A Tantárgybejelentőben megadott hivatalos adatok az alábbi tanévre: 2024-2025
Garami András
associate professor,
előadás: 42 óra
gyakorlat: 0 óra
szeminárium: 28 óra
összesen: 70 óra
- Kód: OPO-KTN-T
- 5 kredit
- Pharmacy
- Medical-biological theoretical module and practical skills modul
- spring
OPA-GE2-T finished , OPO-H2E-T finished
Kurzus létszámkorlát
min. 5 fő – max. 200 fő
The main goal of the curriculum is to introduce the students on a preclinical level to the basic dysfunctions of individual organs and organ systems, to make them acquainted with the inherited and acquired etiological factors, with the pathogenesis and pathomechanism of diseases, and with the possible compensatory or adaptive mechanisms and system interactions.
The topics covered (among others) include pathophysiologic aspects of circulation, respiration, energy homeostasis, thermoregulation, renal-, endocrine-, gastrointestinal functions, acid-base and salt-water balance with special focus on pathomechanisms fundamentally linked to target sites of the most prescribed drugs as well as on iatrogenic risks in connection with the main- and side-effects of drugs.
Since the mean age of the patients is growing higher in most parts of the world, the gerontological aspects of functional changes are embedded into the curriculum throughout the course. The course is important to understand the clinical symptoms, as well as the possible pharmacological or other interventions and steps of prevention.
- 1.
The contextual position of Pathophysiology in pharmacy
- Garami András - 2.
Health and disease. Pathogens, disease course, symptoms, prognosis, therapy, prevention etc.
- Garami András - 3.
Inflammation & injury
- Garami András - 4.
Pathophysiology of coronary circulation I
- Ollmann Tamás - 5.
Pathophysiology of coronary circulation II
- Ollmann Tamás - 6.
Disorders of cerebral circulation
- Ollmann Tamás - 7.
Regulation of blood pressure, its abnormalities, hypertension
- Ollmann Tamás - 8.
Consequences of hypertension, and its prevention
- Ollmann Tamás - 9.
Heart failure (central circulatory failure)
- Ollmann Tamás - 10.
Peripheral circulatory failure (shock)
- Ollmann Tamás - 11.
Sepsis (SIRS)
- Garami András - 12.
Multiple organ dysfunction/failure (MODS, MOF)
- Garami András - 13.
Disorders of the control of breathing. Sleep apnea syndrome
- Zelena Dóra Tímea - 14.
Pathophysiology of ventilation mechanics. Obstructive & restrictive disorders
- Zelena Dóra Tímea - 15.
Abnormalities of gas exchange
- Zelena Dóra Tímea - 16.
Respiratory failure, forms of tissue hypoxia.
- Zelena Dóra Tímea - 17.
Dyspnea, cough, allergic rhinitis
- Zelena Dóra Tímea - 18.
Pathophysiology of physical exercise
- Zelena Dóra Tímea - 19.
Acid-base disorders: the role of buffers
- Garami András - 20.
Role of breathing and the kidney in anomalies of pH homeostasis
- Garami András - 21.
Basic mechanisms of glomerular and tubular function anomalies
- Garami András - 22.
Forms of acute renal failure
- Garami András - 23.
Mechanisms of chronic renal failure
- Garami András - 24.
Uraemia, uraemic coma
- Garami András - 25.
Disorders of thermoregulation: introduction / fever
- Garami András - 26.
Disorders of thermoregulation: fever & hyperthermia, heat shock
- Garami András - 27.
- Garami András - 28.
Energy balance, nutritional status, starvation (total/partial), malnutrition
- Zagorácz Olga - 29.
Obesity, metabolic syndrome
- Zagorácz Olga - 30.
Diabetes mellitus (DM) syndrome: definition, classification
- Zagorácz Olga - 31.
Pathogenesis of DM syndromes
- Zagorácz Olga - 32.
Acute complications of DM
- Zagorácz Olga - 33.
Chronic complications of DM
- Zagorácz Olga - 34.
Disorders of the hypothalamo-pituitary system and pathophysiology of growth
- Ollmann Tamás - 35.
Thyroid gland disorders
- Ollmann Tamás - 36.
Adrenal gland dysfunctions
- Ollmann Tamás - 37.
Disorders of swallowing, filling- and emptying of the stomach, vomiting.
- Ráczné Mikó-Baráth Eszter - 38.
GI tract disorders: ileus, malabsorption diarrhea, constipation
- Ráczné Mikó-Baráth Eszter - 39.
