A Tantárgybejelentőben megadott hivatalos adatok az alábbi tanévre: 2024-2025
Battyáni István
associate professor,
Department of Medical Imaging
előadás: 0 óra
gyakorlat: 24 óra
szeminárium: 0 óra
összesen: 24 óra
- Kód: OXE-GCT-h-T
- 2 kredit
- General Medicine
- Elective modul
- spring
ODA-BI2-T finished , ODK-KRA-T finished
Kurzus létszámkorlát
min. 5 fő – max. 15 fő
The course is opened for al of the students who are successfully completed the Clinical Radiology subject. The aim of the course is to get more information and practice on the field of ultrasound and CT techniques. The US practice is focus mainly to the abdominal and vascular examinations, and the students will learn the latest, newest CT technology applications in the clinical practice. During the practice the students have to make examinations by self.
- 1. Physics and technical applications of ultrasonography. New development. - Battyáni István
- 2. Ultrasound terminology and US appearance of different pathologic conditions. - Battyáni István
- 3. Liver and biliary ultrasound imaging. - Battyáni István
- 4. Liver and biliary ultrasound imaging in practice. - Battyáni István
- 5. Spleen, pancreas and GI tract US imaging. - Faluhelyi Nándor
- 6. Spleen, pancreas and GI tract US imaging in practice. - Faluhelyi Nándor
- 7.
Genitourinary system, prostate, adrenal gland US imaging.
- Mátyás Csaba - 8.
Genitourinary system, prostate, adrenal gland US imaging in practice.
- Mátyás Csaba - 9. Retroperitoneum, large vessels, peritoneum US imaging. - Faluhelyi Nándor
- 10. Retroperitoneum, large vessels, peritoneum US imaging in practice. - Faluhelyi Nándor
- 11. Ultrasound contrast materials. - Járay Ákos
- 12. Ultrasound contrast material in practice. - Járay Ákos
- 13. Soft tissue, lymphnode, thyroid US imaging. - Giyab Omar
- 14. Soft tissue, lymphnode, thyroid US imaging in practice. - Giyab Omar
- 15. Diseases of peripheral vessels and their ultrasound imaging. - Battyáni István
- 16. Diseases of peripheral vessels and their ultrasound imaging in practice. - Battyáni István
- 17. Abdominal CT diagnostics. - Szukits Sándor
- 18. Abdominal CT diagnostics in practice. - Szukits Sándor
- 19. Chest CT diagnostics. - Szukits Sándor
- 20. Chest CT diagnostics in practice. - Szukits Sándor
- 21. Ultrasound magnetic navigation. - Battyáni István
- 22. Ultrasound practice. - Battyáni István
- 23. Ultrasound practice. - Battyáni István
- 24. Practical exam with test. - Battyáni István
A tananyag elsajátításához szükséges segédanyagok
Kötelező irodalom
Saját oktatási anyag
Ajánlott irodalom
In English:
- R. B. Gunderman: Essential Radiology, Thieme, 2006
- G. M. Roberts, J. P. Hughes, and M. D. Hourihan: Clinical Radiology for Medical Students
- S. Francis, A. F. Watkinson (Department of Radiology The Royal Free Hospital, London, UK): Interventional Radiology explained, REMEDICINA Publishing, 2000.
A félév elfogadásának feltételei
To get the index book signed, a maximum of 2 (two) seminars (4 hours) may be missed and they are not replaceable by any kind. Missed seminars, caused by disease, can be certified by a written certificate obtained from the treating physician (booked in the log of his/her office)!
Félévközi ellenőrzések
No possibility for the replacement.
Távolmaradás pótlásának lehetőségei
No possibility for the replacement.
Practical exam
Gyakorlatok, szemináriumok oktatói
- Battyáni István
- Faluhelyi Nándor
- Járay Ákos
- Mátyás Csaba
- Szukits Sándor