Psychiatry 2


A Tantárgybejelentőben megadott hivatalos adatok az alábbi tanévre: 2024-2025



előadás: 14 óra

gyakorlat: 28 óra

szeminárium: 0 óra

összesen: 42 óra


  • Kód: OAK-PS2-T
  • 3 kredit
  • General Medicine
  • Clinical modul
  • spring

OAK-PS1-T finished

Kurzus létszámkorlát

min. 5 fő – max. 50 fő


To acquire the knowledge and skills of clinical psychiatry in the general practice


- The essential psychopathological symptoms and syndromes

- The treatment of the ill patient?s emotional responses

- Psychological first aid and psychiatric emergencies in crisis and stress situations

- Exploration, evaluation of the psychiatric patients

- Biological and psychological therapeutic interventions

- Prevention and postvention of psychiatric disorders

- Psychiatric care and mentalhygienic activity in the general practice (Psychiatric interview in Hungarian)

Practices (first and second semesters)

- Psychiatric evaluation (interview, psychiatric history, mental status examination) /2 x 2 hrs/

- Anxiety disorders (amiety, phobias, obsessive compulsive disorder, panic disorder) /2 x 2 hrs/

- Conditions which mimic physical disease (somatisation disorders, conversion disorder, hypochondriasis, somatoform pain disorder) /2 x 2 hrs/

- Psychosomatic disorders /2 x 2 hrs/

- Psychosexual disorders/dysfunction and paraphilia /2 hrs/


- Observation, description and evaluation of the patients? behaviour


  • 1. Personality disorders - Tényi Tamás
  • 2. Bipolar disorders - Tényi Tamás
  • 3. Depressive disorders - Tényi Tamás
  • 4. Schizophrenia - Herold Róbert
  • 5. Delusional disorder and other psychotic disorders - Tényi Tamás
  • 6. Alcohol-related disorders - Fekete Sándor
  • 7. Substace use-related disorders. Gamling disorder - Fekete Sándor
  • 8. Major and minor neurocognitive disorders (dementia and other disorders) - Osváth Péter
  • 9. Intellectual disability - Tényi Tamás
  • 10. Child psychiatry - Tényi Tamás
  • 11. Perinatal psychiatry. Geriatric psychiatry. - Tényi Tamás
  • 12. Psychiatry and art - Tényi Tamás
  • 13. Rehabilitation and sociotherapies - Hamvas Edina
  • 14. Summary, questions - Tényi Tamás


  • 0. Delusional disorders II.
  • 0. Dementia III.
  • 0. Delusional disorders I.
  • 0. Biological therapies II.
  • 0. Organic psychiatric disorders IV.
  • 0. Affective disorders I.
  • 0. Affective disorders II.
  • 0. Affective disorders IV.
  • 0. Dementia I.
  • 0. Mental retardation II.
  • 0. Eating disorders II.
  • 0. Organic psychiatric disorders I.
  • 0. Dementia II.
  • 0. Mental retardation I.
  • 0. Biological therapies I.
  • 0. Dementia IV.
  • 0. Schizophrenia III.
  • 0. Eating disorders I.
  • 0. Alcohol related disorders I.
  • 0. Schizophrenia IV.
  • 0. Affective disorders III.
  • 0. Organic psychiatric disorders II.
  • 0. Schizophrneia II.
  • 0. Alcohol related disorders IV.
  • 0. Alcohol related disorders II.
  • 0. Alcohol related disorders III.
  • 0. Organic psychiatric disorders III.
  • 0. Schizophrenia I.


A tananyag elsajátításához szükséges segédanyagok

Kötelező irodalom

Saját oktatási anyag


Ajánlott irodalom

H. I. Kaplan, B. J. Sadock, Grebb: Synopsis of Psychiatry, 7th edition, Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore, 1994

A félév elfogadásának feltételei

According to the Code of Studies and Examinations

Félévközi ellenőrzések

According to the Code of Studies and Examinations

Távolmaradás pótlásának lehetőségei

According to the Code of Studies and Examinations


II. semester

1. Delusive, schizoid and schizotyp personality disorders

The examination of cognition

2. Narcissistic, borderline, hystrionic and antisocial personality disorders

Acute and chronic drug-related mental disorders

3. Avoidant, dependent and obsessive personality disorders

The complex treatment of schizophrenia

4. Classification and etiology of mood disorders

The most important mental disorders in childhood

5. The symptomatology and treatment of depressive disorders

Cannabis and cocaine related mental disorders

6. The symptomatology and treatment of manic disorders

Classification and treatment of alcohol related mental disorders

7. Cyvclothymia and dysthymia

Diagnosis and treatment of pathological alcohol intoxication

8. Classification and symptoms of organic mental disorders

Non-pharmacological treatment of mood disorders (ECT, light-therapy, sleep-deprivation, TMS)

9. Mental disorders caused by organic brain injury (lobe syndromes)

ADHD and conduct disorders

10. Psychopathological symptoms caused by somatic and neurological disorders

Neurobiological background of psychopharmacological treatment

11. Depression and psychosis in elderly

Complex treatment of alcohol addiction

12. Classification, symptomatology and treatment of eating disorders

Complex treatment of alcohol withdrawal

13. Classification and etiology of mental retardation

Complex treatment of mood disorders

14. Antipsychotic medication -indication, effects and side-effects

Etiology, symptomatology and treatment of Korsakow syndrome

15. Antidepressants - indication, effects and side-effects

Group psychotherapy and self-helps groups in psychiatry

16. Agitated behaviour in elderly - etiology, symptomatology and treatment

Treatment of alcohol related hallucinations

17. Etiology, symptomatology and treatment of Alzheimer dementia

Complex treatment of bipolar disorder

18. Epidemiology and etiology of schizophrenia

Opiates related mental disorders

19. Classification and prognosis of schizophrenia

Biological and psychological factors of sedatives related addiction

20. Symptomatology and differential diagnosis of schizoaffective psychosis

Psychostimulant related mental disorders

21. Delusive disorders

Anxiolitics and sedatives in psychiatry

22. Etiology, symptomatology and treatment of vascular dementia


23. Classification and differential diagnosis of dementias

Types, effects and side-effects of psychopharmacons


  • Fekete Sándor
  • Hajnal András Sándor
  • Herold Róbert
  • Osváth Péter
  • Simon Mária
  • Tényi Tamás

Gyakorlatok, szemináriumok oktatói

  • Fekete Sándor
  • Hajnal András Sándor
  • Herold Róbert
  • Kovács Márton Áron
  • Osváth Péter
  • Simon Mária
  • Tényi Tamás
  • Vörös Viktor