A Tantárgybejelentőben megadott hivatalos adatok az alábbi tanévre: 2024-2025
Nagy Gabriella (EüKommInt)
assistant lecturer,
Department of Languages for Specific Purposes
előadás: 0 óra
gyakorlat: 0 óra
szeminárium: 24 óra
összesen: 24 óra
- Kód: OPF-H4B-T
- 2 kredit
- Pharmacy
- Optional modul
- spring
OPF-H3B-T finished , OPF-H4A-T parallel
Kurzus létszámkorlát
min. 5 fő – max. 25 fő
Campus kurzusként elérhető . Campus-karok: GYTK
This course provides language and communicative functions in the areas of medications, the application of medications and prescribing medications and is also meant to give opportunities for applying skills and knowledge into practice in preparation for the final exam.
- 1. Types and forms of medications - Review
- 2. Application of medications - Review
- 3. Instructions concerning the use of medications: pain relievers - Pharmacist-patient dialogues
- 4. Instructions concerning the use of medications: pain relievers- Pharmacist-patient dialogues
- 5. Instructions concerning the use of medications: antipyretics- Pharmacist-patient dialogues
- 6. Instructions concerning the use of medications: cough medications- Pharmacist-patient dialogues
- 7. Instructions concerning the use of medications: antidiabetics- Pharmacist-patient dialogues
- 8. Instructions concerning the use of medications: spasmolytics- Pharmacist-patient dialogues
- 9. Instructions concerning the use of medications: sleeping pills- Pharmacist-patient dialogues
- 10. Instructions concerning the use of medications: steroids- Pharmacist-patient dialogues
- 11. Instructions concerning the use of medications: antibiotics- Pharmacist-patient dialogues
- 12. Instructions concerning the use of medications: antiinflammatory medications- Pharmacist-patient dialogues
- 13. Instructions concerning the use of medications: emetics and antiemetics- Pharmacist-patient dialogues
- 14. Instructions concerning the use of medications: eye, ear and nasal drops- Pharmacist-patient dialogues
- 15. Instructions concerning the use of medications: medications applied to the skin- Pharmacist-patient dialogues
- 16. Test 1
- 17. Instructions concerning the use of medications: suppository- Pharmacist-patient dialogues
- 18. First aid instruments
- 19. Preparation for the Final Exam in Medical Hungarian
- 20. Preparation for the Final Exam in Medical Hungarian
- 21. Preparation for the Final Exam in Medical Hungarian
- 22. Preparation for the Final Exam in Medical Hungarian
- 23. Preparation for the Final Exam in Medical Hungarian
- 24. Test 2. Course evaluation
A tananyag elsajátításához szükséges segédanyagok
Kötelező irodalom
Saját oktatási anyag
Ajánlott irodalom
A félév elfogadásának feltételei
Two written tests, one end-course oral assessment.
Félévközi ellenőrzések
Távolmaradás pótlásának lehetőségei
In the case of absences up to 25% of total class time, oral examination will have to be taken.
Gyakorlatok, szemináriumok oktatói
- Berta Anikó
- Dávidovics Anna
- Eklicsné Lepenye Katalin
- Hegedűs Anita
- Hild Gabriella
- Krommer Zoltán
- Kurdiné Molnár Eszter
- Nagy Gabriella (EüKommInt)
- Németh Tímea
- Rébék-Nagy Gábor
- Szalai-Szolcsányi Judit
- Szántóné Csongor Alexandra
- Warta Vilmos