A Tantárgybejelentőben megadott hivatalos adatok az alábbi tanévre: 2024-2025
Kerényi Monika
associate professor,
Department of Medical Microbiology and Immunology
előadás: 42 óra
gyakorlat: 14 óra
szeminárium: 0 óra
összesen: 56 óra
- Kód: OSP-MR1-T
- 4 kredit
- Dentistry
- Pre-clinical modul
- autumn
OSA-BKZ-T finished , OSA-IMF-T finished , OSP-PO1-T parallel
Kurzus létszámkorlát
min. 5 fő – max. 50 fő
During the course, the morphology, physiology of microbes, the techniques of disinfection and sterilization, and the basics of antimicrobial therapy will be discussed. The host-parasite interactions, the factors playing roles in the pathogenesis of infections, the defence mechanisms of the host and the modes of prevention will be detailed. The systematic microbiology part of the course will discuss the microbiological aspects of various infections caused by specific pathogens. Special emphasis will be put on the indigenous flora of the oral cavity, as well as microorganisms playing a role in the diseases of the oral cavity and the teeth.
The objective is to provide a solid microbiological basis to understand the pathogenesis and clinical aspects of oral and other diseases that influence oral medicine if they have infectious aetiology.
- 1. Introduction the subject and history of microbiology - Emődy Levente
- 2. Morphology and structure of bacteria - Tigyi Zoltán
- 3. The physiology of bacteria - Kocsis Béla
- 4. Bacterial genetics - Tigyi Zoltán
- 5. Pathogenicity, infection - Emődy Levente
- 6. Sterilization - Kerényi Monika
- 7. Disinfection - Kerényi Monika
- 8.
Antimicrobial chemotherapy
- Melegh Szilvia Zsóka - 9.
Antimicrobial chemotherapy
- Melegh Szilvia Zsóka - 10.
Antimicrobial chemotherapy
- Melegh Szilvia Zsóka - 11. Immunology of infectious disease - Polgár Beáta
- 12. Immunology of infectious disease - Polgár Beáta
- 13. Immunology of infectious disease - Polgár Beáta
- 14. Vaccinology - Emődy Levente
- 15. Pyogenic bacteria - staphylococci - Kerényi Monika
- 16. Pyogenic bacteria-streptococci - Kerényi Monika
- 17. Pyogenic bacteria - neisseria - Kerényi Monika
- 18. Enteric bacteria -enteric pathogens - Enterobacteriaceae - Tigyi Zoltán
- 19. Other enteric pathogens- Vibrios, Campylobacter, Wolinella, Helicobacter - Emődy Levente
- 20. Veilonella, parvobacteria, Capnocytohaga - Zsoldiné Urbán Edit
- 21. Lactobacilli, corynebacteria, propionibacteria - Tigyi Zoltán
- 22. Pathogens in respiratory tract - Mestyán Gyula
- 23. Pathogens in respiratory tract - Mestyán Gyula
- 24. Mycobacteria I - Emődy Levente
- 25. Mycobacteria II - Emődy Levente
- 26. Spirochetes, Leptotrichia - Kocsis Béla
- 27. Aerobic and anaerobic spore forming bacteria, Actinomyces - Zsoldiné Urbán Edit
- 28. Anaerobs: Bacteroides, Tannarella, Porphyromonas, Prevotella, Fusobacterium - Zsoldiné Urbán Edit
- 29. Chlamydia, rickettsiales, mycoplasma - Kerényi Monika
- 30. Papillomaviruses, polyomaviroses, adenoviruses - Reuter Gábor Kamilló
- 31. Herpesviruses - Szereday László
- 32. Orthomyxoviruses (influenza), paramyxoviruses - Szereday László
- 33. Picornaviruses - Reuter Gábor Kamilló
- 34. Hepatitis viruses - Szereday László
- 35. HIV/AIDS, infections in immunocompromised patients - Reuter Gábor Kamilló
- 36. Mycology - Mestyán Gyula
- 37. Parazitology - Kocsis Béla
- 38. Oral microbiology: normal oral flora, the ecosystem of the oral cavity, dental plaque, biofilm - Emődy Levente
- 39. Oral microbiology: Microbiology of dental caries - Emődy Levente
- 40. Oral microbiology: microbiology of periodontal diseases - Zsoldiné Urbán Edit
- 41. Oral microbiology: dentoalveolar infection - Zsoldiné Urbán Edit
- 42. Oral microbiology: Infection of oral mucosa membrane and salivary gland - Emődy Levente
- 1. Introduction, safety regulations. The microscope, wet mount and stained preparation - Kerényi Monika
- 2.
Cultivation of bacteria, culture media
- Kerényi Monika - 3. Identification of bacteria - Tigyi Zoltán
- 4. Antibiotic sensitivity tests - Zsoldiné Urbán Edit
- 5. Serological methods - Szereday László
- 6. Molecular diagnostics - Tigyi Zoltán
- 7. Bacterial diagnosis of wound infections; blood culture - Zsoldiné Urbán Edit
- 8. Bacterial diagnosis of urinary tract infections - Kerényi Monika
- 9. Bacterial diagnosis of gastrointestinal infections - Tigyi Zoltán
- 10. Bacterial diagnosis of respiratory tract infections and meningitis - Mestyán Gyula
- 11. Anaerobic infections - Zsoldiné Urbán Edit
- 12.
Diagnostic virology
- Boros Ákos - 13. Diagnostic mycology and parasitology - Mestyán Gyula
- 14. Diagnostic oral microbiology - Emődy Levente
A tananyag elsajátításához szükséges segédanyagok
Kötelező irodalom
Lakshman Samaranayake: Essential Microbiology for Dentistry, 5e, Elsevier, 2018 ISBN 10: 0702074357 ISBN 13: 9780702074356
Saját oktatási anyag
Lectures on the Teams and Potepedia
Ajánlott irodalom
Dr. Patrick R. Murray, Dr. Ken S. Rosenthal and Dr. Michael A. Pfaller (eds.): Medical Microbiology, 9th edition, Elsevier Saunders 2020 ISBN13 (EAN): 9780323673228
Michael Barer, Will Irving (eds.): Medical Microbiology 19e, Elsevier 2018, ISBN: 9780702072000
A.K. Abbas, A.H. Lichtman, S Pillai: Cellular and Molecular Immunology, 8th ed., Elsevier Saunders, 2015, ISBN 978-0-323-22275-4
A félév elfogadásának feltételei
Félévközi ellenőrzések
The students will have an opportunity to sit a written test in the last week of the semester. The students may accept the result of the test as a colloquium grade.
Távolmaradás pótlásának lehetőségei
The written exam consists of multiple-choice questions
- Emődy Levente
- Kerényi Monika
- Melegh Szilvia Zsóka
- Reuter Gábor Kamilló
- Szereday László
- Tigyi Zoltán
- Zsoldiné Urbán Edit
Gyakorlatok, szemináriumok oktatói
- Boros Ákos
- Emődy Levente
- Kerényi Monika
- Kocsis Béla
- Melegh Szilvia Zsóka
- Mestyán Gyula
- Schneider György József
- Szereday László
- Tigyi Zoltán
- Zsoldiné Urbán Edit