Pancreatic disorders
- Ráczné Mikó-Baráth Eszter - 40.
Pathophysiology of liver function, liver damage
- Kovács Gergely - 41.
Forms of icterus
- Kovács Gergely - 42.
Portal hypertension, ascites, hepatic coma
- Kovács Gergely
- 1. The contextual position of Pathophysiology in pharmacists' curriculum
- 2. Health and disease. Pathogens, disease course, signs & symptoms, therapy, prevention
- 3. ECG analysis, basic aspects
- 4. Common anomalies of repolarisation
- 5. ECG of acute myocardial infarct
- 6. Abnormal impulse formation
- 7. Abnormal impulse conduction
- 8. Complex ECG-abnormalities
- 9. Theory of respiratory function tests
- 10. Demonstration of respiratory function tests in practice
- 11. Acid-base balance, functionality of defense systems, major challenges
- 12. Acid-base disorders
- 13. Salt-water balance (Osmo- & volume homeostasis), the regulators and effectors
- 14. Disorders of salt-water balance
- 15. Disorders of metabolism I: Lipoproteins, hyperlipidemias, atherosclerosis
- 16. Disorders of metabolism II: Abnormal aminoacid metabolism, hyperuricemia, gout
- 17. Potassium homeostasis
- 18. Hyperkalemias, hypokalemias
- 19. Pathophysiology of vitamins and trace elements
- 20. Hypo- & hypervitaminoses
- 21. Disorders of Ca, P homeostasis, osteoporosis, osteomalacia
- 22. Vitamin-D, parathormone, hypo- & hypercalcemia
- 23. Anaemia, polycythemia
- 24. Disorders of hemostasis, DIC
- 25. Disorders of swallowing, filling- and emptying of the stomach, vomiting.
- 26. GI tract motility problems I: Diarrhea, constipation
- 27. GI tract motility problems II: ileus / Malabsorption syndromes
- 28. Pre-exam discussion of particular questions requested by the students.
A tananyag elsajátításához szükséges segédanyagok
Kötelező irodalom
Basically the knowledge of topics dealt with at the lectures and seminars is the requirement at the exams.
- Prof. Miklós Székely (ed.): Basic Principles of Pathophysiology, department notes for medical students, 2006,
- S. Silbernagl, F. Lang: Color Atlas of Pathophysiology, Thieme Stuttgart; New York, 2000 (useful for final preparation)
- Martin M. Zdanowicz: Essentials of Pathophysiology for Pharmacy, CRC Press 2002
Handouts on
Saját oktatási anyag
Basically the knowledge of topics dealt with at the lectures and seminars is the requirement at the exams.
- Prof. Miklós Székely (ed.): Basic Principles of Pathophysiology, department notes for medical students, 2006,
- S. Silbernagl, F. Lang: Color Atlas of Pathophysiology, Thieme Stuttgart; New York, 2000 (useful for final preparation)
- Martin M. Zdanowicz: Essentials of Pathophysiology for Pharmacy, CRC Press 2002
Handouts on
Basically the knowledge of topics dealt with at the lectures and seminars is the requirement at the exams.
- Prof. Miklós Székely (ed.): Basic Principles of Pathophysiology, department notes for medical students, 2006,
- S. Silbernagl, F. Lang: Color Atlas of Pathophysiology, Thieme Stuttgart; New York, 2000 (useful for final preparation)
- Martin M. Zdanowicz: Essentials of Pathophysiology for Pharmacy, CRC Press 2002
Handouts on
Ajánlott irodalom
Basically the knowledge of topics dealt with at the lectures and seminars is the requirement at the exams.
- Prof. Miklós Székely (ed.): Basic Principles of Pathophysiology, department notes for medical students, 2006,
- S. Silbernagl, F. Lang: Color Atlas of Pathophysiology, Thieme Stuttgart; New York, 2000 (useful for final preparation)
- Martin M. Zdanowicz: Essentials of Pathophysiology for Pharmacy, CRC Press 2002
Handouts on
A félév elfogadásának feltételei
Max. 3 misses from seminars (15%) can be accepted.
Félévközi ellenőrzések
Távolmaradás pótlásának lehetőségei
Writing an essay from the topic of the missed seminar.
First (A) exam is absolved by filling out a test based on the exam questions. Second (B) and third (C) exams are absolved orally with answering three questions drawn.
