New Research Directions in Neuroscience


A Tantárgybejelentőben megadott hivatalos adatok az alábbi tanévre: 2021-2022



előadás: 12 óra

gyakorlat: 0 óra

szeminárium: 0 óra

összesen: 12 óra


  • Kód: OBF-KII-T
  • 1 kredit
  • Biotechnology MSc
  • Optional modul
  • spring

OBA-110-E completed

Kurzus létszámkorlát

min. 5 fő – max. 40 fő

Campus kurzusként elérhető 40 fő számára. Campus-karok: ÁOK BTK ETK GYTK TTK


In addition to cardiovascular disease, brain disease imposes a significant burden on both the individual and society, and research into these is essential both for a better understanding of the processes and for seeking new pathways to healing. During the course, students will be introduced to the animal models used in the research (rodents, zebra finches), the latest results of research on our visual system, our largest information processing body, various aspects of learning and the interaction of metabolism and brain. The lectures, without being exhaustive, provide a glimpse into university research.


  • 1. Advantages of animal models, especially in relation to autism spectrum disorder and schizophrenia - Dr. László Kristóf
  • 2. Zebrahal, the experimental animal of the future - Dr. Sik Attila Gábor
  • 3. Physiological and morphological research in the visual system - Dr. Buzás Péter
  • 4. Examination of the maturation of the visual system by psychophysical and electrophysiological methods - Dr. Ráczné Dr. Mikó-Baráth Eszter
  • 5. Estrogen-induced rapid non-classical effects - Dr. Ábrahám István Miklós
  • 6. The role of neurotensin and its interactions in the regulation of behavior - Dr. Ollmann Tamás
  • 7. Learning, computation and nervous system: what can we do with the reinforcement learning theory? - Dr. Gálosi Rita
  • 8. Molecular fine-tuning of learning - Dr. Varga Csaba
  • 9. Posttraumatic stress disorder as a metabolic disease - Dr. Zelena Dóra Tímea
  • 10. The importance of the microbiome in the regulation of stress processes - Péliné Dr. Kovács Anita
  • 11. Possibilities of bioimpedance measurement in medical diagnostics - Dr. Tóth Attila
  • 12. Environmental influences affecting the functioning of the nervous system - Dr. Hernádi István



A tananyag elsajátításához szükséges segédanyagok

Kötelező irodalom

Saját oktatási anyag

Hand-outs will be given.


Ajánlott irodalom

A félév elfogadásának feltételei

Maximum of 15 % absence allowed

Félévközi ellenőrzések

During the semester students write a 3-5 page essay.

Távolmaradás pótlásának lehetőségei

Make-up classes are possible if needed, we’ll have to make appointments.


Will be anounced during the semester.


Gyakorlatok, szemináriumok oktatói