Friday on the last but one week of the instruction period the latest.