Pharmaceutical Practice and Management 2 - Theory


A Tantárgybejelentőben megadott hivatalos adatok az alábbi tanévre: 2022-2023


  • Dr. Lajos BOTZ

    Department of Pharmaceutics and University Pharmacy


előadás: 28 óra

gyakorlat: 0 óra

szeminárium: 24 óra

összesen: 52 óra


  • Kód: OPG-U3E-T
  • 4 kredit
  • Pharmacy
  • Pharmaceutical Science and Pharmacy modul
  • spring

OPG-GI2-T completed , OPG-D1E-T completed , OPG-U3G-T parallel



Kurzus létszámkorlát

min. 5 fő – max. 50 fő


The lectures of the semester will further outline the pharmaceutical supply system, especially in community and clinical practice, and pharmaceutical care. Interactive discussions will cover essential topics regarding self-medication, patient counselling and over the counter products used in minor diseases. Main aim of these studies is to solidify pharmacy practice and related knowledge in legislation, health economics, marketing and pharmaceutical care, in order to understand pharmacoeconomics, drug allocation, pharmaceutical management, evidence based medicine, clinical pharmacy services.
The course will introduce the basic function of the health care system and pharmaceutical supply chain in respect of general legal, pharmaceutical, economical, marketing relations and specialties. Further, the fundamentals of health economics and pharmaeconomics, the concepts of pharmaceutical care and the basic tasks and services in hospital and clinical pharmacy are covered to support pharmacists; clinical knowledge. Development of legal norms, hierarchy of norms, patients rights, claim for damages and other legislative aspects of pharmacy practice are introduced in this semester. Lectures will cover basic knowledge regarding marketing and specific issues in marketing for pharmacists.
Students can access the slides of the lectures and further reading material on a designated web based interface (e.g. MS Teams and/or Neptun Meet Street).


  • 1. Communication: Strategies to meet specific needs 1 - Dr. Fittler András Tamás
  • 2. Communication: Strategies to meet specific needs 2 - Dr. Fittler András Tamás
  • 3. Introduction to the hospital and clinical pharmacy 1 - Dr. Vida Róbert György
  • 4. Introduction to the hospital and clinical pharmacy 2 - Dr. Vida Róbert György
  • 5. Communication skills in hospital practice - Dr. Fittler András Tamás
  • 6. Electronic communication is healthcare, pharmacists in the social media 1. - Dr. Fittler András Tamás
  • 7. Hospital pharmacy services 1 - Dr. Vincze Patricia Anna
  • 8. Hospital pharmacy services 2 - Dr. Vincze Patricia Anna
  • 9. Helping patients manage therapeutic regimens. Supporting behaviour change - Dr. Fittler András Tamás
  • 10. Electronic communication in healthcare, pharmacists in the social media 2. - Dr. Fittler András Tamás
  • 11. Adherence 1 - Dr. Fittler András Tamás
  • 12. Adherence 2 - Dr. Fittler András Tamás
  • 13. Interactive discussion and comparative evaluation of different Health Care Systems 1. - Dr. Fittler András Tamás
  • 14. Interactive discussion and comparative evaluation of different Health Care Systems 2. - Dr. Fittler András Tamás
  • 15. Interactive discussion and comparative evaluation of different Health Care Systems 3. - Dr. Fittler András Tamás
  • 16. International Health Organizations, National and International Pharmaceutical Organizations - Dr. Vida Róbert György
  • 17. Fundamentals of Health Economics, Health Policy - Erdősi Dalma
  • 18. The function of norms in society. The general characteristics of legal norms. - Dr. Szijártó István
  • 19. The sources of law. - Dr. Szijártó István
  • 20. Functions and institutions of a modern state. The role of public administration. - Dr. Szijártó István
  • 21. Courts and judicial remedies. - Dr. Szijártó István
  • 22. Patient rights 1. - Dr. Vida Róbert György
  • 23. Patient rights 2. - Dr. Vida Róbert György
  • 24. The Costs of Health Care, the Benefits of Health Care. - Kovács Sándor
  • 25. Health Expenditures, Cost Control Techniques. - Dr. Vida Róbert György
  • 26. Prices of Drugs. - Dr. Vida Róbert György
  • 27. End-of-the term test - Dr. Fittler András Tamás
  • 28. End-of-the term test - Dr. Botz Lajos



