Pharmaceutical Informatics (csak 2009-2010-es mintatantervekbe)


A Tantárgybejelentőben megadott hivatalos adatok az alábbi tanévre: 2022-2023


  • Dr. Lajos BOTZ

    Department of Pharmaceutics and University Pharmacy


előadás: 12 óra

gyakorlat: 12 óra

szeminárium: 0 óra

összesen: 24 óra


  • Kód: OPE-GSI-T
  • 2 kredit
  • Pharmacy
  • Elective modul
  • autumn

OPG-GI3-T completed

Kurzus létszámkorlát

min. 5 fő – max. 50 fő


During the semester the students will become familiar with the basics of personal computer and network systems in general and with the specifications of pharmaceutical informatics, such as the development and stages of pharmacy informatics, principles of pharmacy software. Also the different software types and drug dispensing rules used in pharmacies are introduced in this semester. The basic knowledge of drug interactions and the available techniques and databases for screening interactions in everyday practice is also an emphasized topic. After acquiring the principles of informatics and pharmaceutical informatics the students will be able to synthesize the elements and understand the functions of pharmacy information management systems. Even the possibilities and threats of online drug marketing and the capability of finding relevant and authentic pharmaceutical information on the web is the objective of this course.


  • 1. Personal computer and network system fundamentals 1. - Dr. Vida Róbert György
  • 2. Personal computer and network system fundamentals 2. - Dr. Vida Róbert György
  • 3. Database systems, IT and search engines 1. - Dr. Vida Róbert György
  • 4. Database systems, IT and search engines 2. - Dr. Vida Róbert György
  • 5. Drug interactions, Drug interaction databases 1. - Dr. Somogyi-Végh Anna
  • 6. Drug interactions, Drug interaction databases 2. - Dr. Somogyi-Végh Anna
  • 7. Midterm test - Dr. Fittler András Tamás
  • 8. Drug interactions, Drug interaction databases 3. - Dr. Somogyi-Végh Anna
  • 9. Drug interactions, Drug interaction databases 4. - Dr. Somogyi-Végh Anna
  • 10. Pharmaceutical Information Management Systems 1. - Dr. Fittler András Tamás
  • 11. Pharmaceutical Information Management Systems 2. - Dr. Fittler András Tamás
  • 12. End-of-the term test - Dr. Vida Róbert György


  • 1. Evidence Based Medicine - Critical Appraisal.
  • 2. Evidence Based Medicine: Outcome Measures.
  • 3. Evidence Based Medicine: Calculations.
  • 4. Evidence Based Medicine: Interpretation of results. Practice
  • 5. Central Clinical Pharmacy Oncology laboratory visit 1.
  • 6. Central Clinical Pharmacy Oncology laboratory visit 2.
  • 7. Midterm test
  • 8. UNIV Pharmacy On site visit 1.
  • 9. UNIV Pharmacy On site visit 2.
  • 10. Pharmaceutical Information Management Systems 3.
  • 11. Pharmaceutical Information Management Systems 4.
  • 12. Telemedicine, e-Helath & Telepharmacy.


A tananyag elsajátításához szükséges segédanyagok

Kötelező irodalom

Saját oktatási anyag

List of study aids to acquire curriculum (books, notes, other) and all presentations can be downloaded from MS Teams and/or Neptun Meet Street.


Ajánlott irodalom

Ed. R. Fisher: Information Technology for Pharmacists, Pharmaceutical Press
Brent I. Fox, Margaret R. Thrower, Bill G. Felkey: Building Core Competencies in Pharmacy Informatics, American Pharmacists Association, 2010

A félév elfogadásának feltételei

Acceptance of term/semester:
- Regular attendance of classes
- Assignments given in class should be carried out during term-time and,
- Written mid-term and end-of-the term test. Passing the midterm test is not obligatory; however advisable as you will likely have better results during the exam and a good practical grade for the course. There is a retake opportunity only for the end-of-the term test.

Félévközi ellenőrzések

End-of-the-term test is at the regular time of lectures. The test will be on the whole semester’s curriculum. Additional questions can be included in the end-of-the-term test, if the student has not carried out an assignment during the semester or in case of unsuccessful midterm test.
In case of unsuccessful or missed end-of-the term test, a retake opportunity is granted to make up during the last week of the semester.
Assessment of the student performance is carried out according to a five-grade scale: 100-86,1% -excellent (5); 86-77,1% -good (4); 77-68,1% -satisfactory (3); 68-60,1% -pass (2); and below 60,0% -fail (1) respectively.

Távolmaradás pótlásának lehetőségei

Retake opportunity is possible following personal discussion for the end-of-the term test.


In case of Pharmaceutical Informatics there is mid-semester grade for both the theory and practice part, based on the topics discussed.
PharmInfo practical course grade is based upon the completion of the given assignments, individual/group tasks and the mid-term test.
Theory grade for Pharm. Informatics is based on the end-of-the-term test (or it’s retake) result. Additional dates for retake are offered during the first two weeks of the exam period.


Gyakorlatok, szemináriumok oktatói

  • Dr. Fittler András Tamás
  • Dr. Vida Róbert György