students can have 3 exam chances in every subject with exam or final exam in a given semester (exam, retake exam, repeating retake exam)
- students who started their studies in the academic year 2012/2013 or after will be dismissed if the total number of their unsuccessful retake and repeating retake exams reaches five
- bettering exam: students who gained at least satisfactory (2) grade (except if they gained in the prescheduled exam period in August) can attempt to upgrade their result in the given subject once during the exam period (using their B, C or D exam chance)
- A bettering may result in a worse grade than the previous (even a fail)!
- On the last week of exam period you can sign up for bettering exam only with the help of the Registrar’s Office!
- No bettering exam can be taken in the rotational year. Only those students can sign up to the exam in the rotational year who have NOT been granted at least a satisfactory (2) grade to their exam previously.
- Dean’s exam chance (D-chance) is a case of the Dean’s equity which can be used only three times during the studies of the student
- Dean’s exam chance can only be taken by submitting the relating request in Neptun, in one of the announced exam dates, beyond the headcount limit or on other dates it is not possible
- even Dean’s exam can be taken only in the exam period
- making an optimal schedule for the exam period is the student’s responsibility