  • 1. Insect bites, stings, Tics, Scabies, Pediculosis
  • 2. Oral pain and discomfort, herpes labialis, aphthous stomatitis
  • 3. Prevention of pregnancy, pregnancy tests and STD-s
  • 4. Vitamins, nutrition and drug therapy during pregnancy
  • 5. Diaper dermatitis
  • 6. Menstruation, biliary and urinary stones
  • 7. Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
  • 8. Pharmaceutical Care: Metabolic syndrome 1.
  • 9. Pharmaceutical Care: Metabolic syndrome 2.
  • 10. Pharmaceutical Care: Hypertension
  • 11. Pharmaceutical Care: Diabetes mellitus
  • 12. Pharmaceutical Care: Dyslipidemia
  • 13. Midterm-test
  • 14. Main Pharmacoeconomic Evaluations 1. Theoretical
  • 15. Main Pharmacoeconomic Evaluations 2. Practical
  • 16. Decision tree- practical
  • 17. Decision tree- practical
  • 18. Quality of life - practical
  • 19. Placebo 1.
  • 20. Placebo 2.
  • 21. Introduction to and history of marketing.
  • 22. The Market & The customer-perceived value
  • 23. End-of-the term test
  • 24. End-of-the term test

A tananyag elsajátításához szükséges segédanyagok

Kötelező irodalom

Saját oktatási anyag

List of study aids to acquire curriculum (books, notes, other) and all presentations can be downloaded from MS Teams and/or Neptun MeetStreet.


Ajánlott irodalom

C. Bond (ed.): Evidence-based Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Press, London, 2002.
A. J. Winfield, R. M. E. Richards (eds.): Pharmaceutical Practice, Churchill Livinstone
C. H. Knowlton, R. P. Penna (eds.): Pharmaceutical Care, ASHSP
M. Stephens (ed.): Hospital Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Press, London, 2006.
Rosemary R. Berardi, Stefanie P. Ferreri et al.: Handbook of Nonpresciption Drugs, 17th edition, American Pharmacists Association, 2012.
Walker, Roger: Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics, 2011.
Edzard Ernst, Simon Singh: Trick or Treatment, W. W. Norton & Company, 2008. Section IV: Nutrition and Nutritional Supplementation, Section XI: Complementary and Alternative Medicine.
Edzard Ernst, Simon Singh: Trick or Treatment? Alternative Medicine on Trial
John P. Griffin, John Posner, Geoffrey R. Barker: The Textbook of Pharmaceutical Medicine, 7th Edition, 2013.
Paul Rutter: Community Pharmacy - Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment 4th Edition. Elsevier 2017

A félév elfogadásának feltételei

Acceptance of term/semester:
- Regular attendance of classes (maximum 25 % of absence is accepted),
- Assignments given in class should be carried out during term-time, further OTC presentations and Evaluation of counseling skills in practice (these are criterion requirements for the course) must be completed, and
- mid-term and end-of-the term test be written/taken. Passing the tests is not obligatory for semester acceptance; however advisable as you will likely have better results and a good recommended grade for PPM2. There is a retake opportunity only for the end-of-the term test.

Félévközi ellenőrzések

Mid-term tests: During the semester a mid-term test will be written. In case of unsuccessful or missed test, additional questions will be added to the end-of-the-term test. The number of additional questions may vary regarding the number of unsuccessful or missed mid-term tests. There is no re-examination opportunity for the unsuccessful or missed mid-term tests.
End-of-the-term test: On the last week of the semester, a test will be written on the whole semester's curriculum. Further additional questions are included in the end-of-the-term test, if the student has not carried out an assignment during the semester. The number of these questions may vary according to the unsuccessful or missed assignments. In case of unsuccessful or missed end-of-the term test, one re-examination opportunity is granted to make up during the last week of the semester.

Távolmaradás pótlásának lehetőségei

Retake opportunity is possible following personal discussion for the end-of-the term test.


End-of-the-term test is organized in Neptun Unipoll at the regular time of lectures. The test will be on the whole semester’s curriculum. Additional questions can be included in the end-of-the-term test, if the student has not carried out an assignment during the semester or in case of unsuccessful midterm test.
The end-of-the term test grade may be accepted as an examination grade, if passed.
Assessment of the student performance is carried out according to a five-grade scale: 100-86,1% -excellent (5); 86-77,1% -good (4); 77-68,1% -satisfactory (3); 68-60,1% -pass (2); and below 60,0% -fail (1) respectively.
Final recommended grade for PPM2 is based upon the completion of the given assignments, self-care and nonprescription pharmacotherapy module, the mid-term test and the end-of-the term test. The practice part must be completed and accepted (criterion requirements) for all students, however depending on the recommended curriculum students may not receive a separate practical grade.


  • Dr. Botz Lajos
  • Dr. Fittler András Tamás
  • Dr. Vida Róbert György

Gyakorlatok, szemináriumok oktatói

  • Dr. Fittler András Tamás
  • Dr. Somogyi-Végh Anna
  • Dr. Vida Róbert György
  • Dr. Vincze Patricia Anna
  • Dr. Zemplényi Antal Tamás