Pathophysiology of water-soluble vitamins and trace elements
Pathophysiology of fat-soluble vitamins
Complete starvation
Partial starvation, accelerated forms of energetic insufficiency, anorexia nervosa
Obesity: criteria, classification, epidemiology, etiology and pathogenesis. Metabolic syndrome
Protein deficiency, protein-calorie malnutrition, senile sarcopenia
Pathobiochemistry of LDL-metabolism, hyperlipoproteinemias
Etiology and pathogenesis of DM1.
Etiology and pathogenesis of DM2.
Diabetic coma (ketoacidotic & hyperosmolar forms)
Late complications of diabetes mellitus (including pathobiochemistry thereof)
Pathophysiology of the pituitary, anomalies of growth
Glucocorticoid hyperfunctional states
Pathophysiological aspects of glucocorticoid therapy
Adrenal (cortex) insufficiency
Hyper- and hypocalcemia
Osteoporosis, osteomalacia
General pathophysiology and consequences of anemias and polycythemia
Deficiency anemias
Aplastic anemias
Hemolytic anemias
Congenital and acquired coagulopathies
Bleeding abnormalities due to vascular factors
Disorders of platelet functions
Disseminated intravascular coagulation
Thrombophilia, thrombosis: causes and consequences
Pathophysiology of peptic ulcer
Disorders of gastric filling and emptying, vomiting
Malabsorption syndromes
Diarrhea: causes, pathophysiological forms, consequences
Bowel obstruction (ileus)
Obstipation, diverticulosis
Jaundice (conjugated & non-conjugated hyperbilirubinemias)
Pathophysiological aspect of hepatic detoxifying system
Toxic- and idiosynchratic liver damage
Hepatic coma
Liver cirrhosis, portal hypertension, ascites
Pancreatitis (acute & chronic): pathophysiology and consequences.
Heat stroke, malignant hyperthermia
Pathophysiology of fever, its biological value, basic aspects of antifebrile strategies
Inflammation, forms of manifestation, basic pathomechanisms
Main groups and important representatives of inflammatory mediators
Systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS), multiple organ failure (MOF)
Metabolic acidosis and alkalosis: causes, compensation, consequences
Respiratory acidosis and alkalosis: causes, compensation, consequences
Mechanisms and disorders of volume regulation, abnormal distribution of extracellular fluid (edema)
Mechanisms and disorders of osmoregulation, states with hypo- and hypertonicity
Cardiovascular adaptation to physical exercise in healthy persons and patients with heart disease
Pathophysiology of coronary insufficiency, risk factors
Pathomechanism and consequences of acute myocardial infarction (AMI)
Pathophysiology of heart failure
Cerebral hypoxia, ischemia, stroke
Pulmonary hypertension.
General pathophysiology and classification of systemic hypertension
Primary (essential) hypertension: characteristics, etiological factors, consequences
Hypertension and the kidneys (reciprocal connection)
Hypertension and the adrenal gland
Vasovagal syncope and other states with hypotension
Circulatory shock: definition, classification, pathophysiology, phases and characteristics of microcirculation
Hypovolemic shock
Distributive shock
Cardiogenic shock
Forms of extrasystole (premature beats)
Pre-excitation syndromes, forms and consequences of paroxysmal tachycardia
Flutter and fibrillation: atrial and ventricular
Nomotopic and passive heterotopic abnormalities of impulse formation
Abnormalities of atrioventricular conduction (AV blocks)
Intraventricular conduction abnormalities (bundle branch blocks)
Atrial and ventricular axis deviations
Primary repolarization abnormalities in the ECG: ECG in angina pectoris and acute myocardial infarction
Disorders of the control of breathing. Sleep-apnea syndrome (OSAS, CSAS)
Causes and consequences of increased airway resistance, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
Alveolar hypoventilation and hyperventilation, causes and consequences
Forms and mechanisms of hypoxia, ways of compensation, cyanosis
Disorders of oxygen transport (abnormal hemoglobin, CO-poisoning, methemoglobinemia)
Partial and complete respiratory failure, dyspnea
Principles of basic respiratory function tests, parameters of restrictive and obstructive breathing mechanics
Pathophysiology of glomerular filtration
Disorders of tubular functions
Acute renal failure: causes, forms, general and specific features
Chronic renal failure: causes, characteristics and progression
Hyperuricemia, gout
Disturbances of amino acid metabolism, (phenylketonuria, hyperhomocysteinaemia etc.)
- Garami András
- Hegyi Eszter
Gyakorlatok, szemináriumok oktatói
- Al-Omari Ammar Abdallah Khalaf
- Garami András
- Hegyi Eszter