A Tantárgybejelentőben megadott hivatalos adatok az alábbi tanévre: 2024-2025
Szalai-Szolcsányi Judit
assistant lecturer,
Department of Languages for Specific Purposes
előadás: 0 óra
gyakorlat: 0 óra
szeminárium: 24 óra
összesen: 24 óra
- Kód: OXF-N87-h-T
- 2 kredit
- General Medicine
- Optional modul
- spring
Kurzus létszámkorlát
min. 5 fő – max. 20 fő
Campus kurzusként elérhető . Campus-karok: ÁOK
The role of empathy in treatment has become increasingly important in recent years. Numerous researches have shown that healing also becomes more effective with enhancing empathy. Empathy-enhancing practices have been shown to make therapy more effective, increase patient satisfaction and well-being, and reduce doctors' risk of malpractice and burnout. The scope of the course is to enhance empathic and assertive communication skills during the semester. During the practices, the psychological and linguistic background provides excellent professional assistance to the students to manage even the most difficult and stressful situations with confidence and resolve conflicts and problems in doctor-patient situations with appropriate empathy and assertiveness.
- 1. The theoretical background of empathy
- 2. The role, and importance of empathy in medical communication
- 3. Linguistic tools of empathy
- 4. The verbal and nonverbal empathic communication
- 5. The theory of assertiveness in medical communication
- 6. The role, and importance of assertiveness in medical communication
- 7. The assertive communication
- 8. The assertive treatment of feelings, assertive-passive-aggressive behaviors
- 9. Empathic and assertive communication in practice: persuasion (practice)
- 10. Empathic and assertive communication in practice: persuasion (practice)
- 11. Empathic and assertive communication in practice: resistance (practice)
- 12. Empathic and assertive communication in practice: resistance (practice)
- 13. Empathic and assertive communication in practice: breaking bad news (practice)
- 14. Empathic and assertive communication in practice: breaking bad news (practice)
- 15. Empathic and assertive communication in practice: breaking bad news (practice)
- 16. Empathic and assertive communication in practice: breaking bad news (practice)
- 17. Empathic and assertive communication in practice: handling criticism, blaming (practice)
- 18. Empathic and assertive communication in practice: handling criticism, blaming (practice)
- 19. Empathic and assertive communication in practice: a conflict of opinions (practice)
- 20. Empathic and assertive communication in practice: a conflict of opinions (practice)
- 21. Empathic and assertive communication in practice: doctor-child patient dialogue
- 22. Empathic and assertive communication in practice: doctor-child patient dialogue
- 23. Evaluation
- 24. Evaluation
A tananyag elsajátításához szükséges segédanyagok
Kötelező irodalom
Saját oktatási anyag
Ajánlott irodalom
A félév elfogadásának feltételei
Participation in simulation practice.
Félévközi ellenőrzések
Practical situations and case analysis in writing.
Távolmaradás pótlásának lehetőségei
To be discussed with the course tutor in each individual case.
Active participation at seminars and in practical situations.
Gyakorlatok, szemináriumok oktatói
- Eklicsné Lepenye Katalin
- Szalai-Szolcsányi Judit