Microbiology 1


A Tantárgybejelentőben megadott hivatalos adatok az alábbi tanévre: 2024-2025


  • Kerényi Monika

    associate professor,
    Department of Medical Microbiology and Immunology


előadás: 28 óra

gyakorlat: 0 óra

szeminárium: 0 óra

összesen: 28 óra


  • Kód: OPO-MI1-T
  • 2 kredit
  • Pharmacy
  • Pharmaceutical Science and Pharmacy modul
  • autumn

OPO-G1B-T finished , OPO-G2B-T finished

Kurzus létszámkorlát

min. 5 fő – max. 100 fő


During the course, the morphology, physiology of microbes, the techniques of disinfection and sterilization, the basics of antimicrobial therapy and the drugs used will be discussed. The host-parasite interactions, the factors playing roles in the pathogenesis of infections, the defence mechanisms of the host and the modes of prevention will be detailed. This semester some lectures on systematic bacteriology are given. The objective is to provide a solid microbiological basis that will contribute to understanding detailed microbiology and further pharmacological studies.


  • 1. Introduction; The subject of microbiology, Taxonomy - Emődy Levente
  • 2. Morphology and structure of bacteria - essential cell components - Tigyi Zoltán
  • 3. Morphology and structure of bacteria - accessorial cell components - Tigyi Zoltán
  • 4. The physiology of bacteria, nutrition types and growth of bacteria - Kocsis Béla
  • 5. Microbial genetics - Tigyi Zoltán
  • 6. Pathogenicity and virulence - Emődy Levente
  • 7. Sterilization - Kerényi Monika
  • 8. Disinfection - Kerényi Monika
  • 9. Microbiological evaluation of drugs. Pyrogenicity testing - Kocsis Béla
  • 10. Antimicrobial drugs - general information. Pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic effects - Zsoldiné Urbán Edit
  • 11. Inhibitors of bacterial cell wall synthesis I - Zsoldiné Urbán Edit
  • 12. Inhibitors of bacterial cell wall synthesis II.; Membran targeting drugs - Zsoldiné Urbán Edit
  • 13. Inhibitors of protein synthesis I - Zsoldiné Urbán Edit
  • 14. Inhibitors of protein synthesis II, Chemotherapy: sulfonamides, antimycobacterial drugs, quinolones, nitrofurans - Zsoldiné Urbán Edit
  • 15. Mechanisms of antibiotic resistance - Zsoldiné Urbán Edit
  • 16. Immunology of infectious diseases I - Polgár Beáta
  • 17. Immunology of infectious diseases II - Polgár Beáta
  • 18. Immunology of infectious diseases III - Polgár Beáta
  • 19. Immunotherapy I - Polgár Beáta
  • 20. Immunotherapy II - Polgár Beáta
  • 21. Vaccinology I - Emődy Levente
  • 22. Vaccinology II - Emődy Levente
  • 23. Pyogenic bacteria I - Staphylococci - Kerényi Monika
  • 24. Pyogenic bacteria II - Streptococci - Kerényi Monika
  • 25. Pyogenic bacteria III - Neisseria - Kerényi Monika
  • 26. Enteric bacteria and gastrointestinal pathogens I - Tigyi Zoltán
  • 27. Enteric bacteria and gastrointestinal pathogens II - Tigyi Zoltán
  • 28. Enteric bacteria and gastrointestinal pathogens III - Tigyi Zoltán



A tananyag elsajátításához szükséges segédanyagok

Kötelező irodalom

Denyer SP, Hodges NA, Gorman SP, Gilmore BF: Hugo and Russells Pharmaceutical Microbiology, 8th Edition, Blackwell Science Ltd 2018. ISBN: 978-1-119-43449-8

Tim Sandle: Pharmaceutical Microbiology: Essentials for Quality Assurance and Quality Control, ELSEVIER SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY,Woodhead Publishing Ltd, 2015 ISBN10 0081000227

Saját oktatási anyag

Lectures on the Teams


Ajánlott irodalom

Dr. Patrick R. Murray, Dr. Ken S. Rosenthal and Dr. Michael A. Pfaller (eds.): Medical Microbiology, 8th edition, Elsevier Saunders 2020, ISBN13 (EAN): 9780323673228

F.H. Kayser, K.A. Bienz, J. Eckert, R.M. Zinkernagel: Medical Microbiology, Thieme Stuttgart 2005, ISBN: 3-13-131991-7

A félév elfogadásának feltételei

Attendance of the lectures is up to the judgement of the student. The materials of the lectures will be a part of the exam.

The students will have to successfully complete a written exam in the exam period

Félévközi ellenőrzések


Távolmaradás pótlásának lehetőségei



Written exam consists of multiple choice questions


  • Emődy Levente
  • Kerényi Monika
  • Polgár Beáta
  • Tigyi Zoltán
  • Zsoldiné Urbán Edit

Gyakorlatok, szemináriumok oktatói