Demonstrator workshop

24 February 2022

On 18 February 2022, the Department of Languages for Biomedical Purposes and Communication hosted its third demonstrator workshop entitled "How to become an effective demonstrator student in Languages for Medical Purposes classes?”

The workshop offered senior demonstrators and their mentor teachers an opportunity to share their experience and methodological knowledge with junior demonstrators and medical students thinking about joining the demonstrator programme. A unique feature of this year's meeting was that it was held in person.

A total of 53 medical students participated in the workshop, which was held in the Dean’s conference room. Since the attendees were of various nationalities, the working language was English.

First, on behalf of the Language Department, Dr. Timea Németh welcomed the participants, followed by the welcoming speeches of Dr. Andrea Tamás, the President of the Demonstrator Students’ Circle, and Dr. László Czopf, the Course Director of the Demonstrator work elective course. Two senior demonstrators, Réka Dudley and Nóra Miseta, "broke the ice" with their engaging activity and prepared the ground for further discussion and teamwork. Dr. Gabriella Hild invited the participants to a "World Café" forum where the students could work in teams and were asked to draw up the "Golden rules" and the requirements of the demonstrator activity in the Language Department. This was followed by the presentations of the senior demonstrators (Liza Gerber, Aliz Kovács, Yaslioglu Furkan, Zsombor Márton, Nóra Miseta, Réka Dudley, András Nochta, Nhat Phan Hoang, Marina Nausia, Nick Alkhouri, Tanusha Baijnath, Beck Brandon, Lisa Dahlberg, Lili Lucas and Lili Schwieters) on their views and experience about acting as Teaching Assistants in Languages for Medical Purposes classes. The senior demonstrators presented new teaching tools, and tips and tricks for engaging students in language classes. Many speakers stressed the importance of being sensitive to and catering for students’ needs, and working in teams. These skills will play a major role in the students’ future career as well. Nick Alkhouri, a fifth-year student, gave a brilliant performance as the moderator of the event.

The students’ feedback showed that this year's workshop was again a big hit and offered them a great learning experience:

"It was one of the best workshops I've ever attended."

"It was a good summary about the whole programme and it will help a lot in my future demonstrator work."

"I enjoyed getting to know the people who work as demonstrators and their mentor teachers."

"It was very interesting to hear about all the different experiences and to talk with the different demonstrators."

"I liked the friendly and welcoming environment."

Dr. Timea Németh

assistant professor

Department of Languages for Biomedical Purposes and Communication 



Dávid Verébi


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