A Tantárgybejelentőben megadott hivatalos adatok az alábbi tanévre: 2024-2025
Zemplényi Antal Tamás
associate professor,
Department of Pharmaceutics and University Pharmacy
előadás: 28 óra
gyakorlat: 0 óra
szeminárium: 0 óra
összesen: 28 óra
- Kód: OPE-FAO-T
- 2 kredit
- Pharmacy
- Elective modul
- autumn
OPG-GI1-T finished
Kurzus létszámkorlát
min. 1 fő – max. 25 fő
Health economics applies economic thinking to the analysis of health and health care. This course provides students with an understanding of the health economics principles and tools to analyse and address the challenges of limited resources faced by the health sector.
By attending this course, students will
- earn about the key principles and methods of health economic evaluations and models
- know how to interpret the results of health economic evaluations
- gain insight into the perspective of decision makers
- better understand the crucial policy debates relating to health care.
The module is primarily aimed at medical, pharmacy and economic students who would like to improve their understanding of health economics and research methods and at other students who are interested in the field.
- 1. Introduction to health economics, making decisions in healthcare 1. - Kovács Sándor
- 2. Introduction to health economics, making decisions in healthcare 2. - Kovács Sándor
- 3. Economic evaluation in healthcare (CEA, CUA, CBA), threshold 1. - Zemplényi Antal Tamás
- 4. Economic evaluation in healthcare (CEA, CUA, CBA), threshold 2. - Zemplényi Antal Tamás
- 5. Life tables and extrapolation 1. - Kovács Sándor
- 6. Life tables and extrapolation 2. - Kovács Sándor
- 7. Measuring and valuing health outcomes (QALY) and costs in healthcare 1. - Zemplényi Antal Tamás
- 8. Measuring and valuing health outcomes (QALY) and costs in healthcare 2. - Zemplényi Antal Tamás
- 9. Health technology assessment - case studies 1. - Zemplényi Antal Tamás
- 10. Health technology assessment - case studies 2. - Kovács Sándor
- 11. Introduction to modelling 1. - Zemplényi Antal Tamás
- 12. Introduction to modelling 2. - Zemplényi Antal Tamás
- 13. Decision analytic modelling: decision trees (practical exercise) 1. - Zemplényi Antal Tamás
- 14. Decision analytic modelling: decision trees (practical exercise) 2. - Zemplényi Antal Tamás
- 15. Decision analytic modelling: Markov models (practical exercise) 1. - Zemplényi Antal Tamás
- 16. Decision analytic modelling: Markov models (practical exercise) 2. - Zemplényi Antal Tamás
- 17. Sensitivity analysis 1. - Kovács Sándor
- 18. Sensitivity analysis 2. - Kovács Sándor
- 19. Summary; presenting and interpreting cost-effectiveness analysis 1. - Zemplényi Antal Tamás
- 20. Summary; presenting and interpreting cost-effectiveness analysis 2. - Zemplényi Antal Tamás
- 21. Market access of new pharmaceuticals - case study 1. - Zemplényi Antal Tamás
- 22. Market access of new pharmaceuticals - case study 2. - Zemplényi Antal Tamás
- 23. Consultation 1. - Zemplényi Antal Tamás
- 24. Consultation 2. - Kovács Sándor
- 25. Student presentations I. - Zemplényi Antal Tamás
- 26. Student Presentations II. - Zemplényi Antal Tamás
- 27. Student presentations III. - Zemplényi Antal Tamás
- 28. Student presentations IV. - Zemplényi Antal Tamás
A tananyag elsajátításához szükséges segédanyagok
Kötelező irodalom
Saját oktatási anyag
All presentations can be downloaded from Neptun Meet Street.
Ajánlott irodalom
A félév elfogadásának feltételei
Félévközi ellenőrzések
Retake opportunity is possible following personal discussion.
Távolmaradás pótlásának lehetőségei
Retake opportunity is possible following personal discussion.
Based on the topics of the lectures.