Exam fees

  • fee for third or further exam in the same subject: 10 USD – the student has to transcribe the fee in Neptun and pay it online  BEFORE registering for the third or further exam
  • ATTENTION! the third or further exam does not mean the number of the exam chances in the given semester, but within the same subject altogether during all the previous course registrations
  • the fee for uncertified absence from an exam is 15 USD which will be imposed by the Central Registrar’s Office in Neptun within 20 days following the last day of the semester; the fall semester of the rotational year of the General Medicine program at the Medical School shall not be taken into account when transcribing the fees. For students pursuing studies or performing professional practice abroad in the framework of a scholarship in a certain semester, the transcribings related to the spring semester shall be prepared until 20 November; the transcribings related to the fall semester shall be done until 20 April.